Can it be ugly?

His most favored son was captured in full view, and he still had a real case of robbing the girl. He could have predicted that Song Boming would inevitably laugh generously and become infamous in the future.

“I asked you to let people go. Did you deceive your ears or pretend you didn’t hear it? No matter, Young Master seems to have to come out with some means before you will be obedient.” Yang Xuan said, left hand He stretched it out, grabbed one of Song Yun’s fingers, and broke it with force, only to hear a croak, a bloody finger flew out.

“Ah!” Song Yun’s face was savage, and his mouth screamed like a pig.

The so-called ten-finger connecting heart, one of his fingers was broken by Yang Xuan, and the pain can be imagined.

“So cruel!” Many eyelids twitched with cold heads and feet. They all saw that Yang Xuan was a fierce person. If Song Boming didn’t let anyone go, he might really dare to kill Song Yun.

“Evil creature, Hugh hurts my son.” Song Boming’s face was distorted.

“Immediately let go, or I will break your son’s arm.” Yang Xuan shouted.

“Come here, go and bring those few people here.” Song Boming’s chest was ups and downs, holding back the anger and killing intent and roared.

“Yes, Marquis.” A few guards from Vientiane Realm’s residence hurriedly left, and soon followed up with several people.

Several people are familiar faces, Zhou Hu, Cheng Shaofeng, Liu Yueer, Xie Fei, Wang Chuan are all there, Yang Xuan glanced away, and even saw the tyrant in it.

At this moment, everyone wears heavy shackles on their hands and feet, and they squeaks when they walk. Except for Liu Yueer who was not injured, everyone else is covered with bruises. The most severely injured He is a tyrant, one of his right arms is missing, and the only left arm is constantly bleeding, horrible to see.

“Big brother!” Yang Xuan lost his voice, his eyes turned red. Before leaving Stars Island, the bully had agreed with him to come to Zhong Prefecture Sword God Palace to find him. Who knows today When I met, the barbarian was cut off by a right arm.

“Are you?” The bully lifts the head, and under that disheveled hair, a pair of unyielding and bloodshot eyes looked towards Yang Xuan with confusion.

“Say, who broke my big brother’s arm?” Yang Xuan black hair danced wildly, and a terrifying murderous aura poured out like a tornado violently.

This murderous aura is too terrifying, like an Ancient Ominous Beast awakening from a deep sleep, wanting to slaughter the world, and the violence makes people want to suffocate.

Chapter 317 Nobody can stop it

The whole audience is absolutely silence, countless people’s hearts trembled, one after another looked at Yang Xuan, all of them felt his murderous aura.

Especially the guests near the high platform, all of them showed terrified looks, wondering what happened to this young man, is that one-armed man really his big brother?

“What a rich murderous aura!” At this moment, it is stronger than Fu Gongyang. The inner Sect Elder of the Great Sects are all awed by the breath of Yang Xuan. They absolutely didn’t expect, a newcomer to Celestial Realm Boy, there is such a terrifying murderous aura in the body.

“Gluck…” Song Yun fought with his teeth, and the whole body was cold. He was grasped by Yang Xuan. The closest to Yang Xuan, he was the first to bear the brunt of the baleful qi from Yang Xuan’s body. They were almost frightened, panic and anxiety in their hearts.

He has a hunch that Yang Xuan might kill him at any time.

deng deng deng!

Beside, Xia Yuwei took a few steps backwards, and was also deterred by Yang Xuan’s murderous aura, only that her heart seemed to have stopped beating.

But why is this?

Why is this young man so angry? Does he really know himself and the tyrants?

“Boy, people have already brought me, let me go quickly.” Song Boming roared.

“Very good, very good. The people in your mansion dare to break my big brother’s arm. I will break your arm. This is called an eye for an eye A Tooth For A Tooth. “Yang Xuan avoided answering, his face was full of terrifying hostility, and he grabbed Song Yun’s right arm with one hand and tugged fiercely.

pu chi!

A burst of blood flew down with an arm.

“Ah, I am so painful, father, save me…” Song Yun’s eyes bulged, and his mouth screamed like wail like ghosts and howl like wolves, desperate for life.

“Resolutely, very ruthless, saying that if you want to break Song Yun’s arm, break his arm, there is no room for negotiation.” Countless people have one’s hair stand on end, this is too cruel, some women He even sat down on the ground in fright, his face pale.

“Forgive me, forgive me, don’t kill me…” Song Yun cried and begged for mercy, there was still a little bit of high-spirited and vigorous before, and the eyes looking towards Yang Xuan were full of panic.

“Shut up, say one more thing, I will kill you right away.” Yang Xuan looked down at Song Yun, the murderous intention in a pair of eyes was sensational.

Song Yun trembled all over, shiver coldly, even because of the burning pain in his broken arm, he didn’t dare to say anything.

“Yun’er!” Song Boming’s heart was dripping with blood, and he couldn’t wait to thrash Yang Xuan.

“I count three times and bring all the people up. If not, I will kill you.” In ordinary times, Yang Xuan is a kind person, but dragon has a reverse scale, touch it will Certainly become angry, seeing the brother who is close to his brother has his right arm broken, his madness and anger in the bones have been out of control, surging out like a volcano, and the whole person is on the verge of going away.

“Beast, who are you?” Song Boming’s eyes were splitting, and everyone’s eyes were staring. His son Song Yun was cruelly torn off his right arm, and he felt the pain in his heart like a tear , I hate Yang Xuan.

“I’ll say it again, bring people up, otherwise I will crush your son’s neck on the spot.” Yang Xuan black hair is upside down, fierce like a demon.

“Send the people up to him.” Song Boming shouted. He could see that Yang Xuan was an evil star who did what he said. He definitely couldn’t just watch his treasured son die before his eyes.

“Yes, yes, yes.” Several Vientiane Realm Houfu guards have long been terrified, trembling with fear generals, Zhou Hu, Liu Yueer, Cheng Shaofeng, Wang Chuan, Xie Fei and the others took the high platform.


Yang Xuan’s tongue was spring thunder, and with a wave of his hand, several sword energy shots out in anger, and instantly penetrated the throats of several Houfu guards, cruel and merciless. .

Bang peng~ peng~!!!

Several corpses fell in a pool of blood, and their wide-eyed eyes were full of fear and unwillingness.

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