
As soon as Palm Jin collided with his fist, it trembled violently, and cracks appeared on it. Then it was overwhelmed and broke into pieces and was blown by the fist.

Chapter 301 is stunned

“This impossible!?” A group of Walkabout Sect martial artists were dumbfounded, and their hearts were extremely shocked.

They couldn’t imagine that a Vientiane Realm Nine Layers Heaven kid who didn’t use the true essence, only with fleshly body strength, actually punched the palm of their Walkabout Sect Celestial Realm Elder. .

“Who are you!?” The white clothed old man has an incredible face. He has seen no one hundred or eighty geniuses since his cultivation, but he has never seen Yang Xuan. This kind of enchanting genius, obviously the cultivation base is not high, but the battle strength is terrifying.

“My name is Yang Yan, don’t even think about leaving today.” Yang Xuan said indifferently.

“You, a Vientiane Realm junior, are so arrogant, you can’t stay with the old man today.” The white clothed old man has evil eyes and moved the True Fire, although Yang Xuan is far superior to the cultivation base. But he is an expert of Celestial Realm 7 Heavenly Layer, and he thinks that his best effort is enough to kill Yang Xuan.

“One move defeats you.”

As soon as the voice came out, Yang Xuan urged his blood wings and turned into a blood light and rushed over.

Too fast!

It’s almost teleporting!

A group of Walkabout Sect martial artists have seen this scene, all have one’s hair stand on end.

These speeds have already exceeded the limits of the human body.

“Ten directions collapsed cloud palm.”

Looking at Yang Xuan’s lightning strike, the white clothed old man was very decisive, without any hesitation, and directly performed the unique skills of Walkabout Sect. Shi Fang Beng Yun Palm must use this technique to suppress and kill Yang Xuan, but no matter how strong the Shi Fang Beng Yun Palm formidable power is, he must have time to use it. Yang Xuan shot very fast, rushing to punch before the opponent makes a move. Fiercely hit his chest.

This is a thunderbolt blow, with a punch of 17,000 jin, enough to destroy a small mountain peak.


The white clothed old man shook his body and clearly heard his breastbone inch by inch broke apart. The blood was spraying wildly in his mouth, flying away like a scarecrow.

At this moment, his eyes were full of horror. He was just a teenager from Vientiane Realm Nine Layers Heaven, whose cultivation base was obviously far inferior to him, but his fleshly body strength was so perverted that he was hit hard in an instant. The internal organs are all cracked, and the pain is overwhelming.

“What Celestial Realm expert, I bah, it’s really impossible to withstand a single blow.” Yang Xuan sneered, almost as soon as his fist was out, he chased him up without giving the other party any time to breathe. The fist of has been squeezed out, momentum is big, power is deep madly smashed down, due to too much power, the space is trembling, the air seems to be all squeezed out, forming a vacuum.

The white clothed old man was shocked, and struggling to raise his arms to resist, but Yang Xuan was strong as an ox, how could he be able to stop it?

With two puffs, the left arm above his head shattered first and turned into blood mist on the spot.

“Beast, I won’t let you be a ghost.” The white clothed old man screamed.

“I’m not afraid of people, would I still be afraid that you will become a ghost?” Yang Xuan smiled contemptuously, his fists were unabated, and heavy strikes were on the opponent’s chest.

ka ka ka! ! ! !

The chest cavity of the white clothed old man was completely shattered, the joints of his whole body were cracked, and the huge force like the top of the mountain made him unbearable. It thumped to the ground, splashing smoke and dust all over the floor. Fate had gone half way, breathless and dying.


Yang Xuan whirled down, raised his right leg and stepped on it vigorously. The pu’ sound was muffled, and the white clothed old man turned into flesh and blood residue on the spot, die without a whole corpse.

“Elder is dead, he was trampled to death by his foot.” A group of Walkabout Sect martial artists had cold hands and feet, and Yang Xuan’s strength was second. This killing method was too cruel, and it made people feel guilty.

“Brother Yang, forgiveness, forgiveness…” Liu Wenchang body trembled, unable to stand steady anymore, and fell to his knees, begging for mercy with tears and tears.

“Do you know that when you bullied the old man, Hutou and their grandparents, I wanted to kill you.”

“No, don’t kill me, I, I promise that in the future, I will change and do good things again.”

“It’s too late.” Yang Xuan moved his feet, like a Floating Light Sweeping Shadow, and instantly came to Liu Wenchang’s body with a big hand. Tan, grabbed his throat and pinched him to death.

“Monster, he is a monster!”

“Run away and inform Great Elder, only Great Elder can kill him.”

A group of Walkabout Sect martial The artist screamed, scattered like a stray dog, and ran away desperately.

Yang Xuan expression was cold, chased up, swung Purgatory Sword to kill, and after a series of puff puff puff sounds, dozens of Walkabout Sect martial artists all fell in a pool of blood.

“What happened!?”

“Let’s go and take a look.”

The battle here also caused Shi Wenbin, Guo Wanlin, Tao Tianming and The attention of the others, one by one rushed past at a fast speed.

Not long after, corpses all over the ground came into view, like a purgatory on earth.

Looking at the familiar faces, Shi Wenbin’s eyes turned red all of a sudden, and he yelled, “Who did this!?”

, His eyes locked Guo Wanlin and Tao Tianming, murderous intention surged in his eyes.

“Lao Shi, what do you mean, this incident is by no means my Misty Fantasy Mansion did.” Tao Tianming said anxiously.

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