“So fast!”

“There are still ten people. Just kill ten people and you can kill ten thousand people!”

The crowd is all With eyes wide open, staring at the image above the phantom killing list, he just saw Yang Xuan swinging his sword to kill the seven people around him.

“There are three more people, I don’t know who it will be!?”

Some people are surprised that the Killing Formation will evolve the corresponding enemy according to the strength of the passer. The stronger the strength, the stronger the enemy faced. Needless to say, the last three people will also be powerful young geniuses.

“This…is actually Wu Fan!”

“And Yuwen Feng!”

“The last one, my dear, yes, it is Ditian !”

In the blink of an eye, three silhouettes appeared one after another not far in front of Yang Xuan.

The three are very young, about the same age as Yang Xuan.

A person is wearing a Tsing Yi, looks plain, but has deep eyes and bright light glittering, which is hard to deal with at first glance.

One person is wearing white clothed, his face is cut, and the corners of his mouth are smiling, unspeakable and suave.

The last person, a silver robe, tall, back carrying a long sword, looks very handsome, and makes many female disciples outside of Killing Formation feel ashamed.

These three people are very young, and their faces are a little immature, but many people recognize them. This is their Sword God Palace three Inner Sect True Disciple, the real genius, everyone Sword God Palace showed a superhuman talent when he first came to Sword God Palace, and now he is the peerless Heaven’s Chosen in the famous moving continent.

“Wu Fan, Yuwen Feng, Di Tian!” Xiao Buye was shocked, single-on-one, he believed that Yang Xuan could defeat any peers, but with one enemy three, the outcome is unpredictable Up.

“One Wu Fan is enough, even Yuwen Feng and Ditian have come out, how can I fight this!?”

“Is this the most difficult phantom Killing Formation, I don’t know if Yang Xuan can break through and kill thousands of people in one fell swoop!”

Many Outer Disciple whispered to each other with incredible colors on their faces. Yang Xuan has the three Inner Sect True right under his eyes. Disciple, although they are all in their teenage years, but the three of them work together, and Yang Xuan may not be able to get a bargain.

At this moment, Jiang Yichen, Shen Xingchen, and many of the top geniuses on the mountain and river list all hold their breath. They understand that there must be a fierce battle next.

As for the result, no one can make any comments before the war begins.

“Will Yang Xuan be in danger!?” Xia Yuwei looked worried.

Su Ziyao said nothing, but Emei also wrinkled tightly.

“hehe, don’t worry, Yang Xuan is a pervert and will succeed in breaking through the barrier!” Shen Yuexin laughed, but she was confident in Yang Xuan.

“haha, the three Inner Sect True Disciple, the Emperor Senior Brother Heavens is the finale, I really can see me Yang Xuan!” Suddenly, a loud laugh came out through the video.

Many Outer Disciples are speechless and shocked on their faces. When is this, this kid can actually laugh.

“War!” Shouting loudly, Yang Xuan in the video moved and rushed towards Wu Fan first.

clang! clang! clang!

Wu Fan, Yuwen Feng, and Emperor Tian Qi drew their swords together and launched a fierce attack on Yang Xuan.

The weapons of the three are all top grade Spirit Sword.

This is a weapon evolved from the Magic Killing Formation, but within the Magic Killing Formation, everything is the same as the outside world. The top grade Spirit Sword of the three has the power of Spirit Sword.

In addition, the Purgatory Sword in Yang Xuan’s hands is also evolved, except that there is no Sword Spirit purgatory boy, everything is the same as the outside world.

Yang Xuan was originally going to get rid of Wu Fan first, but as soon as he moved in shape, he saw Wu Fan, Yuwen Feng, and the emperor broke through the sky.

The three people’s cultivation base is also in Celestial Realm 3 Heavenly Layer, and the speed is naturally incredibly fast, not much inferior to Yang Xuan.

Yang Xuan can forcibly attack Wu Fan at this time, but then he will have to withstand the killing blow of Yuwen Feng and Ditian.

As soon as the three of them left, Yang Xuan fluttered back and chose to avoid his front.

After all, the three of them are just illusions evolved from the fantasy Killing Formation. They are fine when they die, and they can evolve in the future.

But Yang Xuan is different. He is a Divine Soul incarnation. If he suffers a fatal attack, he will have to peel off his skin if he is not dead.

However, after retreating, the fighting intent in Yang Xuan’s chest also boiled.

He clenched the hilt of the sword tightly, slashed out with a sword, and made a loud sword cry. A sword energy that no stronghold one cannot overcome struck Shatter Void towards Wu Fan, Yuwen Feng, and Di Tian.


The sword energy is like a rainbow, and the momentum is like thunder, reaching its extreme.

If you change to another Celestial Realm martial artist, you will definitely drink hate and violent death under this sword energy.

clang!! !

However, Wu Fan, Yuwen Feng, Ditian is not an ordinary Celestial Realm martial artist.

The three of them had expressions of indifference. They swung their swords together, bursting out super destructive power, swept everything out, and defeated Yang Xuan’s sword energy in one blow.

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