Everyone slapped their tongues . The unknown boy’s battle strength was so terrifying that he broke a handful of the middle grade Spirit Sword. He was not as fierce as a human being.

“Young, handsome, arrogant, fearing nothing in Heaven or Earth, and powerful. Who is he? It’s amazing!” A beautiful woman cupped her chest with her hands in her hands, her eyes shining brightly.

“This strength is really terrifying, but when did such a young evildoer pop up in Zhong Prefecture, the most important thing is that he clearly didn’t use Origin Force just now!” A Celestial Realm 3 Heavenly Layer young man stunned. .

Others didn’t speak. They were better than Song Boming. Sect Elder in each faction was all expressions of consternation. They all stared at Yang Xuan, as if to see him inside and out.

“How could this happen!?” Nie Bei looked at the Broken Sword in his hand, then looked up towards Yang Xuan, cried out in disbelief.

“Yuye!” Yang Xuan coldly shouted, raising a big hand and flew him away.

“pu!” Nie Bei’s face was full of blood, Yang Xuan’s this slap became stronger, and half of his face and the bridge of his nose were beaten to pieces. He screamed and fell. A dozen meters away, he fainted on the spot, and he didn’t know if he fainted in pain, or fainted out of humiliation.


At this moment, seven or eight Hunyuan faction Inner Sect geniuses who came to watch the ceremony with Fu Gongyang suddenly jumped up, fast as lightning moved towards Yang Xuan jumped over.

They all have Celestial Realm’s cultivation base, the highest cultivation base even reaches Celestial Realm Nine Layers Heaven, all the way through the sky, some out of the palm, some out of the sword, and some out of use Martial Spirit, a murderous aura soaring, almost a sneak attack usually kills Yang Xuan.

“A group of ants also want to shake the giant elephant. It’s really overestimate one’s capabilities.” Yang Xuan deeply shouted, urging Origin Force, and his right fist blasted forward.

In an instant, several fist strengths flashed side by side and whizzed out. With the strong and pure Origin Force within the body, a random blow by Yang Xuan is enough to be invincible at the same level, even if the opponents are all Hunyuan sent Inner Sect genius, he didn’t care.

Bang peng~ peng~!!!

Under the shocking gaze of the crowd, several fist strengths instantly blasted on the seven or eight Hunyuan faction Inner Sect geniuses.

The speed is too fast. Seven or eight people have no time to dodge, so they are breached by the fist strength of Origin Force, vomiting blood in their mouths, like kite with its string cut. , Fiercely fell outside several dozen meters, knocked down several wine tables and accidentally injured many guests.

“How could it be possible that several Hunyuan faction Inner Sect geniuses were hit with one punch!”

“It’s against the sky, what is the origin of this child? Its talent is compared to Sword I’m afraid Yang Xuan of God Palace won’t let it go too much!”

The audience was blasted, many people were stared wide-eyed, and several Hunyuan faction Inner Sect geniuses blasted away with one punch. What a formidable strength this is, it makes people throbbing.

“Everyone was stunned, come here, and kill this bold madman.” Song Yun yelled, Yang Xuan knocked Nie Bei fainted, and punched him. Flying seven or eight of his same sect senior and junior brothers, this is simply unthinkable, he never dared to underestimate Yang Xuan.

“Can you kill me?” With a sneer, Yang Xuan disappeared from the spot.

“Stop it.” Song Boming seemed to see something, angrily roared.

“Do you dare to act blindly without thinking, I killed him immediately.” Yang Xuan appeared, and reached out and grabbed Song Yun’s neck, like a dead dog, and lifted him up to the body. before.

“Let it go, let me go…” Song Yun flushed, kicked, struggling, but the more he struggled, the more suffocated he felt.

Yang Xuan’s power is too terrifying, giving him the feeling that he is about to be pinched off his neck.

“Zhuzi, if my son loses half of the vellus hair, I want you to die without a burial site.” Song Boming thunderbolt was furious, and fire spurted out of a pair of eyes.

Since many years, Song Boming was kidnapped by his son, and he was still in the public. It was too old to break the ground and made him feel ashamed and mad.

“It was so fast that Song Yun was captured so easily!” The crowd was shocked, and the more they thought about it, the more they felt terrifying and surprised. In a flash, they actually captured Song Yun. Up.

“Boy, let Song Yun go, the old man will let you go alive.” Fu Gongyang said as he was ready to go.

Up to now, Yang Xuan has attracted his attention. Once he sees the right time, he will kill Yang Xuan regardless of his identity, in order to avoid future troubles.

“Shut up, you old dog say a little more, Young Master will kill this pretty boy of surnamed Song.” Yang Xuan expression is cold, without giving Fu Gongyang any face, just open his mouth and call him old dog.

Fu Gongyang’s qi exploded his lungs, Qi Qiao gave birth to smoke, and his wrinkled old face had turned into pig liver color, which was extremely ugly.

Too hateful, Sect Elder in the dignified Hunyuan faction is well-known, but right now, a Celestial Realm junior dares to call him old dog. He only feels angry, and the whole person is on the verge of madness. , The murderous aura was full of boiling, which made several of the tablemates from Cyan Cloud Sect, Sword Sect, Yunlan Villa, Cuiyun Valley, and Purple Yang Sect’s inner Sect Elder change their colors.

At the same time, they were also shocked by Yang Xuan’s courage.

If they were like this, the others couldn’t calm down. Those present looked at Fu Gongyang, who was thunderously choked by Yang Xuan’s words, and they were speechless.

I have to say that the Hunyuan faction is ashamed today.

Firstly, the Inner Sect genius Nie Bei, who was trained as a blue sea, was slapped and fainted. Several Inner Disciples were severely injured. Then Song Yun became a hostage. Now even Fu Gongyang is in the Hunyuan faction. Sect Elder was all reprimanded as an old dog, presumably, the whole family of Hunyuan faction would feel shameless.

“Trash, pipe down, otherwise Young Master will let you never see tomorrow’s sun.” Yang Xuan ignored Fu Gongyang and Song Boming, and glanced at Song Yun in his hand. At the same time, he raised his left hand and tapped a few points on Xia Yuwei’s chest.

“cough cough!” Xia Yuwei coughed violently.

For a moment, she felt that she could speak, and looked at Yang Xuan blankly: “Who are you, do we know?”

“Let’s not talk about it, I Ask you to answer.” Yang Xuan shook his head, straight to the point: “Are you here in Zhong Prefecture alone, or are you here with others?”

“Me, I have a few companions , But they were all caught by this shameless in your hand.”

Hearing what Xia Yuwei said, the crowd was in an uproar. Although many of them had already seen that Xia Yuwei was not willing to marry Song Yun, after all There is no real evidence, and now Xia Yuwei said in person, this can not help but make people despise Song Yun, even the look in Song Boming’s eyes is different.

Just as Yang Xuan said earlier, Song Boming even turned a blind eye to his son’s robbing of the women. He is indeed ashamed of his morality reaching up to the clouds, his reputation of justice and strictness.

“Release people.” Yang Xuan looked towards Song Boming and said coldly.

Song Boming was silent, his face was gloomy and it was hard to see the extreme.

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