As the white clothed youth said, the blessings of the King of War can be used to save lives in critical moments.

“What are you squeezing? I’m in a hurry to reincarnate!”

“Haha, this kid definitely wants to test and see if he can stay on the top list.”

“Bah, just him, Vientiane Realm Nine Layers Heaven’s cultivation base that’s all. If he can be on the list, even if he is the last one, I will call him grandfather.”

In a burst of verbal abuse, Yang Xuan finally squeezed the crowd away and came to a place slightly forward, only 100 meters away from the top list. He wanted to be a bit forward, helplessly in front of the vast crowd, unless he used brute force. Otherwise, you can only stop here.

The same is true for other people. It is difficult to move their feet. This is also because the Supreme Ranking exudes a strange power that prevents the martial artists in this square from being able to spatial flight and can only stay on the ground.

“Hey, can you step back.” Suddenly, a pretty purple clothed woman turned her head and stared at Yang Xuan with dissatisfaction.

“Sorry, there are too many people.” Yang Xuan chuckled and shrank his ass slightly. It was too crowded. His body was already leaning on the girl’s back. The guy also happened to be on his hips, and he could even clearly feel the soft touch.

“hmph, please behave and take advantage of me. Don’t blame me. You are not welcome.” After all, the purple clothed woman turned her head away and left Yang Xuan a back of her head.

Yang Xuan touched his nose, and was speechless for a while, the girl in front of him was regarded as a who, a thief?

speak frankly, he really didn’t mean to take advantage of this woman, because besides a slightly better figure, this woman barely called it pretty that’s all, better than Qin Lan, Su Ziyao, Yan Ruyue , Ying’er, Fang Qingxue and other women have too many jobs, and he simply can’t take any interest.

“Is he the Meng Shaoyu of Heavenly One Sect, he is so handsome!” The purple clothed woman whispered, and Yang Xuan couldn’t help but curse the nympho in her heart.

He didn’t think too much, he glanced at the front of Meng Shaoyu, Yuechan Fairy and the others, and then looked up at the stone tablet, only to see that there were a total of 100 tablets from bottom to top. first name.

“It seems that this supreme list only takes the top 100.” Yang Xuan looked closely and found that the higher the name, the brighter the rays of light. When it reaches the top of the monument, three big characters are issued. golden light is like a small sun, which can pierce the eyes of people who hurt.

Yang Xuan squinted his eyes and clearly saw the three words-Jun Wuyou.

“Raising the top of the top list, what is the origin of this Jun Wuyou!?” Yang Xuan whispered.

“I don’t know, even the Worry-Free Venerable of Heavenly One Sect doesn’t know.” The purple clothed woman turned her head and glanced at Yang Xuan faintly.

“It turned out to be the Lord of Heavenly One Sect!” Yang Xuan raised his brows, and didn’t care about the purplish clothed woman’s mocking tone. He looked down carefully, and his heart was shocked, as if he didn’t. t expect, even Sword God Gu Tongxuan has tested it here.

Yes, the person who ranked second on the top list is Sword God Gu Tongxuan.

“Sword God is actually under pressure, this Jun Wuyou is out of the ordinary!” Yang Xuan was surprised. In his opinion, Sword God Gu Tongxuan became famous at a young age. The talent is superb, and the rivals of the same generation are rare. He should be ranked first in the supreme list. But at the moment, Jun Wuyou of Heavenly One Sect is obviously better than Gu Tongxuan of Sword God.

“You are wrong, Sword God is only a few years old, just in his early years, and Jun Wuyou is a character more then 2000 years ago.”

On the side, someone retorted. “The two belong to different ages and have no comparability at all. In fact, in my opinion, Sword God’s talent is much better than Jun Wuyou, because Sword God has only cultivated seven-eight hundred years and entered the supreme, becoming our Divine -Martial Continent is the youngest supreme in 100,000 years, and his talent is comparable to that of the King of War.”

“Brother said that.” Yang Xuan nodded.

Indeed, Sword God and Jun Wuyou are characters of different ages, without any comparability.

Furthermore, the Supreme Ranking can only test the talents of Human Race martial artists under 30 years old. Perhaps Jun Wuyou had a slightly higher talent than Sword God when he was young, but the achievements of martial artists are not entirely dependent on it. Talent, because sometimes a fortuuitous encounter can make a person with mediocre talent soar into the sky.

Flickering thoughts, Yang Xuan looked at them one by one, and finally saw the names of Feng Jueyu and Xue Wutian on the ninth and tenth respectively.

The two are now the venerables of Heavenly One Sect and Blood Fiend Sect. Yang Xuan was once seen in the tomb of the Monster Emperor. Although it was only the divine sense transformation of the two, he They remembered their names.

There are too many names on the list. Some people Yang Xuan don’t know at all, but the people who can stay on the list, especially those at the top, are undoubtedly remarkable and live a long time. I’m afraid it’s not a divine force powerhouse or Highest Paragon now. It’s an extraordinary achievement.

Soon, Yang Xuan saw the names of Ditian and Yuwen Feng in the 19th and 23rd names, and realized that although Ditian’s cultivation base is not as good as Yuwen Feng, its battle strength should be slightly better than Yuwen Feng Wins a little.

“Look, Meng Shaoyu is going to test!”

“Uh, is Meng Shaoyu the first test?”

“It should be, after all Everyone can only do one test in his life.”

Amid the noise, Meng Shaoyu’s black hair was flying and the stars were shining, stride proudly ahead and put his hand on the stone tablet.

hong long!

The stone tablet vibrated, golden light burst out, and strands of golden light gushed out, wrapping Meng Shaoyu.

For a while, his golden light surrounds his body, shining brightly, and he is wearing a dragon robe, Monarch Overlooking The Whole World’s Sovereign Dao imposing manner.

“It’s too powerful, it can draw so much light!” Someone cry out in surprise.

Divine Light is the original power of the King of War. This power is magical. It can detect a person’s past memories and detect a person’s talent. Once Meng Shaoyu’s talent is sufficient, he will not only be on the list. If you leave your name, you can also get some of the original strength of the warlord. This is the blessing of the warlord.

With this blessing in his body, Meng Shaoyu is equal to a killing move.

Leave a name on the Chapter 285 list

“The rays of light are dazzling, and it seems that Meng Shaoyu is ranked quite high!” Some people are envious and embarrassed. .

“It goes without saying that they are peerless Heaven’s Chosen who can rival Sword God Palace Ditian. Since Ditian is on the list, his ranking should be comparable to Ditian.” Someone opened the mouth and said.

“Senior Brother Meng is so handsome, I wonder if you are married yet?” In front of Yang Xuan, a purple clothed woman held her chest with her hands, her voice containing love.

“Beauty, wake up, stop thinking about it. Although Meng Shaoyu is unmarried, he is dignified Heavenly One Sect Inner Sect True Disciple, and his eyesight is high. There is no Grand Purity Palace Fairy, Sword God Palace Feixuan Fairy’s peerless appearance and alluring looks are simply impossible to see.” A brocade clothed youth with a folding fan and a pretty good length shook his head.

“hmph, am I rare to be ugly?” The purple clothed woman’s airway, it is not her narcissism, because of her figure and appearance, she never lacks suitors.

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