” Asshole stuff, my father dignified Jinyang Hou, the fame of the first generation, how can you slander you, I think you are tired of living.” Song Yun hair stands up in anger, yes Nie Beidao: “The Junior Brother wedding is just around the corner. It is not suitable to do it. Please also ask Senior Brother to take down this arrogant boy for me.”

“No problem.” Nie Bei has long seen Yang Xuan upset, never far away. A banquet jumped out and strode towards Yang Xuan.

“Do you think you can capture me?” Yang Xuan’s mouth curled slightly, revealing a sneer, and looking at Nie Bei indifferently.

Many people were shocked, absolutely didn’t expect, Yang Xuan was not very young, but his style of behavior was so arrogant, he did not put Nie Bei, the Inner Sect Heaven’s Chosen from the Hunyuan faction, into his eyes. .

“Nie Bei, kill him, otherwise everyone would dare to ignore the majesty of my Hunyuan faction.” A small yellow clothes old man blows his beard and stares at the same table with Song Boming. , Named Fu Gongyang, is a Sect Elder from Hunyuan Sect, the cultivation base of 7 Heavenly Layer.

“Yes, Elder.” Nie Bei replied loudly, his eyes suddenly bloomed with cold light, and the killing intent on his body climbed steadily, making people nearby feel a little suffocated, knowing that he has already moved to kill. To behead Yang Xuan.

Chapter 315 Torture of Geniuses

“Two people, look, shall we?” Pan An turned his head and looked towards Ye Nantian and Mu Qinghong at the same table.

“Strangers coming together by chance only, even friends can’t talk about it, let’s not mix up.” Mu Qinghong, frowned, didn’t want to wade into the muddy water.

“Let’s take a look first, I always think this Yang Fan is not simple, he is really dangerous later, we can stand up and help him, and make a good relationship with him, maybe in the future It’s good for me to wait.”

Ye Nantian pondered then said, how high his cultivation base can’t be considered, but his eyesight is still there, I can see that Yang Xuan is not as ordinary as his name , There must be a lot of background, if you can make friends with him, it will definitely benefit greatly in the future.

This is an intuition, and very strong.

“Okay, listen to you.” Pan An and Mu Qinghong are nodded. Although they and Ye Nantian are not the same sect senior and junior brothers, they have had a fateful relationship with each other and have a very good relationship. , Ye Nantian has always looked forward to the horse’s head, although they would offend Song Yun and even Jinyang Houfu if they would stand up to help, but they did not fear.

If there is no one beside Nie Bei, only Yang Xuan has his eyes. His eyes are slightly narrowed and he shoots out sharp cold light. He walks and says: “Boy, I Nie Bei never kills the unknown, come and announce your name.”

The reason for saying this is obviously the power behind some dreaded Yang Xuan.

In Nie Bei’s view, if Yang Xuan is really a loose Cultivator, he would never dare to be so unscrupulous.

Yang Xuan was a man of two generations. He was a standard human spirit. How could he not know the concerns in Nie Bei’s heart, but he didn’t mean to reveal his identity, and his face casually said: “No need to ask, I am A Loose Cultivator, there is no power behind you, you can come and kill me boldly.”

Hearing this, many people were dumbfounded, and an old man who was in the same state shook his head and said: “this child 20 years old There is Celestial Realm’s cultivation base at about the age. It has an absolutely extraordinary origin. As long as you work hard in cultivation, you will be able to do something in the future. Unfortunately, it’s too young and frivolous. Today is destined to pay for his arrogance.”

“People are not frivolous and juvenile, but madness also has to look at people. In front of Nie Bei and other Hunyuan faction Inner Sect geniuses, it is inviting humiliation to oneself.” Old man’s companion coldly said.

“Since you don’t say it, then never need to say it.” Nie Bei was coldly snorted, striding away, steadily walking, and looking cold, without paying attention to Yang Xuan at all.

“Are you done talking nonsense? Come and fight as soon as you finish talking.” Yang Xuan stood tall, even if Nie Bei strode closer, he still remained unmoved, impatient and authentic.

Nie Bei’s eyes opened in anger, and his voice was as cold as ice: “One move will destroy you.”

After saying that, step on your feet and play. Standing up, moved towards Yang Xuan flew away.

Compared with just now, his speed is not known how much faster, as fast as thunder.

“eat my palm!”

Shouting loudly, he took a palm shot, and Origin Force turned into a palm, attacking Yang Xuan’s chest forcefully.

This is the powerful Vajra palm of the Hunyuan faction. It is known for its sturdiness and dominance. One palm is supplemented by Origin Force, which is enough to crush the mountains and be terrifying.

With a roar, the muffled sound of hong long long is extremely violent, like a mountain cry out and sea howl, and like a thunder in the cloudless clear sky, it blows up people’s eardrums. Cracked.

Many people have an illusion when they look at Nie Bei. They just feel that he is like a Titan possessed by the demon at the moment, holding a large mountain to smash the river.

“Fight me close and you will only lose faster.” Yang Xuan looked contemptuous, not dodge or avoid, a palm blasted out, Origin Force spewed, greeted him, and shook Nie hard. Vigorously Vajra palm of the north.

Suddenly, the two palms slammed fiercely together, and a loud noise erupted.

In this loud noise, Nie Bei, as if was struck by lightning, felt a terrifying force surge, his face suddenly became paler, and he hummed and quit seven or eight steps. .

“Nie Bei was repulsed!”

“Damn, I am dazzled.”

Seeing that Nie Bei was shaken by Yang Xuan Quit, many people couldn’t help making a series of exclamations.

“What kind of shit Hunyuan faction Inner Sect genius, you only have this ability?” Yang Xuan disdainful smile, chasing by the stride meteor, he didn’t use any secret skills, both palms were slashed. Every blow is supplemented by Origin Force, the destructive power is amazing and lightning fast.

bang bang bang!! !

Nie Bei confronted passively, attacked with both palms, and used Vajra to resist.

However, no matter how strong the formidable power of the Vajra palm is, it is difficult to compete with Yang Xuan.

However, in just a few breaths, Nie Bei couldn’t stop him. He went back seven or eight meters, and a few wisps of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth. Yang Xuan’s palm force was a mess. In the first fight, he felt like he was colliding with a head of Tyrant Dragon, which caused his internal organs to be misaligned, which was extremely uncomfortable.

The people present were shocked and inexplicably, before the war, they did not expect that Nie Bei would be crushed and beaten by Yang Xuan.

“Boy, you irritated me.” At this moment, Nie Bei was angrily attacked, opening his mouth and let out a violent shout of Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering cry.

This is the Bihai Tide of Hunyuan faction, a powerful sound wave secret technique. To practice this secret skill, you need super talent and extraordinary perception. Nie Bei is in the Hunyuan faction. Although how high the cultivation base can’t be considered, it is precisely because of the cultivation of the Bihai Tide that is known as a genius and is highly valued by Sect’s senior management.

bang! bang! bang!! !

With a violent shout, he spit out a large amount of Origin Force.

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