“Ai, but Celestial Realm 3 Heavenly Layer’s cultivation base has such a battle strength. In the coming day, one person will be enough to sweep the young Heaven’s Chosen in Zhong Prefecture. , No one can stun him!”

“Don’t forget, he once fought Jin Ming undefeated in the City of Chaos.”

“Who is Jin Ming?”


“Uh, you don’t know!?”

“hope to hear the details.”

“Jin Ming, Divine Demon Temple Heaven’s Chosen, Return to One Realm 6 Heavenly Layer’s cultivation base, within the body, is flowing with the bloodline of Ancient Divine Beast Golden Wings Great Peng. It has the strength to fight Ditian and Heavenly One Sect Meng Shaoyu.”

“What, doesn’t that mean? Yang Xuan can fight Ditian and Meng Shaoyu!?”

“This is not clear. In short, Yang Xuan now has the strength to fight each super Sect Inner Sect True Disciple.”


A lot of Outer Disciples arrived, and the scene became noisy again. Many people regarded Yang Xuan as a monster. Some people learned that Yang Xuan and Jin Ming were undefeated in the battle. Gagging.

Qi Han ignored the Outer Disciple below, and stared at the phantom kill list with concentration, only to see that the data on the list was increasing at an unimaginable speed, and the number of enemies killed reached 9,000 in a short time. Up.

“40% Zhong Ban killed nine thousand people, this speed is absolutely a record that has never been approached and will never be approached again!” someone shouted.

“This…absolutely impossible…” Zhuge Yun and Duan Hui looked pale, their mouths trembled. They originally wanted to wait for the promotion of cultivation to find Yang Xuan for revenge, but they looked at the horrors on the phantom killing list. Human data, the hatred in their hearts faded thoroughly, leaving only endless fear.

“40% Zhong Ban killed nine thousand people, how did he do it!?”

Shen Xingchen flew over from afar, and he learned about Yang Xuan not long ago The news of Killing Formation is in progress, and I can’t help my cultivation anymore. The storm is coming, but people don’t feel it yet. I heard someone yelling 40% from afar. Zhong Ban killed nine thousand people. Exclaimed.

“Shen Xingchen is here!”

“Ai, since Sheng Yu He Shengliang, Shen Xingchen is destined to be ridden by Yang Xuan on his head in this life, it is difficult to turn over.” /p>

“Yang Xuan’s future is incalculable. You can only make friends and not offend. Whoever does the opposite will definitely end up miserably.”

Just when the crowd was whispering , Shen Xingchen came to the scene, staring blankly at the constantly refreshing data on the phantom killing list.

Soon, Jiang Yichen also came.

Immediately afterwards, the top-ranked geniuses on the mountain and rivers list rushed to make a sound of inhalation.

“Nine thousand nine hundred people have been killed!”

“How long is it?”

“Five minutes.”

“Unbelievable, Yang Xuan, are you planning to complete the killing of ten thousand people in 60% of the time!?”

“There are a hundred people left. With his battle strength, it is enough to do it in one minute. Here!”

At this moment, the audience was so noisy, no one thought that Yang Xuan would kill 9,900 people in just five minutes.

At this time, Xiao Buye browsed slightly wrinkle and noticed that Yang Xuan’s speed of killing enemies dropped sharply.

“Hey, the speed has slowed down, he must be exhausted!” At this moment, someone found something and shouted.

“It really slowed down, but it’s normal, after all, the more the enemy is behind, the stronger the strength.” An Outer Disciple of Vientiane Realm Nine Layers Heaven said.

“hehe, it seems that this kid wants to complete the killing of ten thousand people within 60% of the time is impossible.” Zhuge Yun eccentric smiled.

“You this bastard only has the ability to chew the human ears behind your back. Yang Xuan is better than you even if it can’t complete ten thousand cuts within 60% of the time.” Shen Yuexin couldn’t help but yell at Zhuge Yun’s words.

Su Ziyao and Xia Yuwei did not speak, but the faces of the two women were not good, they turned their heads and glared at Zhuge Yun not far away.

“Why stare at me, I’m speak frankly.” Zhuge Yun twitched his lips, ignoring the anger of the three women.

“Shut up.” Coldly shouted, Qi Han pointed to the teenagers who were besieging Yang Xuan in the video and said to Zhuge Yun: “See, those people are now in my Sword God Palace Sect Elder, a powerhouse in the divine force realm. When he was young, he was all in the sky, and his strength far surpassed the cultivation base. If you change to this waste, can you stop any of them?”

Chapter 339 One Pick Three

“I…” Zhuge Yun’s face turned into pig liver color.

Qi Han scolded him for trash in front of everyone. What kind of humiliation is this?

It was equivalent to a fiercely slap on his face. His mouth was crooked. If the cultivation base hadn’t been too far apart, he would have rushed to kill Qi Han.

“What are you doing? Get out of here. I am annoyed by looking at you this waste.” Qi Han dignified Divine City in charge of affairs, so naturally he wouldn’t give Zhuge Yun a good face, so he just drove people away.

“Hey, reap what you have sown, deserve it.” Shen Yuexin sticks out her tongue, makes a grimace at Zhuge Yun, smiles forwards and closes, showing her beautifully.

“This guy is such an idiot!” Many Outer Disciple also looked at Zhuge Yun with contempt. Everyone knows that in the Killing Formation, farther you go harder it gets, the higher the degree, the killer of Yang Xuan. It’s normal for the speed to slow down, but Zhuge Yun laughed at Yang Xuan instead. Isn’t this an idiot or something?

Zhuge Yun was trembling, and his lungs were about to explode.

“Let you go, didn’t you hear?” Qi Han coldly said.

Under Qi Han’s fierce gaze, Zhuge Yun went cold all over, never daring to stay for a long time, pouting his butt and walking away.

“Nine thousand nine hundred and ninety people!” At this time, someone yelled.

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