After a while, fighting broke out in the attic, and the rumbling sound continued. After ten seconds, a total of more than a dozen people entered, but in the end only two people came out, one from Misty Fantasy Mansion Vientiane Realm martial artist from Walkabout Sect, one is Vientiane Realm martial artist from Walkabout Sect, and the people from Wind and Thunder Valley are nowhere to be seen.

“Where are the people from Wind and Thunder Valley?” Guo Wanlin said angrily.

“This is still a question. Naturally, the skills are inferior to human beings and die there.” Shi Wenbin said with disdain.

“Have you found any treasure?” Tao Tianming ignored Guo Wanlin who was in anger, staring at the person running out of the attic.

“Elder, treasure was robbed by that kid. He is very powerful and killed everyone. If I didn’t escape fast, I’m afraid he was also attacked.”

hearing this, Tao Tianming vomited blood, he turned his head and glared at Shi Wenbin, “Lao Shi, if you give me an explanation today, don’t blame me for being rude to you.”

“Explain, what do you want to explain, do you still have to let me give you the baby?”

Shi Wenbin is angry and funny, but he looks at the gray black short blade in his hand. , I could not help being frowned: “This should be a spiritual knife refined by the ancient secret technique, but it is a long time ago, and spirituality has been greatly lost. Alas, it is a pity. If spirituality is not lost, this knife is definitely a weapon of murder and priceless.”

Speaking, he still doesn’t give up, biting the tip of his tongue, and a drop of blood essence falls on the short blade. I want to give it a try. Who knows that blood essence just fell on the short blade, short blade on. Then the ka-cha cracked.

“haha, a piece of broken copper, that’s all, look at your happy energy.” Guo Wanlin sneered, feeling a little more comfortable in his heart.

“Okay, let’s continue to explore, there should be a lot of babies here.” Tao Tianming looked at Guo Wanlin and then at Shi Wenbin, and said: “Two, in order to reduce unnecessary casualties , How about we set a rule?”

“What rule?”

“It’s very simple, whoever finds the treasure next, we three sects martial artist can’t grab it, who dare Violation, kill without mercy.”

“Yes.” Shi Wenbin agrees with Guo Wanlin, but this is what Tao Tianming, Shi Wenbin and Guo Wanlin understand, if there is something next There will definitely be battles for valuable treasures, and whoever gets the treasure will depend on ability.

“Well, this Earth Palace is very big, we should all have a good harvest.”

“Let’s go, let’s not delay.”

While speaking, the three sects martial artist continued to move forward. Although Shi Wenbin got a short blade that had no spirituality, he did not extinguish everyone’s enthusiasm. They focused more and more on investigating the possible treasures.

In addition, in order to expand the search scope, Shi Wenbin, Guo Wanlin, and Tao Tianming divided the martial artists of their respective Sects into several teams, each with dozens of people, each with a Celestial Realm martial artist Leading, deepening in different directions, while Shi Wenbin, Guo Wanlin, and Tao Tianming each marched straight with several Celestial Realm martial artists.

“Since you are separated, then Young Master will break them one by one.” A cold smile appeared on the corner of Yang Xuan’s lips, and a group of dozens of people followed quietly and left.

This team is a martial artist from Walkabout Sect. There are seven-eighty people in total. The lowest cultivation base also has 5 Heavenly Layer, and the highest cultivation base is a white clothed old man with Celestial Realm 7 Heavenly. The cultivation base of Layer.

Yang Xuan didn’t pay attention to these people at all, but he didn’t rush to do it either, but just followed behind quickly or slowly.

Naturally, a group of Walkabout Sect martial artists didn’t know that behind them was a murderous god who saw human life like a grass. They were searching the collapsed buildings on both sides of the road, and they could find something from time to time.

Most of these things are Spiritual Artifacts trained in the ancient secret technique, and occasionally there are cultivation techniques, secrets and cheats, but endless years have passed, plus all things are poorly preserved , The lost spirituality, the decayed decay, there is not much value at all, some things turn into powder in the hand, which makes people heartache.

In addition, there are some medicine pills, but also because of the age too long, the medicine has been lost seriously, and it is estimated that it will not have any effect after taking it.

5 minutes of time In the past, a group of Walkabout Sect martial artists went deep into a dozen or more li and searched many buildings, but they only got a few incomplete cheats.

Yang Xuan is like a ghost, walking lightly behind without making any sound. No one in front of him noticed his existence.

At this time, a red-clothed man said to the white clothed old man whose cultivation base reached Celestial Realm 7 Heavenly Layer: “Elder, let’s go and meet the Great Elder, I don’t know what’s going on. My eyelids keep twitching, I always feel that something is staring at us.”

The red-clothed man is not someone else, it is Liu Wenchang.

Yang Xuan couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows when he heard what he said, thinking that this kid still has the ability to predict danger.

Shaking his head, Yang Xuan didn’t think much, waved the Purgatory Sword to pounce on it, and started the hunt.

puff puff puff!

A sword energy flashed past, and the seven or eight people who walked at the end didn’t even hum, they were stopped by him.

“Damn, someone has a sneak attack.” Someone nearby screamed and retreated quickly.

“Kill!” Yang Xuan lightly shouted, Purgatory Sword swept across, spurring the Martial Spirit of flames, and a huge Flame Sword Qi whizzed out, sweeping over a dozen people, puff puff puff sounded , More than a dozen people died tragically in an instant, blood was bleeding all over the ground.

“Beast, you dare to kill me Walkabout Sect disciple, the old man is going to stab your muscles and peel your skin.” The white clothed old man’s eyes are splitting, and he can’t wait to eat Yang Xuan.

“Old Guy’s tone is not small, I’m afraid that you don’t have that ability.” Yang Xuan shrugged, his face was contemptuous, not that he boasted, he can now easily kill even if he doesn’t use his true essence Any martial artist below the normal one.

“It’s you, how is it possible!?” Beside the white clothed old man, Liu Wenchang shouted like a ghost. He absolutely didn’t expect that Yang Xuan actually came to Earth Palace, and his strength was still so Horror, one person one sword instantly killed more than twenty martial artists of their Walkabout Sect. Those people have the cultivation base of the realm and Vientiane Realm. It is so impossible to withstand a single blow in front of Yang Xuan.

“Liu Wenchang, you know him!?” The white clothed old man turned his head and glared at Liu Wenchang.

“Acknowledge, know, him, his name is Yang Yan, yes, it is the mine slave I caught from Bikong Island.” Liu Wenchang stammered with cold sweat on his head.

“You said he was a mine slave!?” The white clothed old man face full of black lines, angry and angry, wishing to slap Liu Wenchang to death. Where is the mine slave, it is clearly a Vientiane The expert of Realm Nine Layers Heaven, his strength is far superior to the cultivation base.

“Elder, let’s kill him and avenge the death of senior and junior brothers.” A group of Walkabout Sect martial artists breathed fire, and in just a moment, Yang Xuan killed more than 20 of them A companion, this is unforgivable.

“Don’t move, you are not his opponents, I will kill him myself.” The white clothed old man hurriedly stopped, he was an expert of Celestial Realm 7 Heavenly Layer at any rate, and naturally you could see Yang Xuan’s Out of the ordinary, I know that this group of Direct Disciples may not be Yang Xuan’s opponents, even if they can kill Yang Xuan in the end, they will pay a heavy price.

“you think you can kill me, just let the horse come over and try.” Yang Xuan said as he walked towards the white clothed old man, he walked not fast, but each step stepped out, All killing intents will improve a bit.

“A lunatic, old man, here is send you off.” The white clothed old man murderous aura rushing to the sky, came out in the air, shot out with a palm, this is a powerful secret technique, his palm is Origin Force gushes and turns into an extremely condensed palm strength, hitting Yang Xuan at an extremely fast speed, to suppress and kill Yang Xuan.

Yang Xuan is fearless. He successfully broke through to the Body Tempering Realm Ninth Layer last night. Fleshy body has become stronger. Although he can see that the white clothed old man has taken a ruthless hand, he Without retreating, a fist that was harder than steel squeezed, and directly greeted the palm strength that came from the attack. The force was heavy, like a mad Long Potian.

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