Everyone turned their heads and saw hundreds of red-blooded wolves, led by a huge red-blooded wolf, rushing towards the moved towards here.

Along the way, the trees collapsed, the rocks fell apart, and the rumbling sound was deafening. The sight made people have one’s hair stand on end. shudder.

“Mom, so many scarlet wolves, what shall we do now!?”

“Run, or you will die.”

“Damn Our cultivation base has been suppressed, and we can’t escape!”

Amidst the general exclamation of wail like ghosts and howl like wolves, many people panicked because this place suppressed the cultivation base. They may be able to explode to extreme speed in a short time, but as the Origin Force is consumed, their speed will undoubtedly slow down, and sooner or later they will have to be caught up by the hundreds of red blood wolves.

“Everyone quickly find a place to hide, as long as we don’t let the beasts find out, we will be safe.”

Lin Zhengnan loudly said, he still knows something about the red blood wolf, knowing The Red Blood Wolf’s perception is not strong, and under normal circumstances it will only hunt the creatures it sees in its eyes.

“Brother Zhengnan is serious about this?” Someone said unsurely.

“Believing or not.” Lin Zhengnan was a rare nonsense, and quickly found a place to hide.

Here, Yang Xuan slows down and waits for the red-clothed man to come.

“Many thanks brother gave me a reminder.”

The red-clothed man walked to the front as if he was flying, and he quickly thanked Yang Xuan without breathing.

Thanks to Yang Xuan, he stayed away from the group of scarlet wolves, otherwise it is hard to say whether he can escape.

“You’re welcome, let’s find a place to hide first.”


The two whispered a few words and went in I found a cave at the foot of the cliff in the vicinity and went in.

The cave is not very big, but hiding two people is not a problem.

Yang Xuan looked for a large number of dead branches and rotten leaves outside the cave to cover the entrance of the cave, and then sat down in the cave, waiting for the group of red blood wolves to pass before continuing on his way.

Seeing Yang Xuan’s familiar movements, the red-clothed man is even more sure that Yang Xuan background is quite extraordinary, and cup one fist in the other hand said: “Heavenly Sword Gate Inner Disciple Cai Mingfei, I don’t know brother How do you call it?”

“Xiao Feng, a Loose Cultivator.” Yang Xuan said.

“Loose Cultivator?” Cai Mingfei was in a daze. He didn’t think Yang Xuan was a Loose Cultivator, but since Yang Xuan didn’t say it, he didn’t ask too much.

“It’s a coincidence that I and you Heavenly Sword Gate are really destined.” Yang Xuan said again, with a little smile on his face.

Chapter 389 You are so ruthless

“What does Xiao brother say?” Cai Mingfei was confused, not knowing what Yang Xuan had to do with their Heavenly Sword Gate.

“Brother Cai should know Yuntiange, right?” Yang Xuan asked.

“Of course, Yuntiange is my Heavenly Sword Gate Inner Disciple. I have always had a good relationship with him, and I couldn’t be more familiar with it.” Cai Mingfei said here, surprised: “That, Brother Xiao knows Yuntiange ?”

“Well, I entered the Wild Ancient Land with him, can you be regarded as friends.” Yang Xuan said with a smile.

“so that’s how it is.” Cai Mingfei suddenly appeared with a smile on his face, “Tiange’s friend is my friend, not to mention that Brother Xiao saved my life today. If Brother Xiao will be Please tell me if you have anything, go through water and tread on fire.”

“Brother Cai is serious.”

tone barely fell, a heart-piercing horror The call came, accompanied by a series of wolf howling, needless to say, I knew that I had suffered.

Cai Mingfei took a cold breath. In this place, his cultivation base was suppressed and he encountered hordes of red blood wolves. They were definitely nine deaths and still alive. It’s hard to imagine this group of red blood wolves passing by. , A few of the previous dozen people can survive.



The screams came one after another, which meant that several more people died. Under the impact of the ferocious Red-Blood Wolf, Yang Xuan had to retreat, let alone Lin Zhengnan and the others.

In Yang Xuan’s view, if Lin Zhengnan did not find a place to hide in time, there would never be a chance of survival.

hong long long!

Outside the cave, there was a sudden noise, like a galloping horse, deafening.

Apparently, a group of red-blooded wolves are passing by.

Cai Mingfei held his breath, his nerves tightened, fearing that the Red Blood Wolf would find the cave.

In this narrow cave, once the scarlet wolf rushed in, there was no place to escape, and the consequences would be disastrous.

Fortunately, the Red Blood Wolf did not find the cave, but within half a minute, the outside calmed down completely.

“It’s safe now, let’s go.” Yang Xuan said, getting up and walking out of the cave.

Cai Mingfei came back to his senses and walked quickly to Yang Xuan’s side.

“Brother Xiao, that Liang Wenyuan had already murdered you before, now you go out, if you meet him, he…”

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