As soon as this Origin Force came out, it rose in the wind, like an ocean of anger, fluctuating vastly and breathtakingly, swept away towards Yang Xuan.

“This is the Hunyuan faction’s Bihai Tide!” someone shouted, recognizing that Nie Bei had performed the Hunyuan faction’s strongest skill, Bihai Tide.

“Bihai generates tide formidable power, you can’t guard against it, that kid is bound to fail.” Someone asserted that Yang Xuan’s defeat was set.

“Nice secret technique, but unfortunately, it is useless for me, break for me.” There was a lot of noise in the audience, but Yang Xuan did not lose his square inch, right hand pointed into a sword, cut forward, and instantly In the meantime, a sword energy of several meters large whizzed out.

This sword energy bursts out with bright red gold light, extremely condensed, and exudes the power of tearing everything and destroying everything.

Obviously, this is the Slaughter Sword Intent. With this Sword Dao Will blessing, the formidable power of sword energy has exploded exponentially, and skipping grades to kill is easy.

“This sword energy!?”

“Sword intent, this sword energy contains terrifying sword intent!”

Crowd eyes froze, Among them, an older martial artist saw something and said in surprise.

At the same time, only a crisp sound was heard, sword energy cut away the Hunyuan faction’s blue sea tide like tofu, and slashed towards Nie Bei.

Nie Bei’s pupils shrank violently, and he couldn’t help showing a trace of panic. He didn’t have time to think about it. He pulled away and retreated quickly while running the Origin Force all over his body. With a vigorous move, Vajra hit the sword energy.


Bone cracks sounded, and red blood flew around. Nie Bei couldn’t stop retreating. Between the palms of his right hand, a bloody mouth with deep bones appeared, and a right hand was almost sword energy Cut off, bone cracks and flesh, fresh blood dripping.

“Sword intent is used to motivate sword energy, and it is terrifying, comparable to Divine Weapon!” Many older martial artists looked at Yang Xuan in shock. This young man is so amazing, he was just over 20 years old. Comprehended sword intent, looking at the world, anyone who can comprehend sword intent at this age can be counted on one’s fingers.

But now, there is one in front of them.

Fu Gongyang’s gaze also freezes, his face is gloomy as a ghost, obviously he didn’t expect Yang Xuan to be so powerful.

“Trash, don’t you threaten to destroy me with a trick?” With a sneer, Yang Xuan’s body rushed in a straight line, like a vigorous cheetah, and came to Nie Bei in no time, grabbing him Before Bei took the shot, he slapped his face with a slap, making him dizzy, a few of his front teeth fell off, and he flew out more than a dozen meter away.

Kang Dang! ! !

There was the sound of wine glasses falling from one place, and many people were speechless, shouting impossible in their hearts.

How long is it, at most ten seconds that’s all, Nie Bei was defeated, and it was such a terrible defeat. Even if he trained into Bihai Shengchao, it would be difficult to hurt Yang Xuan. In the end Slapped flying by Yang Xuan.

“Is this true?” Someone’s eyes almost fell off.

This is incredible!

The dignified Hunyuan faction Inner Sect genius, a young expert of Celestial Realm 6 Heavenly Layer, lost to a newcomer to Celestial Realm. He was slapped and flew out without any resistance. force.

“Zhuzi, you crime deserving ten thousand deaths.” Fu Gongyang’s face turned black, the blue veins on his forehead jumped, even his beard and hair stood up in anger.


Absolutely unforgivable!

It doesn’t matter if Yang Xuan slapped Nie Bei in front of the people of the world, but Nie Bei is the genius of their Hunyuan faction Inner Sect. Yang Xuan slapped Nie Bei and flew away. After hitting them in the face of the Hunyuan faction, Fu Gongyang, as a Sect Elder of the Hunyuan faction, witnessed all this with his own eyes, and almost couldn’t help but suppress and kill Yang Xuan in shame.

“Old Guy called a bird, if you are not afraid of people from the world, you can kill me by yourself.” Yang Xuan sneered, he has a flying boat, he can escape at any time if he can’t fight, and he doesn’t think Fu Gongyang was shameless enough to dare to be ridiculed by the world and attack him.

“You…” Fu Gongyang was almost vomiting blood, but in full view, he really couldn’t bear to deal with a junior who was new to Celestial Realm.

“Don’t you, mine, if you are upset, you can send some of your so-called genius disciplines to fight with me.” Yang Xuan said loudly.

“Boy, you are courting death.”

“We will kill him together.”

There is no shortage of Hunyuan faction Inner Disciple, I heard Yang Xuan’s words were all furious, shouting and shaking the sky.

“Don’t move, I’m going to kill him myself.” Nie Bei’s eyes were covered with hideous bloodshot eyes, he pulled out the saber around the waist, and shouted: “Little beast, I will break you The corpse is ten thousand pieces.”

The slap that Yang Xuan just slapped brought back his painful memories.

Once upon a time, he was slapped in the face by Yang Xuan in Yanyu Lake, under the gaze of countless people.

And today, he was slapped in the face again, and fiercely slapped a loud slap in the face of the world’s heroes by a new Celestial Realm kid.

He can already imagine that after today, he will definitely become the joke of countless people again and lose face.

Chapter 316 dragon has a reverse scale

“Come to fight.” Yang Xuan said, just two words, but endless arrogance.

Ye Nantian, Pan An, and Mu Qinghong all looked dull. They were thinking about whether to stand up for Yang Xuan, but when they saw Yang Xuan slapped Nie Bei away, they All were silent.

“Shock Hong cut!” Nie Bei roared, using the Hunyuan faction stunt, and instantly Human and Sword Unity slashed towards Yang Xuan.

Yang Xuan expression is indifferent, his right hand lifted it and grabbed it, grabbed the sharp sword in Nie Bei’s hand and twisted it, hearing only a muffled sound of “ka-cha”, half of the Broken Sword flew out.

This is the sword of Nie Beizhen’s life. It is a middle grade Spirit Sword made by Myriad Cold Iron.

Unfortunately, no matter how hard the Spirit Sword is, it can’t stop Yang Xuan’s great strength. It was broken by his bare hands, fragile as if made of mud.

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