“There are restrictions here, you brat hurry up and go, I have detected those Cloudy Ghost Sect martial artists who have come to this space.” The purgatory boy said again.

“Which way to go?”

This space is endless, boundless, unable to distinguish the direction, and there is no corresponding prompt, and Yang Xuan does not know how to go.

“Go to the right and go all the way to the end. There is a Transmission Array there. You should be able to leave this place.” The purgatory boy said.

“Well, I understand.” Yang Xuan couldn’t help but feel lucky that he had a powerful spiritual conciousness beside him. Otherwise, even if he could find the Transmission Array, he would have to walk a lot of wronged paths. It may be troublesome to run into Cloudy Ghost Sect martial artist, when the time comes.

On the road, Yang Xuan is fully aware of his spirit strength and he is extremely careful. When he encounters a smaller void crack, he quickly crosses it, and when he reaches a larger void crack, he takes a detour.

“Boy, don’t be careless, since this is a trial, it won’t be so easy.” The purgatory boy warned.

“What did you find?”

“It’s nothing, these void cracks not simple……”

The purgatory boy tone barely fell, Yang Xuan stopped. I had to stop.

Because, just two meters away in front of him, a huge void crack burst out strangely.

This attraction is extremely terrifying, as strong as Yang Xuan, it is also shocked and unstable, like an invisible net covering him, dragging him into the void crack go with.

“The trial here is really not simple!” Yang Xuan’s eyelids jumped wildly. This is him. If he changes to another Celestial Realm martial artist, he will be sucked into the void crack if he is caught off guard.

Attraction comes quickly and goes quickly.

About half a minute, this attraction disappeared.

For that, Yang Xuan didn’t dare to care anymore. He walked slowly, and he had to stop and check for a while when encountering a void crack. He would not step over until he was sure that there was no danger.

In the past few minutes, people’s voices came from the front, and the silhouette of the martial artist gradually appeared in the field of vision.

Yang Xuan scanned his eyes and found that there were hundreds of people, all of whom were walking slowly.

Whenever you encounter void cracks, no matter how high or low the cultivation base is, try to avoid it. That trembling with fear looks like walking a tightrope on sheer cliffs and precipitous rock faces, and you can fall down ten thousand zhang at any time. , Fell to pieces.

“No, I don’t want to die…” Suddenly, a scream came, and a young man from Celestial Realm 6 Heavenly Layer was caught off guard and was dragged into a void crack.

In order to survive, this man also struggled. His upper body fell on the ground, his hands and ten fingers like sharp claw, and he plunged into the ground.

Helplessly, the ground is indestructible, and he can’t cause any damage to the ground even when he runs Origin Force. The “zhi zhi” sound caused by the friction between the fingers and the ground makes people have one’s hair stand on end.

And his entire lower body is completely trapped in the void crack.

In just a few seconds, his chest and even his neck were plunged into the void crack, leaving only a head and a pair of trembling arms still outside.

“Help me…” The young man lifts the head, his face full of horror, and shouted to a group of seven or eight companions in front of him.

“We are all powerless to defend himself, how did we save you?” A white haired old man of the 3 Heavenly Layer in Guiyijing said coldly, under the terrifying suction of the void crack in front of him, he also had to Run Origin Force to stabilize your body, where is willing to free up to save people.

Beside him, several other Celestial Realm martial artists brow beaded with sweat, shiver coldly.

Some people even fell directly on the ground, struggling to resist the suction of the void crack, and no one had the time to pay attention to the young man asking for help.

social snobbery, nothing more than that.

When life is threatened, the overwhelming majority always think of themselves first.

In Yang Xuan’s view, if the old man is willing to take action, the young man may still have a glimmer of survival.

But in this dangerous place at every step, the old man chose to sit on the sidelines, obviously in order to preserve Origin Force.

“You, you are so cruel, ah…” With a scream, the young man couldn’t hold on anymore and was dragged into the void crack and disappeared.

all directions, all the people’s cold hair is standing upright, and a wave of Death Aura spreads over, and many people are as cold as an ice cellar.

A few women were even more frightened, screaming again and again, all of them limp on the ground.

For them, perhaps staying in place is the best choice.

“Damn it, is this really the Supreme Profound Palace? Why is it so terrifying…” Some timid people yelled and their voices went hoarse.

“Shut up, this is not the Supreme Profound Palace. What are you screaming?” an older martial artist shouted.

“Senior, you, are you true?”

“Of course, you forgot the stone tablet outside. Isn’t the word “trial” clearly written on it? According to the old man, this is a trial ground. Only by breaking through can we enter the Supreme Profound Palace.”

As soon as this statement came out, several desperate shouts came from a distance, needless to say I also know that someone suffered a misfortune and was sucked into a void crack.

For martial artists below the Venerable, a void crack is a scourge. Whoever enters will die. There is no possibility of survival.

“Senior, this place is too dangerous, let’s not go out.” Someone trembled.

“The old man wants to go out too, the question is how to get out!?”

“Then, what should we do?”

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