However, she checked it carefully, but she didn’t feel any discomfort in her body.

Is this kid not taking advantage of others?

“Don’t worry, I didn’t do anything to you.”

Yang Xuan was a man of two generations. He was best at observing words and looks. There was no idea what Yan Ruyue was worried about, so he immediately gave him a smile. .

“Evil thief, I am bound to kill you today.”

Yan Ruyue looked at Yang Xuan’s lowly laughed face, so she didn’t get angry, murderous aura rushing to the sky.

“Fairy, don’t get excited, you have a mirage, it’s me…”

“Needless to say, look at the trick!”

Yan Ruyue cold With a scream, like a beautiful snake, it jumped up from the hot spring, with a palm supplemented by Origin Force, drawing a dazzling brilliance, and hitting Yang Xuan at a fast as lightning speed.

“Fairy, don’t be so impulsive. I swear to God, I really didn’t do anything to you this time. Not only that, I also saved you and helped you clear the mirage within the body. “

Yang Xuan body flashed, hiding and shouting injustice.

“Who wants you to save, you guy who has suffered a thousand swords.”

Yan Ruyue’s anger is hard to dissipate, she hurriedly chased and attacked Yang Xuan with palm after palm. .

“Ai, a hundred days of grace for husband and wife in one day, if you have something to say, why fight and kill.” Yang Xuan sighed, his hands continued to attack, like a tiger pounced against an eagle, fiercely fierce, and Yan Ruyue The attack one after another resolved, and shook her back out.

“You…” Yan Ruyue’s eyes widened, her face showing incredible expression.

It’s only been a long time since Yang Xuan’s strength has grown so much. Although the cultivation base is suppressed here, Yan Ruyue still clearly feels his terrifying point.

“How did you cultivation!?”

Yan Ruyue fell in a cold breath of air and was shocked by Yang Xuan’s powerful fleshy body.

This kid is definitely a pure Human Race, but his fleshy body is even more terrifying than their Monster Race. His gestures, strong as an ox, are unstoppable.

“When I am a woman, I will tell you.”

Yang Xuan corner of the mouth raised, with a bit of lightness, a bit of evil, or a bit of cynicism and Bohemian.

“Suffer to death!”

Yan Ruyue was angry, rushed to her, and kicked Yang Xuan’s temple.

Yang Xuan is fearless, grabbing his ankle with his bare hands, and his tyrannical force bursts to imprison everything.

“Let go!”

Yan Ruyue was ashamed and annoyed. She struggled a few times, but did not pull her feet back. Yang Xuan held her tightly in her hand. in.

“Will you let it go?”

“Don’t let it go!”

“Don’t let it go, die!”

“clang ! “

Suddenly, cold murderous intention transmission.

Yan Ruyue’s snow-white wrist flicked, and took out a high grade Spirit Sword from the storage ring, and thrust it towards Yang Xuan’s throat, incredibly fast.

This is a sword that must kill!

Under the repeated humiliation of the horny man, Yan Ruyue was really angry and wanted to kill Yang Xuan with a single sword.


A golden and iron symphony sounded, Yang Xuan pointed to a sword, urging Origin Force, and easily blocked the sword, allowing Yan Ruyue to grasp The right hand of the sword was numb, and the Spirit Sword in his hand almost couldn’t help but flew out, Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! trembling endlessly.

“You monster!”

Yan Ruyue’s eyes widened, and she couldn’t believe that the scene before her was true. Is this still a human? It is obviously an ominous beast.

“You are right, I am a monster, and you are destined to be my monster woman.”

Yang Xuan smirked and grabbed Yan Ruyuezu The big ankle hand loosened.

“Asshole, I don’t believe in killing you.” Yan Ruyue was able to get away. Not only was she not grateful, she swung her sword again to kill Yang Xuan.

whiz whiz whiz! ! !

One after another sword energy struck, Yang Xuan didn’t dodge or dodge, and punched continuously to destroy all the sword energy.

He has half an Undying Body, and Yan Ruyue’s cultivation base is suppressed here, no matter how sharp Yan Ruyue’s attack is, it is difficult to pose a threat to him.

Yan Ruyue furrowed her eyebrows and saw something. She stopped urging the sword energy, and the man walked with the sword, stabbing Yang Xuan’s body with a sword.

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