“What is it?” Yang Xuan narrowed his eyes and became more cautious. He slowed down and swam towards the rays of light, all the way to the bottom of the lake, and found not far away There is actually a palace in this place.

The palace is built on a coral reef. Although it is only a few hundred square meters, it is colorful and colorful.

In addition, the entire palace is surrounded by a white light curtain, so even at the bottom of the lake, the palace is extremely dry, and no lake water can penetrate into it.

“Boy, are you aware of the danger?”

“Weird thing, the sense of crisis that I had previously disappeared.”

hearing this, Yang Xuan is bold Slightly bigger, he slowly swam outside the palace, tried the white light curtain outside with his hands, and found that the light curtain was just a waterproof barrier, not at all any defensive power, he stretched out his hand slightly, then with no difficulty Passed through.

“Go in and take a look.” Yang Xuan walked through the light curtain alone, and suddenly felt a strong Essence Energy of Heaven and Earth. No, it shouldn’t be said that Essence Energy of Heaven and Earth, but of good fortune. Angrily, faintly he has a feeling of wanting to breakthrough Vientiane Realm 10th Layer.

“It must be the source of good fortune!” Yang Xuan eyes shined, stepping into the palace, and finally came to an empty hall.

“What is that?” Yang Xuan was stared wide-eyed as soon as he entered the hall. He unexpectedly saw a woman in this hall, but this woman was sealed in a jade stone.

This jade stone is diamond-shaped, two meters high, and it is white and shimmering.

In jade stone, the woman’s beautiful eyes are closed and she doesn’t move, like a sleeping beauty, very peaceful.

Yang Xuan looked at the woman carefully and found that she looked like she was in her twenties, wearing a long purple skirt, with a very good figure and undulating curves.

In addition, she has a golden-yellow wavy long hair, which can be seen as a reference, and this woman is also very beautiful. Her appearance is comparable to Qin Lan and Yan Ruyue, making her heart swaying.

Yang Xuan took a deep breath and asked: “Boy, that piece of jade stone should be the source of good fortune, right?”

“Yes, that is indeed the source of good fortune , And very pure, a hundred times purer than the big stone on the top list.” The purgatory boy’s tone barely fell, Yang Xuan saw the woman suddenly opened her eyes, and a pair of eyes flashed with dazzling golden light, which was intriguing.

Yang Xuan only feels that his scalp is numb, and the woman who is sealed in the source of good fortune is not dead now, and has opened eyes to stare at him. This makes him extremely disturbed and has the urge to turn around and run away.

“Boy, hurry up, she is a Dragon Race Supreme!” The purgatory boy seemed to have seen something, and shouted in Yang Xuan’s mind.

“Dragon Race Supreme!” Yang Xuan complexion greatly changed, who dare to stay for a long time and prepare to escape.

“Boy, I will ask you to answer, if there is a half-word, the deity will destroy you Divine Soul.”

Suddenly, coldly shouted, the voice is very beautiful, but it exudes a forest Cold murderous intention.

Yang Xuan had no doubt that the other party would really kill him, and he did not dare to run away. He squeezed a forcibly smile on his face, and said calmly: “If you have anything to ask, please ask , The kid knows that everything is endless.”

“Why do you have his power in you?” The woman said as she walked out of the source of good fortune.

“He?” Yang Xuan startled: “What did the Lord say?”

“You warlord of Human Race, don’t tell me you don’t know him, well, honestly Explain, why do you have his power in your body?”

“This was given to me by the King of War.”

“What did you say, why did he give you the original power?”

“Don’t hide from the Lord, this is the blessing of the King of War.”

“The blessing of the King of War?”

“Yes, there is still another King of War The Remnant Soul stays in the Supreme Ranking, and the Supreme Ranking is……”

People are under the eaves, what can Yang Xuan say, can only be simple without omission and in detail. That said.

“City of Chaos, Supreme Ranking, he is still alive.” The woman muttered to herself, but her face was already covered with tears.

For a long time, she finally came back to his senses, with a wave of her hand, she put away the source of good fortune, and people disappeared, probably rushing to the chaotic city.

“This woman is my Master?” Yang Xuan’s eyes flickered. He is a human for two generations, how could he not see that a woman seems to have love for the King of War.

“Damn it, I took away the source of good fortune.” The purgatory boy yelled.

“Stop calling, at least we are still alive.” Yang Xuan lightly shouted.

“Boy, you have to figure it out. I only need to hide in Purgatory Sword. She is impossible to kill me, but you are different. She wants to kill you, and you will be wiped out instantly. “The purgatory boy said unhappy.

“Okay, nonsense, hurry up and recognize me as the master.”

“I haven’t got the source of good fortune, why should I recognize you as the master?” said the purgatory boy , Suddenly sighed, “Well, I will consider you as the master.”

“What do I need to do?” Yang Xuan asked.

“Put a drop of blood essence on my head.” The purgatory boy flew out of Yang Xuan’s eyebrows.

Yang Xuan did what he said, bit his index finger, forced out a drop of blood essence, and pressed it on the head of the purgatory boy, and then felt that he had established a strange connection with the purgatory boy, faintly Nine gates can be seen.

Nine gates are all very old, one is bigger than one, but the nine gates are closed, and the scene inside is not clear.

Yang Xuan understands that this is the nine sealed spaces of Purgatory Sword. Each sealed space is an Independent Space, which contains many tyrannical existences. It can only be solved when the purgatory boy recasts his spiritual body. Sealing these nine realms, when the time comes, he can have many powerful thugs.

“Boy, although this boy recognizes you as his master, he is not your slave. You have to keep this in mind.” The purgatory boy said irritably.

“Don’t worry, I never regarded you as a slave.”

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