Others, the cultivation base ranges from divine force 5 Heavenly Layer to divine force Nine Layers Heaven. Anyone can dominate one party, but now they respectfully follow Behind the white robed old man, it is evident that the white robed old man has an extraordinary origin.

“roar roar”

Suddenly, in the distant sky after the nine people, there were several violent beast roars, blood energy tumbling, nine heads and several feet long, and a giant covered in scales. The beast came through the air, with a silhouette standing on his back.

Nine people, all dressed in blood-colored robes, all covered in baleful qi soaring into the sky, although they are far apart, everyone still feels the horrible baleful qi assaults the senses, as if there are thousands of myriad horses galloping forward. All trembling, breathtaking.

Yang Xuan is shocked, so many experts, each is a divine force powerhouse, stronger than Ren Tianheng, Fire Flood-Dragon King, and the forces represented by the original Tianba and Zhong Litai A lot.

“The birth of the heart of the Monster Emperor attracted the powerhouse of Heavenly One Sect and Blood Fiend Sect.” Someone saw what martial artist was crying out in surprise.

hearing this, everyone present was surprised. This is really a major event. Even the Heavenly One Sect and Blood Fiend Sect, one of the mainland’s super Sects, are here. Needless to say, both powerhouses are here. It is for the heart of Monster Emperor.

“Heavenly One Sect is so majestic!” At this moment, a voice came from a giant beast, and the voice resounded throughout the world.

“Your Blood Fiend Sect’s pomp is not small!” With a soft snort, the white robed old man said, although his voice was not loud, it spread to all directions.

At the same time when these two voices came out, the two men and horses whistled past and next moment from above Yang Xuan’s head. The two sides stopped in the distant void, each occupying a piece of sky, and facing each other far away. , But faintly surrounded Fire Flood-Dragon King, Ren Tianheng, Yuan Tianba, Zhonglitai four great powerhouses in the center.

“The heart of this Monster Emperor belongs to our Blood Fiend Sect, the four of you don’t want to destroy both body and soul, just get out,” at this moment, the leader of Blood Fiend Sect blurted out, with very domineering words. Four great powerhouses such as Fire Flood-Dragon King, etc. are not in the eyes.

This is a two-meter-high, burly man named Peng Dabao. Although his name is not very loud, it is Blood Fiend Sect Inner Sect great character, and the cultivation base has a division force Peak.

“What did you say?” Fire Flood-Dragon King burst his lungs with anger, Ren Tianheng, Yuan Tianba, Zhong Litai did not say a word, but everyone’s face was not good.

Anyway, they are powerhouses of Divine Force Peak, and their cultivation base is no lower than Peng Dabao.

But now, Peng Dabao opens his mouth to let them go, and the anger in their hearts can be imagined.

“Why, you want to fight with me?” Peng Dabao is incomparable, and a pair of pupils with murderous intention look at Fire Flood-Dragon King and the others.

“My Heavenly One Sect needs this Monster Emperor’s heart, the four may as well let this thing out, so it can be regarded as a good relationship with my Heavenly One Sect.” The white robed old man also said Now, his name is Bai Wujing. He is one of the Sect Elders in Heavenly One Sect. This behavior is the heart of Monster Emperor.

“Heavenly One Sect, Blood Fiend Sect, are you bullying me as Divine Demon Temple?” Ren Tianheng angrily said.

“Are you Divine Demon Temple very difficult to deal with? If it weren’t for a Venerable on it, my Blood Fiend Sect would have destroyed you early. How can you let these Monster Races stir up trouble in Zhong Prefecture? ?” Peng Dabao said with disdain.

Hearing this, Yang Xuan’s eyes suddenly drenched, and the powerhouses of Heavenly One Sect and Blood Fiend Sect came down one after another. It seems that the birth of the Heart of the Monster Emperor is really amazing enough, waiting for all influence to compete for Monster. The Emperor’s Heart is bound to have a big showdown. At that time, this Monster Emperor tomb will probably cease to exist.

“Hey, is it interesting for you to fight back and forth? Give me this Monster Emperor’s heart.” Suddenly, a rippling smile sounded.

next moment, a silhouette appeared out of thin air, standing above many powerhouses.

Chapter 267 Paragon Appear World

This is a beautiful woman, about thirty years old, in a long scarlet dress, with a high cloud bun and beautiful jade cheeks, Qiong has a thin nose, red lips with teeth, smooth and delicate skin, white and red.

Everything is so perfect, the whole person is like a masterpiece of God’s painstaking effort, the charm is self-contained, and the beauty is extremely gorgeous.

“gu lu…” There was a sound of swallowing, which was so beautiful. Many men felt that the heartbeat was accelerating and the throat was smoking. They wished to hold her in their arms and act wantonly.

“Who is your excellency?” Peng Dabao looked up at the beautiful woman standing proudly in the sky, his expression was a bit dignified. With his eyes, although he could not see through the cultivation base of the beautiful woman, Also understand that the other party is not simple, and the strength is definitely terrifying.

“With you, I am not qualified to know who I am.” The beautiful woman’s red lips lightly opened. Although she spoke calmly, she was full of aloof and remote, overlooking the majesty of all beings.

The audience was shocked, and the needle fell.

Many people understand that this beautiful woman who looks like a beauty is not simple. To be precise, it is extremely terrifying. Otherwise, how dare you talk to Peng Dabao of Blood Fiend Sect like this.

“It’s her!” Yang Xuan’s eyes widened, absolutely didn’t expect, a Monster Emperor’s heart unexpectedly led the other party out.

Needless to say, the beautiful woman is a supreme woman, and she has some connections with Yang Xuan. This woman is the blood-sucking queen Blue Butterfly. It was her first embrace that made Yang Xuan the Blood Race. Innate Divine Ability blood wings.

“What did you say!?” Peng Dabao was angry and angry, his eyes full of evil.

“I said, you are not qualified to know my identity.” Lan Caidie sneered.

“You…” Peng Dabao was almost mad.

“I, what I, trivial ant, roll away from this seat.” The blue butterfly waved her hand, and a finger lightly popped out, a finger flashed, and suddenly there was Peng Dabao’s misery With the cry, his right shoulder snapped and shattered, and the whole person was knocked out several ten thousand zhangs, smashing several mountain peaks along the way.

In a flash room, it is as strong as Peng Dabao, and it can’t stop the blue butterfly’s blow. She flew with her fingers, fragile like paper, impossible to withstand a single blow!

All the people present who saw this scene all mouth opened wide, and a blow to the Peak powerhouse in the divine force state. What a horror, what a magnificence, and how incredible it is.

Originally, everyone still regarded the blue butterfly as the powerhouse of the divine force peak, but now it seems that the divine force powerhouse here and there is clearly a Highest Paragon!


Yuan Tianba murmured dryly, Fire Flood-Dragon King, Ren Tianheng, and Zhong Litai although he did not speak, but everyone was shocked.

“The heart of this Monster Emperor belongs to me, do you guys have no opinion?” Lan Caidie asked indifferently.

“The Venerable’s move to snatch the Monster Emperor’s heart is a bit inappropriate, I must know the Supreme Covenant…” Bai Wujie frowns saying from Heavenly One Sect, but he was blue before he finished speaking. Caidie’s icy voice interrupted: “What kind of supreme covenant, that thing can only restrain certain hypocrites. To me, the supreme covenant is bullshit.”

“Blue Caidie, you are too much. “An angry hum, as if in the sky, and as close by, like a muffled thunder blowing in the ears of everyone. After everyone was shocked, they turned their heads and looked at the distant void, and a wrinkled old man’s face appeared.

“I have seen Venerable Wind.” Looking at the face of the old man, Bai Wujing and the nine divine force powerhouses from Heavenly One Sect bowed and saluteed together. They were not respectful, just like courtiers. Meet the emperor.

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