Little sword light flashes, assaults the senses like raindrops, followed by the sound of ding ding dong dong, ringing non-stop.

Yang Xuan stood still and stood there, while Yan Ruyue waved a sharp sword, urging thousands of sword lights, and greeted him continuously, in a posture that he would not give up without killing him.

“Stop, you are not my enemy.”

Yang Xuan lightly shouted, with his hands or fists or palms, easily blocking Yan Ruyue’s offensive, impervious to sword and spear.

Yan Ruyue did not say a word, and the sword technique became more fierce, only attacking but not defending.

Only offensive, not defensive?

This girl is sure she won’t hurt her anymore.

Yang Xuan smiled bitterly to himself, and kept fighting.

Gradually, Yan Ruyue exhausted her strength, but she still refused to give up. The sword seemed to hit Yang Xuan’s chest, but it was actually a false move. The sharp sword changed direction in vain on the way, according to His crotch pierced, apparently preparing him to become Court Eunuch.

“Crazy woman, you are endless!”

Yang Xuan saw this woman so ruthless, and his heart became a bit more angry for no reason. He used the sword to refer to the sword, lightning-like They attacked again and again, ping-pong-pong-pong pong-pong-pong on her sword.

Between the rabbits and the birds fall, in Yan Ruyue’s painful cry.

Yang Xuan applied force together and touched a point on the wrist of her right hand holding the sword. Then the sharp sword in her hand flew down, and pu chi fell into the hot spring with a sound, splashing water.

“Come here for me.” Yang Xuan was unforgiving, grabbing Yan Ruyue’s right hand, and violently pulling her into his arms.

“Let go of me!”

Yan Ruyue was caught by a miss and struggled with a flushed face.

Yang Xuan did not answer, but grabbed her arms with both hands and suppressed it with brute force, making it difficult for her to move.

Yan Ruyue is so angry that she gnashing teeth, Yang Xuan’s power is too great, no matter how she struggles, it is futile.

“Don’t move, move again, don’t blame me for eating you again.”

Yang Xuan pretends to be vicious and authentic.

“Do you dare?”

Yan Ruyue is ashamed and indignant. A pair of beautiful eyes glared at Yang Xuan. If the divine ability kills, Yang Xuan doesn’t know how many times he has died. Up.

“I Yang Xuan fearing nothing in Heaven or Earth, what can I not dare to.”

Yang Xuan haha ​​smiled, and then said with a playful expression: “Beauty, I do Help you clear your mirage and expose your identity, how are you going to repay me?”

“I, I can’t wait to chop you into pieces and frustrate my bones and ashes!”

Yan Ruyue turned her head desperately , In order to avoid Yang Xuan’s encroachment, but helplessly this space suppressed the cultivation base, she was unable to resist.

“I saved you twice. You are not grateful for me not to say it, and you treat me as an enemy. Don’t you think it’s a bit too much?” Yang Xuan was a little upset, turning his head and Yan Ruyue angrily beautiful eyes look at each other.

“You have tarnished my innocence, and still want me to be grateful to you, do you think this is possible?”

“Very well, so don’t blame me for being rude to you.”

“What do you want!?”

“Why, are you afraid, don’t worry, I just walk around with you like this, I think there will be many people Recognize Fairy you.”

“You, you devil, if you dare to do this to me, I will immediately cut my heart.”

“Cough cough, don’t think about it, I’m making a joke with you that’s all.”

Yang Xuan said busy, he was really worried that Yan Ruyue could not think about it, and his tone softened: “Fairy, you know what happened in the cave last time. , You said, can you blame me?”

Chapter 398 Don’t be a hypocrite

“I only know that you ruined my innocence.”

” Yes, yes, I admit it, but it was compelled by circumstances. If I didn’t give my life to save you at the time, you would have been insane.”

hearing this, Yan Ruyue bit her pink lips. The expression fluctuates, and she also knows that Yang Xuan saved her last time and left herself a drop of Spring of Life to heal her injuries.

However, every time she thinks of her body that is clear as ice and clean as jade, in front of her eyes by a stinky man younger than her own, she can’t control her anger.

Yang Xuan stared at Yan Ruyue with affectionate money in his eyes, and continued: “I, Yang Xuan, a real man, able to support both heaven and earth, since I got Fairy you, I will naturally Be responsible for you to the end, I believe that with sincerity, Jinshi is open, Fairy will let go of hatred one day, and fall in love with me.”

“Fall in love with you? Stop dreaming, this is absolutely impossible.” Yan Ruyue bit her teeth.

“Really, then let’s wait and see.”

Yang Xuan shrugged and stopped talking, just hug Yan Ruyue tightly and look for it by the hot spring water He took a boulder and sat down.

“What the hell are you doing, let me go!”

“Have you heard me dumb?”

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