Because Yang Xuan actually blocked his killer blow.

At this time, many martial artists by the lake, including Unbounded Demon Sect, Blood Fiend Sect, some older powerhouses from Divine Demon Temple, and even Chen Hanlin from Cloudy Ghost Sect, were all stunned.

Everyone can see that the shot that Chang Sun Yan used just now was enough to kill the martial artist below the Fallen Realm in seconds.

But with such a terrifying shot, a young boy from Celestial Realm 3 Heavenly Layer actually blocked it with his fist, and on the contrary, he shocked the grandson who almost shot the sneak attack.

“Long Sun Yan, you’d better not meet me in the Supreme Profound Palace, or your life will be ended by me.” Under the sky full of water, a cold voice came, and everyone passed through the water waves. Looking at it, a silhouette can be vaguely seen jumping down, plunged into the vortex, disappear without a trace.


The crowd stared wide-eyed, this battle strength is really against the sky, and it can actually enter the Tai Xuan Shen under the calm of many Cloudy Ghost Sect powerhouses. House.

“pu!” Chen Hanlin furiously attacked his heart, spitting out blood.

He understands that from now on, he will inevitably become the laughingstock of the world, and his reputation dropped a thousand zhang in one fall.

“little bastard, I want you to live better than to die!” Long Sun Yan screamed from the sky, and hair stands up in anger.

A Celestial Realm 3 Heavenly Layer kid, shocked him back with a punch, and put down the cruel words to kill him in the Supreme Profound Palace. What a shame?

At this moment, he seemed to see the mocking eyes of countless people, and his handsome face became extremely ferocious and arrogant.

“haha, didn’t expect that we Nanban still have such young talents. Today is really an eye-opener!”

Jin Ming came back to his senses from a state of absence, Sun Yan was also happy to eat, teased: “Long Sun Yan, that kid is amazingly strong and absolutely hides the cultivation base. I think you can go back to the mansion at all, or else you will run into him in the Supreme Profound Palace, it would be dangerous.”

“You shut up.” Long Sunyan’s black hair stood upside down, and his scarlet eyes stared at Jin Ming, like an ominous beast who chose someone to eat.

“Why, you think you can kill me?” Jin Ming also not to be trifled with, coldly said.

What Elder Sun Yan was about to say, Chen Hanlin said: “Elder Sun Yan, you go back and report today’s affairs to the sect.”

“Elder, I’m going to Taixuan Shenfu.”

Long Sun Yan is resolute, he really wants to go back to Cloudy Ghost Sect, how the world will treat him, he will definitely think he is afraid of Yang Xuan, he absolutely does not allow this to happen .

“Then you must follow the old man.” Chen Hanlin knew the anger of the grandson, so he had to let him follow.

“Disciple understands.” Long Sun Yan gritted his teeth.

Chen Hanlin was slightly nodded, and said to the many Cloudy Ghost Sect martial artists behind him: “They all follow the old man into the Taixuan Divine Mansion and punish the little beast.”

, Body moved, entered the vortex of the lake center.

“Let’s go too.” Many Cloudy Ghost Sect martial artists jumped out and immersed in the vortex. One was to chase and kill Yang Xuan, and the other was to stay by the lake because they were so many. It is really shameful not to win Yang Xuan.

Long Sun Yan clenched both fists, and did not stay in place to be watched as a joke, and followed closely from behind entered vortex.

In a moment, the martial artist of Cloudy Ghost Sect went to the empty building, and as the people of Cloudy Ghost Sect disappeared, the lake boiled.

“Who is it, who is that kid?”

“I don’t know, it looks very strange, it is very likely that it is not our local martial artist in Nanban.”

“No matter who he is, his strength is obvious to all. Today, if Chen Hanlin and the others were not present, the grandson would be seriously injured if he did not die.”

Chapter 373 Cruel Trial

After a while, Yang Xuan appeared in a strange space.

This space is extremely weird, the sky is gray, with no blue sky and white clouds visible, and the ground is like a huge mirror, emitting crystal light.

However, this mirror is not intact, but cracked.

Looking up, cracks on the ground are like human veins, spreading towards all directions.

There are so many cracks, there are big and small, the big several meters are thick, as long as several dozen meters, and the small thumbs are thick and only a few meters long.

Regardless of the size, all the cracks are dark, silent and deep, like a hell demon with a head, with open fangs and big mouths, wanting to swallow all the creatures that enter this place, making people involuntarily feel hairy .

“This is a void crack…” Yang Xuan’s eyes were wide open, and he was shocked by the sight in front of him. After all, he had been beaten into a void crack by a dream, and he knew nothing more about this stuff. It’s not wrong to understand that these black cracks are definitely void cracks.

“What’s the matter, shouldn’t I enter the Supreme Profound God’s Mansion? Why do I appear in this place?” Yang Xuan’s scalp was numb, and a few wisps of perception were released, extending into a few void cracks.

However, it didn’t take long for his wisps of perception to be shattered by the turbulence of a few void cracks. There is no idea where these void cracks lead.

“Boy, the trial set by the Taixuan Daoist probably started here.” The purgatory boy said.

“Yes, this is a trial. I am afraid that only by breaking through here can you reach the real Supreme Profound Palace.”

Yang Xuan suddenly rose up and tried to fly. Go to heaven.

Unfortunately, he failed.

This space is forbidden to fly and can only jump seven or eight meters high.

This is still the powerful Yang Xuan fleshy body. If you can be another Celestial Realm martial artist, it would be nice to be able to jump three meters high.

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