“Brother Zhengnan, you have to stop thinking about it. As you said, meeting is destined, you…”

I didn’t wait for the red-clothed man to finish. Lin Zhengnan frowned and said impatiently: “Well, since you want to help him so, or go with him.”

The red-clothed man was stunned on the spot, he wanted to be a Shun Shui Renqing gave Yang Xuan a hand. Who knew Lin Zhengnan was so unreasonable, he was rejected in one bite, and he thought that words would ironic him, which made him secretly angry.

“Why, don’t you want to go?” Lin Zhengnan hummed softly.

“I…” The red-clothed man had an ugly face. They formed a team and had not yet selected Captain, but Lin Zhengnan is now acting as if he is Captain.

“I understand the brother’s kindness, but it’s okay. I am always alone and I am not used to walking with others. Besides, the leader is still a supercilious guy. I don’t bother with this People like them.”

Finally, Yang Xuan, who had been silent for a long time, spoke, and thanked the red-clothed man, his eyes swept away from Lin Zhengnan.

“Boy, do you dare to scold me?” Lin Zhengnan complexion sank, glaring at Yang Xuan. He is not an idiot. How could he not hear the sarcasm in Yang Xuan’s words and insinuate his supercilious.

“It’s ridiculous, did I scold you?”

Yang Xuan chuckled lightly, stretched out his hand to flick the dust on the tunic, looked around at people outside Lin Zhengnan, indifferently asked: Did you hear me scolding him?”

red-clothed man and the others speechless, Yang Xuan did not scold Lin Zhengnan by name, but no one was a three-year-old child. What he meant.

For a brief stunned, Liang Wenyuan jumped out, pointed at Yang Xuan’s nose and cursed: “The yellow-haired child not knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth, Lin Young Hero dignified Inner Disciple, You can offend the young genius of One Realm 3 Heavenly Layer. Your mouth should be stricter, or you should be careful to cause a serious disaster.”

“Sorry, I am an outspoken person, what I want to say Just say anything.”

Yang Xuan shrugged, looked towards Liang Wenyuan, and said sarcastically: “You old man is a lot of age, and you are jumping up and down like this, and you are like this. Don’t you feel ashamed to take pictures of other people’s flattery?”

“What did you say!?” Liang Wenyuan fly into a rage out of humiliation, he really wants to plead with Lin Zhengnan, but this kind of thing cannot be broken either. After all, he is also cultivated 200-300 years old man, and the face is still needed.

Who knows that Yang Xuan opened his mouth and said the matter, so that his face didn’t know where to put it.

“Isn’t what I said is clear enough, let you avoid taking pictures, even if you take pictures of other flattery, they may not take you seriously.” Yang Xuan sneered.

Hearing this, the red-clothed men and the others were stunned. No one didn’t expect Yang Xuan’s cultivation base is not high, but his words and deeds are so unscrupulous, he just humiliated Lin Zhengnan and went on Slap Liang Wenyuan in the face and treat the two experts as if they were nothing.

“little bastard, you are forcing the old man to kill you.” Liang Wenyuan was furious. As the powerhouse of Guiyi Realm 2 Heavenly Layer, when did he suffer such anger, especially Yang Xuan. Celestial Realm kid.

“Don’t bark wherever you are, you think you can kill me and just let the horse come.”

“Damn little bastard, old man won’t break you into pieces, It’s hard to get rid of the hatred in my heart.”

Liang Wenyuan glared, his body trembled, and he had to move his hands.

However, without waiting for him to take action, someone shouted: “Look, everyone, what is that?”

Everyone followed the prestige and saw only a few mountains outside hundreds of zhangs. A silhouette appeared on it.

It can be vaguely seen that it is a demon wolf. Someone glanced at it and said, “A demon wolf that’s all, the monster qi on its body is not rich. We have so many martial artists here. Are you afraid that it will not succeed?” ?”

“A Level 3 demon wolf, you don’t need to worry too much.” Lin Zhengnan opened the mouth and said, he cultivated the powerful Qi Viewing Technique, relying only on the shape of the demon wolf and the monster emanating from his body. qi, you know it’s just a Rank 3 Monster Beast.

Rank 3 Monster Beast, the equivalent to Vientiane Realm martial artist, although everyone has been suppressed in this space, the cultivation base is more than enough to deal with a Rank 3 Monster Beast.

“Sure enough, it is a Level 3 demon wolf!” Someone patted his chest, fearing that a high-level Demonic beast or even an ancient relic would suddenly appear, and they would be in danger at that time.

Others also saw the level of the demon wolf, and all of them were relaxed.

However, Yang Xuan frowned, with a vague premonition in his heart.

He fixed his eyes and clearly saw a demon wolf with several meters standing on the top of the distant mountain.

Compared with Lin Zhengnan and the others, Yang Xuan’s eyesight is much stronger. I saw that the demon wolf had a strong body and was covered in scarlet-red hair. A pair of scarlet eyes were open and dying. Staring at myself and Lin Zhengnan and the others, ready to go.

“This is supposed to be a scarlet-headed wolf!”

Yang Xuan pupil light is slightly shin, what he recognizes, the bad feeling in my heart becomes stronger.

Because, in his cognition, the red-blooded wolf is bloodthirsty and loves to eat humans, especially the red-blooded wolf or the demonic beast that lives in groups. Thousands of heads.

A red-blooded wolf may not be terrifying, but the so-called ant kills elephants. If thousands of red-blooded wolves appear, it will be no less than a Great Beast Tide, powerhouse. Also had to flee.

“Damn it, the beast has been staring at us, I will go over and kill it.” Someone yelled and prepared to go and kill the demon wolf.

“Hurry up, that’s the scarlet wolf.” At this moment, Yang Xuan greeted the red-clothed man, then turned and left.

The red-clothed man was stunned, and immediately followed Yang Xuan away.

For some reason, he always feels that Yang Xuan is not simple, so he didn’t dare to neglect Yang Xuan’s words.

“Red Blood Wolf…” Lin Zhengnan’s eyes flickered.

Soon, his face changed wildly, shouted: “Go, the red blood wolf is a demonic beast that lives in groups. Once we are targeted, we will all die.”

Liang Wenyuan and the Others hearing this didn’t change their color, all followed Lin Zhengnan and fled.


At the same time, a wolf howling sounded, followed by ao ao ao wolf howling continuously.

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