“Don’t stare at me either. We, Fengleigu , don’t have the ability to kill you Walkabout Sect so many martial artists in just a few breaths.” Guo Wanlin also said. Distinguish the relationship.

“No need to quibble, this matter is definitely your Misty Fantasy Mansion and Fengleigu can’t get rid of the relationship.” Shi Wenbin rushed to the top.

“Let me say it again, this is really not my Misty Fantasy Mansion.” Tao Tianming burst into flames, glanced at the audience, and said: “This must be a very powerful expert. Look, almost everyone is one strike certain kill.”

“Is there any other expert who got in here!?” Guo Wanlin was amazed, thinking that someone had actually sneaked into the Earth Palace ruins. , And the cultivation base of the people is not low, otherwise, how could the seventy-eighty Walkabout Sect martial artist be so easily wiped out.

“It’s not wrong, but I don’t know who is you, how high is the cultivation base.”

“It’s not always a powerhouse, right?”


“It is absolutely impossible. If the other party really kills me in the powerhouse, just and honorable, why waste time doing sneak attacks, not to mention when will we have the powerhouse in the East Sea Territory? Now.”

“In this way, the cultivation base of the secretive person should be equal to or slightly lower than ours.”

During the conversation with Guo Wanlin, Tao Tianming sent out a fireworks message to prepare Called back the scattered martial artist of the Misty Fantasy Mansion, but while the gorgeous fireworks were blooming high in the sky, there were bursts of hysterical screams from afar.

“Who is it!?” Tao Tianming both shocked and angry, soaring into the sky, rushing to the place where the incident occurred.

Guo Wanlin, Shi Wenbin, and the others froze, and flew past at full speed.

They were very fast, but it was too late when they arrived at the place where the incident occurred. A group of dozens of martial artists in the Misty Fantasy Mansion were wiped out, and almost no corpse was intact. Even the Celestial Realm Elder who led the team was also beheaded by very ruthless, his glaring eyes were so frightened, as if he had seen something terrifying before his death.

“Who, get out of the old man.” This time it was Tao Tianming’s turn to go crazy and roar again and again.

“Tao, you calm down.” Guo Wanlin said.

“Calm down, this is dozens of lives. Some people are still the elite disciple of my Misty Fantasy Mansion, the object of training with all my strength. How do you calm me down?” Tao Tianming trembled, his mouth trembled. I was so angry.

“If you don’t calm down, your Misty Fantasy Mansion will only die more people.” While speaking, Shi Wenbin sent out a fireworks message.

“Lao Shi is right, our top priority is to summon all the people from our respective Sects.” Guo Wanlin said, and also sent out a fireworks call, ready to summon the martial artist from Fengleigu.

Hiding the people in secret appear and disappear unpredictably, and kill martial artists below the first level, such as pig slaughter, must be a very powerful return to powerhouse, Guo Wanlin is extremely vigilant.

“Ah, Elder, help!”

“Don’t kill me.”

Suddenly, there was another heart-piercing scream from afar.

“Evil thief, the old man will not swear you will not be a man.” Tao Tianming state seems crazy and rushed over, but it was still half a step too late. There was a corpse everywhere , Blood flowing into a river, and the murderer, has long been disappeared.

sou! sou! sou!! ! !

Shi Wenbin, Guo Wanlin, and several Celestial Realm martial artists flew across the sky. Everyone’s eyes were shinning, and they died again. A group of dozens of Fengleigu martial artists were wiped out.

Looking at the horrible to see corpse, Guo Wanlin’s white hair stood upside-down, his beard curled up with anger, and shouted: “Who, there is a kind of get out of me, dignified and old Man fights against a group of junior martial artists. What kind of ability is it.”

Unfortunately, no matter how angry he is, the person in secret has never been revealed.

“Who the hell is this, is this going to send us three sects martial artist to catch everything in one net?” Shi Wenbin’s eyes are splitting, and a pair of eyes are about to burst into flames. He also There is no doubt about the Misty Fantasy Mansion and the Valley of Wind and Thunder. I understand that an expert who is good at hiding has sneaked into the ruins of this Earth Palace and is hunting them three sects martial artists everywhere.

“Elder, here we are.”

“Ah, Senior Brother Zhou, and Elder Qian, who did this!?”

For a while The sound of breaking wind was mixed with roars, and three sects martial artists came in droves to join Shi Wenbin, Guo Wanlin, Tao Tianming and the others.

“A mysterious expert entered this Earth Palace ruins, you all follow me, absolutely can not leave the team.” Shi Wenbin expression is serious, with a group of walkabout sect martial artists who are still in shock, slowly towards Earth Walk deep into the ruins of the Palace.

“You guys also pull yourself together, or if you die, don’t blame the old man for not reminding you.” Guo Wanlin and Tao Tianming did not delay either, bringing their respective martial artists moved towards Earth Palace, the ruins are deep Marching.

Because of the mysterious powerhouse hidden in the dark, the three sects also vaguely formed an alliance. They released their perceptions as they walked to guard against the sneak attack by the powerhouse in the dark, but they waited for a long time and no one shot it.

For a long time, Shi Wenbin seemed to have thought of something, and shouted: “Not good, this is a shock, that person must have gone to pick divine medicine.”

Guo Wanlin and Tao Tianming are hearing This complexion greatly changed. They entered the Earth Palace ruins this time. They didn’t find any treasure, but they lost a lot. If even the divine medicine was taken away by someone secretly, then they would have given away a bride, to lose one’s The army on top of it, you can go to find a wall and hit it to death.

Chapter 302 Making wedding dresses for others

“Everyone speeds up.” Shouting loudly, no matter it is Shi Wenbin, Guo Wanlin and Tao Tianming, there is no more time to search the ruins carefully. The treasure inside is gone, and the martial artist of their respective Sect flies toward the depths.

After killing three teams one after another, more than two hundred people in total, Yang Xuan gave up and drove his blood wings all the way to the depths of the Earth Palace ruins, ready to get the divine medicine first.

Unfortunately, divine medicine is not so easy to pick.

At this moment, he has come to the depths of the ruins, but in front of him, an invisible barrier appeared, blocking his way. He could only stare at the hundred zhang behind the barrier. Plants on a small island in the middle of a lake.

The plant is very strange. It is about three feet tall. The plant is curved and blood-red. It seems to have fine dragon scales on it. At first glance, it looks like a small blood-colored dragon standing on its back with a few hanging on it. The gleaming and shining leaves, surrounded by a red fruit, faintly scented, making Yang Xuan’s blood boil, and there was an unspeakable sense of refreshment.

“Boy, you are lucky, but you actually ran into the True Dragon fruit.” The purgatory boy tut.

“What is the use of True Dragon fruit?” Yang Xuan asked.

“This fruit contains a large amount of True Dragon blood essence, which can easily exchange blood after eating it. It has a great effect on improving fleshly body strength and strength. But True Dragon fruit is extremely rare, because True Dragon When I know I’m going to die, I often burn my own blood essence, and without the nourishment of True Dragon blood essence, Scarlet Blood Spirit Fruit cannot undergo transformation.”

“Scarlet Blood Spirit Fruit?”

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