“A generation of Monster Race supreme heart, do you think it is useful?”

“is it possible that we human martial artists can still refining the heart of Monster Emperor?”

“It is very possible, otherwise the heads of Two Great Sects will not show up together.”

Between words, the Fire Flood-Dragon King shouted.” Why, you humans also want to grab the heart of the Monster Emperor?”

“The heart of the Monster Emperor can help me wait to step into the supreme. I wait here to look for opportunities. It seems there is nothing wrong, right?” Sword Sect The Lord Yuan Tianba was calm, and said slowly.

“Treasure in the world, where those who can live.” Cyan Cloud Sect Sect Master Zhong Litai also spoke, but in Serene’s words, it was a must for the Monster Emperor.

“Okay, very good, it seems that you are ready to go to war.” Fire Flood-Dragon King fiercely authentic.

“When war starts, there is no fear.” Yuan Tianba’s robe agitated, full of domineering.

“Then fight, today our Monster Race must regain the heart of the Venerable.” Ren Tianheng said, waving his hand, and the group of Monster Race martial artists behind him all flew back.

“You also step back.” The Fire Flood-Dragon King gave an order, and the four-headed Demonic beast including the Fire Flood-Dragon King also retreated far away.

On the other side, a group of Human Race powerhouses are also retreating. After a few breaths, there are only four silhouettes left in the distance.

One is Fire Flood-Dragon King, the other is Ren Tianheng, and the remaining two are Yuan Tianba and Zhong Litai.

The four of them are the strongest existence in the audience. Once a war starts, even if there is prohibition and suppression, destructive power will also terrifying matchless.

“Brother Yang, let’s go quickly.” Mu Feng said hurriedly.

“Okay.” Yang Xuan also understood that this place should not be stayed for long, so he prepared to leave with Mufeng, fearing that he would be affected by the aftermath. What he said in his previous life was also a divine force powerhouse. The destructive power of the battle is clear, knowing that if you stay here, you have to peel off your skin.

However, when the two of them were about to escape, the four great powerhouses did not break out of battle, but instead rushed to the suspended ancient palace.

hong long!! !

Four people shot almost at the same time, four brilliant rays of light erupted, and blasted on the ancient palace. The ancient palace was the tomb of the Monster Emperor. It was naturally restricted. A scarlet-red light curtain rose. From the start, it was able to block the combined blow of the four.

“haha, Fire Flood-Dragon King, many thanks, if it weren’t for your day-to-day attack ban over the past six months, how can I wait to break the ban so quickly today.” Yuan Tianba looked up to the sky. Laugh wildly.

“Asshole, you knew it a long time ago?” The Fire Flood-Dragon King was furious. Their five-headed Demonic beast has been attacking the ban for half a year. They just want to break the ban as soon as possible and get the heart of the Monster Emperor. , Who knows that not only Monster Race knows about this, but also the Human Race of the original Tianba.

“Of course, although you are careful, there is no impermeable wall in the world. I know that I will stay here for half a year.”

“What, you have always been here !?”

“Of course, if I were not here, let you break the prohibition first, wouldn’t I be all in vain.”

“hmph, human beings are indeed treacherous, I am today It’s a real experience.” Ren Tianheng sarcastically said.

“Let’s stop talking nonsense. If we want to fight, we will break the ban before talking. Of course, if the two want to fight, I and Zhong will not be afraid of leaving Taiwan.”

Yuan Tianba said. While shooting, one after another sword energy flew out, divine splendor, showing off one’s ability, cutting off towards the forbidden light curtain outside the ancient palace.

Zhong Litai didn’t say a word, but he was not idle, his hands were divine force gushing, turning into palm covering the whole sky. The strength, continuous strikes.

hong long long!

Two Great Powerhouses shot, the destructive power is amazing, the scarlet-red forbidden light curtain fluctuates violently, bursting out ten thousand zhang rays of light.

Here, many Human Race martial artists are watching from a distance, and it is difficult to calm their hearts. The battle strength of the Divine Force Peak powerhouse makes them dazzled and yearning.

“Four great powerhouses compete for the heart of the Monster Emperor, it seems that this thing is really extraordinary!” Yang Xuan whispered, and he was also coveting the heart of the Monster Emperor in his heart, but now he is just a Vientiane Realm martial artist, The heart is not enough, and even if he now has the cultivation base of the previous life, he cannot steal the Heart of the Monster Emperor from the hands of the four great powerhouses.

He can see that no matter it is Fire Flood-Dragon King, Ren Tianheng, Yuan Tianba and Zhong Litai, none of them are soft persimmons. After the ban is broken, everyone has hope to grab To the heart of Monster Emperor.

“Fire Flood-Dragon King, let’s take action too. When the ban is broken, it’s not too late for us to kill these two cunning humans.”

“Alright, Let them live a little longer.”

After a brief conversation, Ren Tianheng and Fire Flood-Dragon King shot together.

For a while, the gods in the distance are dazzling, the monster qi is vertical and horizontal, four great powerhouses are attacking one after another, various rays of light are flying all over the sky, the horrible energy fluctuations escape, and the peaks collapse instantly. Turned into powder, like the end of the day.

On Yang Xuan’s side, the mountain is swaying and the wind is roaring. Countless people are standing unsteadily, with an astonished expression involuntarily showing on their faces. They are still far apart. If they are closer, I am afraid It was suppressed and killed by the terrifying aftermath, completely wiped out.


Not long after, a crisp sound came out, and the forbidden light curtain could not be resisted, and it exploded under the strikes of a few rays of light.

“The prohibition has been broken!” Many Human Race martial artists took a deep breath. The forbidden light curtain was definitely a prohibition placed before the death of the ancient Chilong Monster Emperor. Defensive power can be imagined, but now , Was actually broken by four great powerhouses, which shows how terrifying the strength of the four is.

pa pa!

Suddenly, the suspended ancient palace was also breached, cracking a huge gap, one after another ancient palace fragments flew out from around the gap, rushing towards all directions.

The fragments of this ancient palace all over the sky are all fire yaojing. The big fist is worth millions of low grade stones. Many people see it as a hot spot, but no one dares to act. blindly without thinking, because the four great powerhouses are still attacking the ancient palace, and the aftermath destroying heaven extinguishing earth, they rushed over, not to mention that they couldn’t get the fire yaojing, and they had to lay dead on the spot.

“Damn it, the heart of the Monster Emperor is mine, you won’t want to take it away.” At this moment, the Fire Flood-Dragon King yelled, swish, and followed Ren Tianheng, Yuan Tian Ba, Zhong Litai rushed into the huge gap and entered the ancient palace.

In an instant, the ancient palace vibrated violently, and apparently the four great powerhouses had already fought in the palace to compete for the heart of the Monster Emperor.

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