“Old Cui, you, didn’t you say that this Soul Devouring Insect storm will pass soon, why is it not over yet!?” Zhou Zi was about to cry in a hurry, all The field is his hardest.

Each minute in the past is a torment for him, because his Origin Force within the body is rapidly consuming, and it is about to bottom out.

Time passed slowly, and after about half a minute, the storm rushed over.

At the same time, the fog of death gradually dissipated.

“Knot, it’s over, I, I’m not dead yet, hehe, it’s good to be alive…” Zhou Zichong’s legs were weak and he was sitting on the ground with a thump. It was very difficult for him to move his fingers. There was a smile of avoided a catastrophe on his face.

dong! dong! 咚……

Lu Yuanfeng, Lin Xianxue, Hua Qiandie, and even Yun Tiange all sat on the ground one after another, dripping with sweat.

Only Yang Xuan and Cui Hongwan were able to stand in the audience for a time. It can also be seen from this that the strength of the two is the strongest in this team with only seven players left.

However, Cui Hongwan is the 5 Heavenly Layer expert of the First Realm after all. It is normal for him to stand, but Yang Xuan, but Celestial Realm 3 Heavenly Layer’s cultivation base, can actually remain standing. Looks like him It seems that Origin Force has not been consumed much.

At this moment, Yun Tiange, Lin Xianxue, Hua Qiandie, Zhou Zichong and others could not help but regard Yang Xuan as a monster.

“Everyone is looking at me like this, are there flowers on my face?” Yang Xuan grinned.

“You have no flowers on your face, but you are a monster!” Hua Qiandie rolled her eyelids and gave him a charming look.

“Ai, I’m actually very tired. I have to sit and rest.” Yang Xuan spread his hands, sat down on the spot, and secretly operated the Great Burning Heavenly Art to restore the Origin Force.

Yang Xuan didn’t tell a lie, he did consume a lot of Origin Force, so he had to adjust his interest quickly to replenish it. After all, this is Wild Ancient Land. Heaven knows that he will not meet him during the next journey. Don’t be careless about other dangers.

“Everyone hurry up and adjust your breath. After a quarter of an hour, we will rush to the Supreme Profound Palace at full speed.” Cui Hongwan said.

“Old Cui, can’t you take more rest, if there are other dangers on the road, what shall we do?” Zhou Zi said with a bitter face.

“What do you know, just after the fog of death, the Demonic beast in front of you has found a place to hide even if it’s not dead. We just took this opportunity to drive on, absolutely unimpeded.”

“so that’s how it is.”


30 minutes in the past, everyone got up and left, marching toward the depths of Wild Ancient Land quickly.

Sure enough, as Cui Hongwan said, the road was devastated, it was very quiet, and there was no danger at all, but there were many corpses of martial artist and Demonic beast everywhere.

In addition, everyone even saw a few corpses of ancient relics.

Soul Devouring Insect too terrifying, especially the hordes of Soul Devouring Insect, it’s terrifying to the extreme, even if it’s an ancient relic, it’s hard to resist. One bad thing is being Soul Devouring. Insect got into the brain and gnawed away Divine Soul.

“Father, you can’t be okay!” Yang Xuan looked into the depths of Wild Ancient Land, his face inevitably worrisome, fearing that his father Yang Tian would have two shortcomings.

This ancient mountain forest is full of too many secrets and crises. They encountered the fog of death and Soul Devouring Insect only after they had penetrated thousands of miles. It is hard to imagine that there are still some in the depths of Wild Ancient Land. What a danger.

“Everyone speed up, and strive to reach the Supreme Profound Palace tomorrow!” With an order, Cui Hongwan speeded up and flew forward.

“Let’s keep up.” Everyone quickly began to follow along.

Galloping along the way, pieces of forest collapsed, mountain peaks were riddled with holes, gravel slipped from time to time, there were no creatures around, and no birds and beasts roared. It was a messy scene, a dead silence.

Everyone was silent, but their hearts were not peaceful.

Such a scene shows how much the fog of death covers not long ago.

It is no exaggeration to say that the martial artist in the fog of death has suffered heavy casualties.

After one hour, the environment ahead has changed drastically, and finally it is no longer dilapidated.

Looking around, there are flowers, green vines, pine trees, verdant hills and limpid water, a vibrant look, but this area also has no creatures, and you can’t hear them in the mountains. The slightest roar of the beast was extremely quiet.

“Hey, why is there a fragrance, have you smelled it?” At this moment, Zhou Zi clashed.

“Well, I also smelled it. There is indeed a strange fragrance.” Lu Yuanfeng nodded, said: “It’s strange, I smell this fragrance and feel like I’m a few years younger.”


“Wild Ancient Land has existed but I don’t know how many years it has endless opportunities. It has never lacked spiritual medicine and divine medicine. Is it some kind of spiritual medicine or rare divine medicine…” Hua Qian The butterfly’s beautiful eyes squinted, and there is bright light glittering.

“Whatever it is, let’s just go over and see.” Zhou Zichong didn’t know if he had become bolder, or he was anxious to pick spiritual medicine or divine medicine. As lightning passed by Cui Hongwan, who was walking in front, and rushed to the place where the fragrance came.

“Come on, everyone, here is a strange plant with some fruits. I don’t know what it is.” Zhou Zichong soon discovered it. Beckoned in the distance.

“Is it really divine medicine!”

Everyone lifted up their spirits and rushed past, and they saw a hundred meters away, there was a hundred zhang high cliff on the cliff There is a misty fountain below.

The spring pool is about several dozen meters large. Looking through the fog, it is vaguely visible that there is a small island several meters square in the center of the spring pool, on which a strange tree grows.

The small tree grows three feet long. The rhizome has thick arms. At the top of the small tree, in addition to some emerald green leaves, there are a total of twelve green fruits hanging on it, the size of a baby’s fist, like a gem emerald. So dazzling, brilliant.

“What is that, Spirit Fruit, or divine fruit!?” Zhou Zi’s eyes brightened, and he almost greeted his saliva. Whether it was Spirit Fruit or divine fruit, he could see the out of green fruit. of the ordinary.

The others did not speak, and everyone looked at the twelve crystal clear and near-transparent fruits.

Even though they were not close, everyone still smelled the rich fruity fragrance and the fragrance.

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