A bloody head shot up to the sky.

This scene has left countless people cold and unforgettable.

“It’s your turn.” Yang Xuan turned his gaze to lock Tao Tianming.

Tao Tianming didn’t say anything, he went away at a very fast speed, and he escaped from the hundred zhang in a flash. This is the misty step of their misty fantasy palace, a powerful body technique with speed supreme. Secret technique.

“Can you escape?” Yang Xuan expression was cold, his body disappeared out of thin air.

next moment, he caught up with Tao Tianming.

“Boy, please be forgiving and forgiving.” Tao Tianming yelled, but the attack was extremely ruthless. The right hand, as the Palm Blade, slashed towards Yang Xuan’s throat.

“It is worthy of being cultivated for countless years of old bastard. It is really sinister and cunning.” Yang Xuan laughed mockingly, and his right hand leaned forward, grasping the Palm Blade firmly, and then pulled it hard, listening only to the pu ‘sound, one of Tao Tianming’s arms fell off his body, and blood spurted out from the broken arm like spring water.

Tao Tianming’s expression was miserable, and the pain made him almost fainted.

Boom! boom!

Yang Xuan didn’t stop. Lightning kicked out his feet. Tao Tianming’s knees shattered, and he knelt down with a thump, and knelt in front of Yang Xuan

“Ah, beast, You can’t die.” Tao Tianming roared, hoarse, dignified the 4 Heavenly Layer powerhouse, kneeling in front of a Vientiane Realm kid, what a shame, he almost went crazy with shame.

“This World pays attention to power. Weak are prey to the strong. If your strength is not equal to me, you have to be humiliated and beheaded by me.” Yang Xuan said, fiercely. With a strong slap, Tao Tianming’s head was slapped to pieces, blood and brain plasma splashed everywhere.

From Shi Wenbin’s head unscrewed to Tao Tianming’s tragic death, it happened within a few breaths.

Waiting for other people came back to his senses, they found that the two powerhouses had been killed in battle.

No, it cannot be said that they were killed in battle, because the two had almost no resistance, they were brutally tortured and killed by Yang Xuan.

At this moment, everyone is shiver coldly, and there are endless fears in their eyes. Some people kneel to the ground in despair, crying for mercy: “Don’t, don’t kill me, there are old people in my house. I’m young, I don’t want to die…”

“Kill!” Yang Xuan expression was like iron, with the slightest remaining unmoved. He used his body-breaking fist and punched it down. Dozens of people died tragically and their bodies were all. It burst into flesh and blood residue.

“The devil, he is the devil.” The rest of the people were insane and ran away, wishing to escape with two legs.

Yang Xuan battle strength is amazing. Even the powerhouse of the Returning Realm can be killed in seconds. Even if the Death Realm is coming, it may not be his opponent. How can they be the enemy?

“Blazing, slash!” Yang Xuan did not chase, Purgatory Sword slashed forward, and a sword energy that was stronger than the sun was slashed out, and a group of dozens of people were instantly sworded The energy flooded, and the dead body was on the spot.

At the same time, the original power of the King of War disappeared, but what about it? For today’s Yang Xuan, even without the original power of the King of War, the martial artist below the first realm will be killed. It’s easy.

Chapter 305 Dragon Race Supreme

“Everyone, he is exhausted. Let’s do it together and kill him.” Hong Tiancheng saw the golden light on Yang Xuan disappear, loudly said.

“Kill!” A dozen Celestial Realm powerhouses also saw that the Yang Xuan imposing manner was greatly reduced, and immediately rushed forward with Hong Tiancheng to take the opportunity to besieged him.

“War puppet!” Yang Xuan and the war puppet were one, the whole person did not flinch, and he greeted him with a stride forward. When the first person shot him, he didn’t dodge or dodge. With a wave of Purgatory Sword, pu’ sound cut off the head of the person in front of him, very harsh and ruthless.

“Die!” The second person rushed faster than the lightning, carrying all the palm force and blasting towards Yang Xuan’s eyebrows quickly and fiercely.

Yang Xuan expression was cold, and shook his hand, Purgatory Sword slashed out, the sword light flashed, and the person who had the palm was killed.

“Damn, he is a monster, we are not his opponents.” Someone screamed, turned around and fled, Hong Tiancheng saw Yang Xuan cut two Celestial Realm experts in an instant, and was completely terrified, fast After retreating, he never had the courage to fight Yang Xuan again.

“Die all to me!” Yang Xuan pursued with a sword.

Swipe, swipe, swipe…

one after another sharp sword light suddenly appeared, except for Hong Tiancheng, the other Celestial Realm martial artists were all killed by him.

“Elder Hong, do you want me to do it myself? Or do you want to do it yourself?” Yang Xuan said while swinging his sword, one after another Flame Sword Qi cut out vertically and horizontally, many people were horribly shrouded in sword energy It’s called Lianlian, one after another, the blood spurted out, it was so gorgeous.

Ten seconds later, the one-sided massacre ended. Except for Yang Xuan and Hong Tiancheng, the scene was full of corpses, blood flowing into a river.

“Yang, Yang Yan, look, for the sake of the old man’s reputation for being on the boat, he can, can he survive me.” Hong Tiancheng trembled.

“Don’t talk about this, you sing yourself.” Yang Xuan said coldly.

“haha, I didn’t think Hong Tiancheng would be forced to this point. It’s not equal to me to die in your hands.” Hong Tiancheng smiled miserably, and shook his forehead with a palm. Fell down.

“It’s still a bit spine.” Yang Xuan put away Purgatory Sword casually. Even after killing so many people, his expression is still indifferent.

“Okay, killing firmness, a little like my former master!” The purgatory boy laughed and praised.

“Where is the source of good fortune?” Yang Xuan asked. He got the True Dragon fruit, but he never saw the source of good fortune.

“The source of good fortune should be located at the bottom of the lake, but you have to be careful, the bottom of the lake may be dangerous.” Although the purgatory boy wanted to get the source of good fortune, he couldn’t help but reminded him.

“Crisis and opportunity coexist. Since they are all here, I have to go down and explore.” Yang Xuan gritted his teeth without any hesitation, and jumped into the lake.

The water in the lake is very cold, extremely biting, and bottomless.

Yang Xuan was fully aware of it, and cautiously dived down, but he never encountered any danger, and could not help but start to doubt the words of the purgatory boy.

Not long after, he went deep into the ten thousand zhang and saw bright rays of light bloom below.

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