Chapter 266 The Heart of Monster Emperor

“Launching Fist!” The big man yelled like thunder, his murderous intention was exposed in his eyes, he fisted, fiercely smashed against Yang Xuan’s Head, this fist is a secret skill, punched out, the heavy Origin Force gushes out, turning into heavy waves, exuding a powerful force, enough to kill any martial artist below Celestial Realm.

“Bone-Break Fist!” Yang Xuan didn’t mean to underestimate the other party. His right fist blasted forward with True Yuan, instantly breaking through the heavy waves, piercing the man’s chest, and the fist from behind him. He came out through his back, a puff of blood spattered out, and a group of dozens of martial artists not far away were suddenly splashed all over.

“Monster, he is a monster!”

“The big brother is dead, let’s run away.”

A dozen people are desperate and turn around and fly Ben, they only have the cultivation base of Vientiane Realm. Seeing that the big man was beaten to death by Yang Xuan, how dare to stay.

“All to die.” Yang Xuan pursued, his body was like a flash of lightning, pēng pēng pēng made a few explosions, and several people all died tragically, suppressed and killed by his fists.

“It’s time to collect the spoils.” Yang Xuan clapped his hands and prepared to collect the corpse and earn money.

“haha, Little Brat did a great job, but well, your cultivation base is too low after all. It is dangerous to carry so many treasures, so I will keep these trophies for you.” At this moment, a silhouette whizzed up and ransacked the storage rings on more than a dozen corpses. The speed was so fast that Yang Xuan couldn’t react.

Until that silhouette stopped a few meters away, he also found that this was a greasy face and a sloppy fatty. Although this person looked bloated and unsightly, his cultivation base was not low, he actually reached it. Peak of Fate.

“You…” Yang Xuan was startled at first, then depressed, he wanted to vomit blood, and held back his anger. Fire Dao: “Senior, you are a life-death expert at any rate, don’t go to the sky to grab those people Bao, what are you going to grab with me, a Vientiane Realm kid?”

“My boy’s words are not good, look at that day, are there few dead powerhouses? With my cultivation base , It’s safer to stay down and pick up the leak.” Fatty, about thirty years old, with a smile on his face, said: “Little Brat, your strength is not low, do you want to join me to grab the treasure? “

“No, I’ll go with you to grab the treasure, I’m afraid I won’t be able to get anything.” Yang Xuan said angrily.

“ga ga, what you said is wrong, isn’t this cloak on you a treasure, otherwise it won’t make you invisible.”

“What, You have been following me all the time?”

“Hehe, don’t be angry, I just happened to see that’s all. Don’t worry, I’ve always been decent and never kill people and grab treasures.”

After finishing speaking, fatty turned and walked, walking like flying, and went to the side to say: “Boy, let’s if fated will meet again.”

“I don’t know Senior’s surname?” Yang Xuan asked.

“My name is Tuobayun, and I am called the god of thieves. You brat remember.” Claiming to be Tuobayun fatty waved his hand and disappeared into the distance.

“The thief god Tuobayun, this is an interesting person.” Yang Xuan muttered. He could see it. Although this Tuobayun has a high cultivation base, his character is quite cynical.


Suddenly, there was a deafening sound from a distance, and the suspended ancient palace was shaking, cracking open countless holes, and finally bursting.

“That’s it!?” Everyone, whether it was Human Race or Monster Race, or the four-headed Demonic beast such as the Fire Ape King, stopped fighting and stared at the distance.

There, Fire Flood-Dragon King, Ren Tianheng, Yuan Tianba, Zhonglitai four great powerhouses stand in the void, grabbing a corner of the ice coffin in their hands.

The ice coffin is about five feet long, with many strange and mysterious lines carved on it, emitting mysterious and powerful energy fluctuations.

The most striking thing is that there is a fist sized heart in the coffin, the heart is red and shiny, dazzling, rays of light ten thousand zhang, although it is sealed in the ice coffin, it is still The vast and unpredictable breath rushed out, sweeping Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, and shocked all creatures.

dong, dong, dong! ! ! !

The heart is trembling like thunder and drums, full of rhythm and vitality.

The heart of Monster Emperor!

A supreme heart!

At this moment, everyone understood that the ruby-like heart must be the heart of the Monster Emperor. Everyone’s eyes were shocked for a while, and no one didn’t expect the Monster Emperor to die, but The heart is still well preserved.

“Nen Tianheng, Yuan Tianba, Zhong Litai, you quickly let go of this king.” Fire Flood-Dragon King shouted angrily.

“This is the supreme heart of my Monster Race, Chilong the Great, with his bloodline inheritance in it. My Monster Race is bound to win.” Ren Tian hesitated.

“This Monster Emperor’s heart contains the Profound Truth of the supreme realm, and neither of me will stop.” Yuan Tianba tilted his head and looked at Zhong Litai, opening the mouth and said.

“You are courting death!” The Fire Flood-Dragon King thunderbolt is furious. The heart of this Monster Emperor is his private property. It is he who has stepped into the Monster Emperor and called the Supreme Treasure of the world. He Others are not allowed to get involved, whoever dares to get involved is absolutely irreconcilable’s revenge.


Fire Flood-Dragon King imposing manner increased sharply, but Ren Tianheng, Yuan Tianba, Zhonglitai Three Great Powerhouses did not show weakness, and they released the imposing manner in an instant. During this time, this world was trembling, almost about to collapse, everyone felt a strong fear, and prepared to leave quickly.

The heart of the Monster Emperor is here, four great powerhouses are fighting, and the terrifying battle is destined to break out. Who can grab the heart of the Monster Emperor, let alone those people who will suffer first, the worst result It was destroyed by the fierce battle of four great powerhouses.

“No, I have to leave quickly.” Yang Xuan’s eyelids jumped wildly. Knowing that he would definitely die if he stayed here, he was ready to run away.

This trip to the tomb of the Monster Emperor, he has gained a lot. Not only did he cultivation base advanced by leaps and bounds and practice Great Accomplishment, he also got a Wu Soul Crystal core.

In addition, he also got the Purgatory Sword, which is a half-step Spirit Transformation device. It can be said to be the biggest gain of this trip, much more precious than the Heart of the Monster Emperor.

It is no exaggeration to say that if four great powerhouses knew that he had built a Spirit Transformation device in half a step, he would definitely abandon the heart of the Monster Emperor and kill him for the treasure.

“chi chi chi ”

Just as Yang Xuan was about to drive away, there were bursts of wind breaking behind him, one after another silhouette flew here, a full nine Tao.

Nine people, eight men and one woman, all of whom are relatively old. The leader is a white robed old man with white hair and youthful face, and the cultivation base of Divine Force Peak’s cultivation base. Hunting.

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