“A bunch of idiots!” Yang Xuan twitched his lips, ignoring these people, vibrating blood wings with all his strength, flying by covering the mountains and plains, grabbing the light from one after another Get it.

Half a minute passed, among the peaks, Baoguang disappeared one after another. This was a supernatural event, but the crowd didn’t think there were ghosts.

At this moment, in a clearing, as a few precious lights disappeared, someone seemed to have thought of something, and said angrily: “Damn it, someone must be hiding in the dark and snatching the treasure from under our noses. “

tone barely fell, someone shouted loudly: “Everyone, let’s attack with all our strength and force him out.”


bang bang bang!

Immediately, what sword energy is a sword mang, the fist strength palm force gushes out, rolling in all directions.

Yang Xuan was going to leave. Who knew that a sword energy was just cut at him. He was immediately enraged, and he emerged from the void, punching the sword energy.

“How is it possible!?” A group of dozens of people were dumbfounded.

“This kid is weird. Let’s try our best to kill him. He has been hiding in secret to steal treasures. There must be a lot of treasures in the storage ring.” Someone yelled.


The crowd’s heart moved, each waved their weapons, struggling to attack Yang Xuan, one after another Huaguang whistled, the rocks shattered, and the dust was flying. .

However, a shocking scene appeared. Yang Xuan kept punching, one after another Guanghua was completely shattered. Under his pair of Iron Fist, all Guanghua was like tofu and could not bear. Hold the huge force that burst out of his fist.

“It’s my turn to shoot.” Yang Xuan punched and rushed over, pēng pēng pēng, but only a dozen punches, a dozen Vientiane Realm martial artists all fell to the ground, vomiting blood , Do not raise again.

“Hand over the storage ring, or you will die.” Yang Xuan raised his foot and stepped on a person’s chest. The terrifying force choked the latter, scared. Hand over the storage ring quickly.

“You, also hand over the storage ring.” Yang Xuan looked at the others coldly.

“little bastard, I killed you.” A big man was furious and rushed fiercely.

“You are your own courting death.” Yang Xuan raised his hand and shot the big man to death, immediately shocking the rest of the people, and all obediently handed over the storage ring.

After receiving the storage ring, Yang Xuan went away quickly and continued to snatch the treasure, leaving behind a group of surprised and angry people.

This is too aggrieved. They can’t be robbed or ransacked, especially since the kid obviously only has the cultivation base of Vientiane Realm 6 Heavenly Layer. This is a shame for them, and it’s hard to erase in life. Even if they are successful in the future, they will vomit blood for three liters every time they think of it.

Taking precious light all the way, Yang Xuan was also observing the situation in the distance, and saw that the suspended ancient palace kept cracking, but no precious light flew out.

However, this does not mean the end.

above heaven under earth, the killing is still going on, everyone wants to grab treasure from the other side, and the sound of killing rushes into the sky.

“Should I kill someone to grab treasure?” Yang Xuan’s eyes flickered. If he had been in a previous life, he would definitely kill him, but now he is not the Asura demon who commits any imaginable misdeed, he has his own life. The bottom line.

Suddenly, whiz whiz whiz broke the wind from not far away, and a group of dozens of people jumped out of the rocks and leaned directly towards him.

“What do you want to do?” Yang Xuan asked amusedly. He was still hesitant to murder to seize the treasures, but someone would automatically send it to the door right now.

“The kid to ask a question, when already knows the answer, quickly hand over the storage ring on you.” The leader coldly said, this is a burly, full-faced big guy, cultivation The base has Celestial Realm 3 Heavenly Layer.

“My storage ring is in my hand. If you want, come and pick it up by yourself.” Yang Xuan said indifferently.

“Courage is not small, but people must be self-knowledge. You, a Vientiane Realm 6 Heavenly Layer kid, dare to be arrogant in front of me, act recklessly!”

, The big man broke out into trouble, and killed him at an extremely fast speed, punching towards Yang Xuan’s head.

Yang Xuan is fearless, his right hand lifted and grabbed the opponent’s fist.

“This is impossible!?” The big man yelled wildly and kicked Yang Xuan’s abdomen quickly and hard.

“pa!” But Yang Xuan was faster than him, suddenly he slapped his slap violently, slapped him heavily, and flew him out seven or eight meters away, said with a sneer: “As a Vientiane Realm martial artist, hitting the Celestial Realm expert in the face, this feeling is really enjoyable.”

At this moment, the men of the big man are all dumbfounded, one by one. The consternation.


Over there, the big man smashed heavily into a pile of stones, wailing and screaming, and a few sharp gravels almost pierced his body. If it weren’t for the toughness of his fleshy body, it would probably be dead this time.

“Big brother!” A group of dozens of people came back to his senses and looked at the big man. There was a palm print on his face, which was red and swollen, and several front teeth were covered by that one. Slap in the air.

“Ah, little beast, I want you to die.” The big man snarled and got up, his eyes breathing fire. As an expert of Celestial Realm 3 Heavenly Layer, he has never been humiliated like this before and be humiliated by a Vientiane The guy from Realm 6 Heavenly Layer swats like a fly. When so many people see him, he can’t wait to find a place to get in.

“Why, you are still not convinced, that’s okay, Young Master just stand here and wait for you to kill me.” Yang Xuan’s mouth showed a scornful smile, and he spoke Rubbing the palm of his right hand, ruthless sarcastically said: “Celestial Realm expert is a Celestial Realm expert. The skin is really thick and it makes my hands feel a bit painful. However, your face should hurt too if you want to? “

This is humiliation, Chi Guoguo’s humiliation, the big man’s chest rises and falls, and he only feels that his lungs are about to explode, and he is suffocated.

Although Celestial Realm martial artist can’t be considered how strong, it is also aloof and remote compared to Vientiane Realm martial artist, but now, a Vientiane Realm kid slapped him in the face. Also sneered at him.

For him, this is definitely a shame he will never forget. He roared angrily: “Beast, I will break your corpse into pieces.”

“Come on, When I kill you, the storage ring on you will be mine.” Yang Xuan casually said.

“roar!” With a low and violent roar, the big man was mad and rose up like a humanoid beast, rushing towards Yang Xuan condescendingly.

Yang Xuan was not afraid to say nothing, but smiled when he saw the palm print on his left face: “You are too slow, can you go faster, then stretch out the other half of his face , Let me slap again.”

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