Shaking his head, he thought of Pei Yuntian who was far away in Seven Mysteries Sect, and quickly informed Yang Fu of the news.

“What, my brother is still alive!?” Yang Fu was very excited.

This is also normal. His real name is Pei Yunshuang, who is Pei Yuntian’s younger brother. He can’t help but feel the news that Pei Yuntian is still alive.

“Still alive, when I find my father, Fu Bo will go to Seven Mysteries Sect.” Yang Xuan said with a smile.

“Okay.” Yang Fu nodded heavily, and immediately changed his color and said: “Young Master, it is not suitable to stay here for a long time, we have to leave as soon as possible, otherwise there will definitely be people from Unbounded Demon Sect to find.”


“No hurry, there are some good things in this cave. I will get these things before I talk.” Yang Xuan said, with a big hand, a gorgeous silver boat appeared in the sky, brilliant.

“This is!?”

Yang Fu looked at Yinzhou with a look of shock on his face. He has also heard a lot of news about Yang Xuan recently and knows that Yang Xuan has been A woman named Mengqing escaped alive after breaking into the void crack, and she was carrying a Divine Item flying boat. I want to come to this silver boat as the Divine Item flying boat.

“This is Feitianzhou, a middle grade Divine Item. Forber’s injury is not completely healed, so let’s go inside and take care of it.”

Yang Xuan said, Jiang Yang Fu was admitted to Feitianzhou and asked the baby to take good care of it.

Baby obeys Yang Xuan’s words, but little girl does not forget to make fossils.

“Don’t worry, big brother will fill you up soon.”

Yang Xuan laughed, took out the Purgatory Sword, and chopped it horizontally and vertically on the rock wall deep in the cave.

crackle ……

Pieces of rubble are flying around, during which a large number of yuan stone mines fall, but Yang Xuan regarded it as if he had not seen it. He only needs to make fossils, He didn’t pay attention to it, but when he saw the top grade mineral stone mine, he picked it up and earned it into the storage ring.

There is Divine Weapon such as Purgatory Sword, he excavated fast, and soon he dug a tunnel with a depth of more than ten feet.

However, this is not enough, because no fossils have been seen yet.

He did not stop, and continued to wave Purgatory Sword.

one after another sword light flashes, when the tunnel was dug to the depth of hundred zhang, Yang Xuan stopped and stared at the scene in front of him dumbfounded.

This is a rock wall that is large enough to have several meters, and the whole body is light purple and dazzling.

“A fossil, a fossil like an amethyst!” Yang Xuan’s eyes lit up, cautiously waved the Purgatory Sword, and stripped off all around the rocks on this rock wall.

Soon, a light purple rock wall ten meters long and five meters wide came into view.

“This is Amethyst Stone. The baby has eaten it before and it is delicious.”

The baby is so happy: “Big brother, I want to eat.”

“Amethyst Stone?” Yang Xuan’s eyes flickered. He knew that there were many types of fossils, but he had never heard of Amethyst Stone.

I didn’t think much about it. With a stroke of Purgatory Sword in his hand, he cut several fist-sized Amethyst Stones from this rock wall and threw them into the flying boat.

“Okay, I can eat a full meal this time.”

The baby’s chubby hands are holding a few pieces of Amethyst Stone, and his big round eyes are shining, cheering excitedly .

“Such a large fossil, I wonder if the purgatory boy can be awakened?” Yang Xuan ignored the baby, raising his hand and inserting the Purgatory Sword into the rock wall.


Purgatory Sword did not respond at first, but within a few seconds, there was a slight tremor, and then the rock wall began to melt slowly, turning into Strands of light purple energy were absorbed by Purgatory Sword.

Yang Xuan watched quietly, not feeling distressed at all.

For him, if he has no fossils, he can look for them, and now he must wake up the purgatory boy.

Purgatory Sword absorbs quickly.

No, it should be said that the purgatory boy can absorb it very quickly.

Although this brat is asleep, he has an instinctive desire to make fossils.

Without a cup of tea, a huge Amethyst Stone disappeared.

“I haven’t awakened yet!?” Yang Xuan frowned. He originally thought that the purgatory boy had absorbed such a large piece of Amethyst Stone, and he should be able to wake up. Unexpectedly, he was wrong. The purgatory boy wanted to wake up. Come, this Amethyst Stone is not enough.

“Hey, there is a passage here!” Lightly exclaimed, Yang Xuan discovered that after this Amethyst Stone was absorbed by Purgatory Sword, a not-so-large passage appeared before his eyes.

This passage is three meters high and two meters wide, with a smooth inner wall, which is obviously manual excavation.

“weng weng weng!!!” Suddenly, Purgatory Sword trembled violently, as if something was attracting it. No, it should be attracting the sleeping purgatory boy.

“Big brother, go in, there is amethyst source inside.” The baby Yiyiyaya said authentically.

“Amethyst source!?” Yang Xuan raised his brows and strode into the passage, but he didn’t walk fast. He was afraid that there were some traps in this passage, but he was obviously too worried. , Calm and tranquil in the passage, there is no danger.

About half a minute later, Yang Xuan passed through the passage and suddenly found that the front had become wider.

This is an Earth Palace. There is nothing else in the Earth Palace, only an ancient courtyard with red bricks and green tiles.

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