On the right side outside the courtyard, where is a stone tablet standing.

The stone tablet is only two meters high and not too big. The whole body is made of unknown black rock. I don’t know how many years it has existed. It is not at all weathered and decayed. It is full of ancient meaning.

Yang Xuan paced to the stone tablet, carefully watched the inscription on the stone tablet, and soon learned the origin of the courtyard in front of him.

According to the inscription on the inscription, the courtyard is an ancestral hall for the winners, dedicated to the winners’ ancestors and sages.

This winner is remarkable. It is the distinguished family of Upright Sect in the ancient Human Race. The clansman has hundreds of millions. Among them, the expert as clouds dominates the mountains and rivers of hundreds of thousands li.

Later, the winner’s family fell in love, and all kinds of secret treasures and secret books in the family were swept away by outsiders. Some people even hit the winner’s ancestral hall, and the winner had to seal the ancestral hall with Amethyst Stone.

Obviously, the Amethyst Stone outside the passage was used to seal the winner’s ancestral hall, but it was absorbed by the purgatory boy not long ago. This has to be said to be a coincidence.

“No matter how powerful a family is, it will eventually decline in the long years…” Yang Xuan sighed with emotion and stepped into the winner’s ancestral hall.

The ancestral hall has a 4-Layer courtyard, consisting of four parts: the front courtyard, the ashes shrine, the tomb of the ancestors, and the Spirit Hall, making it very quiet.

Yang Xuan looked at the columbarium and the tomb of the ancestors, but found no treasures, and finally came to the Spirit Hall.

Spirit Hall is very large, with countless tablets enshrined in the deepest part.

Yang Xuan did not pay attention to these things either. As soon as he walked into the ancestral hall, his eyes were completely attracted by one thing.

It was a purple stone, square in shape, as big as a human head, like a star, it looked brilliant.

“Wow, what a beautiful amethyst source!” The baby said excitedly.

Chapter 385 Divine Refining Technique

“Girl, have you ever eaten amethyst source before?”

“No, baby only sees I have never eaten it, and I don’t know if it’s good or not.”

“Cough cough, this amethyst source belongs to your purgatory big brother, you can’t eat it.”

After chatting with the baby a few words, Yang Xuan stepped to the source of Amethyst.

This amethyst source is placed on the spiritual table in front of the many winners’ ancestor tablets. The whole body is smooth and shiny, with dazzling brilliance, and it emits bursts of pure energy, which is extremely abundant.

Bathed in this energy, Yang Xuan’s pores are relaxed, and the Origin Force in the air also begins to stir.

It is unimaginable how much good fortune is contained in such a large piece of amethyst source. If he is refined, the cultivation base will definitely be advanced by leaps and bounds, and the breakthrough to return is easy.

However, in order to make the purgatory boy awake as soon as possible, he can only grit his teeth, reluctantly cut love, and insert Purgatory Sword into the amethyst source.

Throughout the world, I am afraid that only Divine Weapon such as Purgatory Sword can cause damage to the amethyst source. If it is replaced with a normal Divine Item, it is difficult to say whether the skin of the amethyst source can be broken.

“pu chi!”

Purgatory Sword is inserted three inches deep and it is unsustainable.

Yang Xuan can faintly hear that the Purgatory Sword collides with something, and there is a crisp sound, like gold and iron.

“Is there a secret treasure hidden in this amethyst source!?” Yang Xuan pupil light flickered, surprised and delighted.

He didn’t rush to check, after all, when the purgatory boy absorbed the amethyst source, the contents inside would naturally As the water recedes, the rocks appear.

weng!! !

Purgatory Sword trembles. If you can see through it, you will find that the purgatory boy sleeping inside the sword has a wide open mouth, like a long whale sucking water and gulping the energy of the amethyst source.

“Very good, the purgatory big brother will definitely wake up this time.”

The baby jumps and jumps again, which makes Yang Fu who is also in the flying boat puzzled. I don’t know what she is happy about.

But Yang Fu also understands that the baby is the Artifact Spirit of Feitianzhou, a peculiar intelligent life, cute and cute, and very likable.

“Great Grandpa, take good care of your injuries, I will introduce you to the purgatory big brother later.” The baby laughed hehe authentically.

“Child, is the purgatory big brother in your mouth?” Yang Fu was really curious. Not long after he entered the boat, he had heard the baby chanting “Purgatory big brother” more than once.

“Oh, I forgot to tell the Great Grandpa, the big brother of Purgatory is the Sword Spirit of Purgatory Sword, which is good for me.”

“Sword Spirit, Purgatory Sword, Young Master also There is a Divine Item!”

Yang Fu was dumbfounded and his head was dizzy. He didn’t know what Yang Xuan had experienced in the past six months. He was pregnant with two Divine Items.

What is Divine Item?

That is rare treasure, even a low grade Divine Item will make countless people jealous and fight for it.

But right now, Yang Xuan actually owns two Divine Items. Although it is not clear what the grade of Purgatory Sword is, I think it will not be worse than Feitianzhou, at least it is a middle grade Divine Item.

As the owner of Feitianzhou, Yang Xuan naturally heard the baby talking with Yang Fu.

He didn’t say much about this, his eyes always looked towards the amethyst source in front of him, naked eye could see that the amethyst source was shrinking rapidly.

In just a few minutes, the amethyst source, which was originally a big head, shrank by half.

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