“Cough cough, don’t be angry girl, you are not only not ugly, but also pretty, but…”

“But what, you tell me clearly.”

“How to say, you lack a little bit of special temperament, but if you are willing to follow me, I will definitely be nice to you in the future.” brocade clothed youth said with a smile, self-feeling good.

“Stay away from me, just your looks, this cultivation base, and the idea of ​​hitting this Miss. It’s not that I hit you, you are far worse than the color and wolf behind me.” purple The clothed woman looked authentic with disgust.

“You mean him?” The young man turned his head and glanced at Yang Xuan, said with a bitter smile: “Beauty, is there a problem with your vision? Although my cultivation base is worse than him, The long one is also a majestic appearance, out of the ordinary, much stronger than him.”

The two voices are not small, and they don’t care about Yang Xuan’s feelings at all. If you change your temper to a bit hotter, I am afraid that this man and woman have already been slapped and flew out.

Yang Xuan expression is indifferent and indifferent, but he also decided to go up and test it later.

At that time, stay on the list, rays of light ten thousand zhang, bright and blind the titanium alloy dog ​​eyes of the men and women.

“Come out, come out!”

“What is the name of the ghost, what came out?”

“The ranking, Meng Shaoyu’s ranking is out!”

“Oh, how many names are there?”

“Don’t read it, the twentieth place is under the emperor’s heaven!”

“Ai , Ditian, very difficult to deal with Ah, it’s hard to deal with Heaven’s Chosen.”

“It’s really amazing, the nineteenth former character, now if it’s not a divine force powerhouse , Is Supreme’s Venerable, Ditian can securely rank 19th, with high talent, it can be called the Number One Person of our Zhong Prefecture generation!”

The crowd discuss spiritedly, because Meng Shaoyu’s ranking came out , Ranked twentieth in the Supreme Ranking, was crushed by Ditian.

Ahead, Meng Shaoyu has returned to normal, and there is no more divine light on his body, but he did not realize it. He always looked up at the Ranked 10th Ninth Emperor Tian, ​​and he was extremely unhappy.

Di Tian, ​​a peerless genius, came here for the test six months ago, and firmly ranked nineteenth. For six months, no one can pull him off the horse.

Today, Meng Shaoyu came to test, high-spirited and vigorous. He wanted to overshadow Ditian’s limelight. Who knows that he was defeated in the end and was still overwhelmed by Ditian.

“Hehe, Brother Meng don’t have to be disappointed, you are ranked above me anyway!” Yuwen Feng slightly smiled, seemingly not caring about rankings in words.

“Innate talent does not determine a person’s achievement. I am proud of Meng Shaoyu, and will surpass him sooner or later.” Meng Shaoyu secretly gritted his teeth and turned back to a clearing.

There are only Yuechan Fairy, Wang Teng, Hou Xibai, Bei Ming State, and Yuwen Feng.

Several people have a distinguished family history. Since childhood, out of the ordinary, they are all Heaven’s Chosen figures with countless auras on their heads. Naturally, no one dares to squeeze them.

“Since it’s here, I will try it too.” Wang Teng gritted his teeth and walked forward with the dragon walk tiger steps, putting his hand on the stone tablet.

Suddenly, the stone tablet glowed, and a little golden light gushed out, lingering around him.

As the Grand Purity Palace Inner Sect True Disciple, Wang Teng is naturally gifted. It is not surprising that there are so many divine lights around his body, but everyone can see that the divine light surrounding him is obvious It’s a bit less than Meng Shaoyu’s test, and it can be seen from here that Wang Teng’s ranking will definitely be lower than Meng Shaoyu.

Absolute silence in the audience, everyone was attentively looking towards Wang Teng at the moment. Although Wang Teng’s ranking is certainly not as good as Meng Shaoyu, everyone wants to know the ranking of Heaven’s Chosen Child from Grand Purity Palace.

In about half a minute, Shenguang all penetrated into Wang Teng within the body.

At the same time, the rays of light were flourishing somewhere above the stone tablet, and two golden characters appeared out of thin air.

Wang Teng!

In addition, a name disappears at the bottom of the stone tablet.

This is normal. The Supreme Ranking only takes the top 100. Once someone is on the list, the person at the end of the ranking will disappear, and the “Blessing of the King of War” will also be lost.

Of course, the people at the bottom of the rankings know that they will not stay on the list for long, and will often use the blessings of the King of War as soon as possible.

“Twenty-nine!” Many people began to see Wang Teng’s ranking.

“haha, brother Wang Teng should come to the test later, maybe the ranking can be higher.” Hou Xibai laughed, he Ranked 2nd 16th, seeing that Wang Teng did not surpass him, he couldn’t help but relax.

At least, he is not the one with the weakest talent among many Heaven’s Chosen.

“Twenty-nine?” Wang Teng was disappointed, and turned around and walked to Fairy Yuechan: “Junior Sister, you go up and try it.”

“en! “

Yue Chan Fairy nodded, her voice is soft as water. Her trip is to test her talent, so she walked lightly to the stone tablet and put a clean white jade hand on the stone. on the tablet.

hong long!

The stone tablet vibrates, blooming thousands of golden lights.

This is a divine light, much more than Meng Shaoyu, strands of light drifting out, flying around the moon cicada Fairy, making her like a layer of golden gauze, magnificent.

“It’s so beautiful!” Many young men have fiery eyes, and they can’t wait to hold her in their arms.

“Innate Dao, as expected, the name is not in vain. It looks like I am afraid it will surpass Ditian!” Yang Xuan touched his nose. He understood that Fairy would be ranked very high. As for How high is it can only be known after the test.

While waiting, the audience is quiet. Yang Xuan can’t help but frown after watching it, and secretly said: “The Supreme Ranking can only test the Human Race martial artist, and I was embraced by the Vampire Queen Blue Butterfly. Blue Butterfly also said that I am a Blood Race, I wonder if I can test it?”

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