This scent is very wonderful, refreshing, and has a feeling of shedding body and exchanging bones.

“Not old divine fruit, this is not old divine fruit!” Finally, Cui Hongwan recognized something, and for a while to be wild with joy, his body was shaking with excitement.

“Lao Cui, is this divine fruit that is not old?” Zhou Zi urged.

“divine fruit, can make people recover one’s youthful vigor, but also make people look immortal, and its value is immeasurable.”

“haha, good stuff, we are developed.”

With a cheer, Zhou Zichong rushed to the spring pond island where the plants were located.

“What to grab, get the old man away.” Cui Hongwan furiously shouted, chasing Zhou Zichong, slapped him in the face, and shot him out of several dozen meters. Far, hit a mountain wall.

“pu!” Zhou Zichong was shocked, he vomited blood, his face was both shocked and angry, and roared: “Cui Hongwan, what are you doing!?”

” The old divine fruit belongs to the old man. Who dares to snatch it, kill without mercy.”

There was a cold voice, and Cui Hongwan had already boarded the island of Quanchi.

His movements are also fast. With a flick of his sleeves, twelve green and shining non-old divine fruits are drawn into the storage ring, and he obviously wants all the non-old divine fruits to be his own.

“Lao Cui, we found this divine fruit that is not old. It should be evenly distributed. Don’t you think it’s a bit wrong to do this?” Yun Tiange came back to his senses, his face sank involuntarily. It’s not pretty.

Chapter 363 The Joy of Dogs Running with Bells

A martial artist, even if he cultivation to Celestial Realm, return to the first realm, and even the death realm, he cannot withstand the erosion of time. It can be said that as time goes by, everyone will gradually age, but according to the level of the cultivation base, the speed of aging may be fast or slow that’s all.

Throughout the world, only the powerhouse of the divine force environment can maintain the appearance and age, but a martial artist wants to achieve the divine force environment, at least a hundred to more than a hundred years, and then several hundred to above 1000 years. Cangcang, his face is no longer.

Although it is said that some people have refined spirit pill and marvelous medicine such as Countenance Halt Pill and Guyan Dan, medicine pill is after all medicine pill, not at all to reverse the power of time.

Whether it is Countenance Halt Pill or Guyan Dan, it can only slow down the speed of aging and make the appearance prolonged.

“Yes, Mr. Cui, so many divine fruits are not old, you should at least give us one.” Hua Qiandie also spoke, wanting to share a piece of the pie.

This is also normal. Just ask the world, that woman doesn’t want youth to last forever?

Now, the opportunity is here. As long as you eat a divine fruit that is not old, Hua Qiandie will stay young forever. How could she not be moved.

“hmph, one per person, don’t you think that divine fruit is a sugar pill?” Cui Hongwan is coldly snorted, and there is no more kindness on his face.

“It’s interesting, this is called only a distant road tests the strength of a horse. Does it take a long time to see people’s hearts?” Yang Xuan smiled, not at all surprised, after all, wealth is moving, in absolute interest In front of them, the biological brothers might face each other with swords and swords, and turn their heads into enemies. Besides, they and Cui Hongwan are just strangers coming together by chance that’s all.

In fact, when Cui Hongwan didn’t rescue Sun Biao, Yang Xuan knew that Old Guy was not a good person, and he kept a secret in his heart.

“Xiao Young Hero doesn’t need to speak satire, old man cultivation has been more than five hundred years old. He has been accustomed to the cold heart and cruel world. It’s rare to find so many immortal divine fruit this time. In other words, it is a great wealth. From now on, I won’t have to run around for cultivation resources.”

Cui Hongwan didn’t get angry either, and took out one from the storage ring while talking. The divine fruit is not old and ate it hungrily.

Then an incredible scene appeared.

I saw Cui Hongwan’s whole body glowing. This is a ray of light green like a Fire Insect, with vigorous rays of light.

Under the cover of these rays of light, Cui Hongwan’s white hair gradually turned into shiny black, and his wrinkled skin and old face began to dry up, showing densely packed cracks.

This is really terrifying, hideous like a ghost, letting people have one’s hair stand on end.

But within a few moments, Cui Hongwan’s old skin began to fall off in a large area, and debris was flying.

In a short while, all the old skin was lost, a slender figure, black hair scattered, and young men with dashing eyebrows appeared in the eyes of everyone.

“Reverse the years, recover one’s youthful vigor!” Lu Yuanfeng called.

“Is this the effect of divine fruit? It’s amazing!” Lin Xianxue was surprised. If he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes, it would be hard to imagine that a white haired old man could change in such a short period of time. Become a handsome man.

“haha, I did not expect, absolutely did not expect that I, Cui Hongwan, will have a day to regain my youth.”

Cui Hongwan laughs facing the sky, radiant.

At this moment, he only feels refreshed and full body Shutai. Although his cultivation base has not improved at all, his physical function has returned to the state of pinnacle when he was young. It is no exaggeration to say that his strength is at least An increase of 20-30%.

“Hehe, Cui Lao is regaining his youth, it is really gratifying.” Yang Xuan faint smile authentically.

“Xiao Young Hero, the old man knows that you have a special background, so let’s go, the old man will give you a divine fruit, how about making friends with you?”

Not only did Hong Wan become younger, he also changed his voice. In a word, he was sonorous and powerful. When outsiders saw him, they might not know that he was a bad old fogey of cultivation for hundreds of years. He also regarded him as a young Heaven’s with a great cultivation base. Chosen.

“You don’t have to give it to me. I am confident that I can break through to the divine force environment 20 years old.” Yang Xuan indifferently said.

As soon as this statement came out, the audience was shocked.

Everyone almost wondered if they had heard it wrong, Yang Xuan actually released a rhetoric that he would break through to the divine force state before 20 years old.

“Uh, Xiao Young Hero is sure not to laugh!?” Cui Hongwan started

“Do you think I am joking?” Yang Xuan shook his head and turned towards Cui Hongwan Stretch out five fingers: “I won’t talk nonsense with you, I need at least five divine fruit.”

“What did you say!?”

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