Yang Xuan smiled undiminished, and put his head in front of Yan Ruyue’s charming pretty face.

“You, stay away from me!” Yan Ruyue lost one’s head out of fear for a while.

Yang Xuan couldn’t help but smile when she saw how scared she was.

There was no mess, he shrank his head back, and each minding their own business said: “Fairy, do you remember the first meeting in the tomb of our Monster Emperor? At that time, I am no more than the cultivation base of Vientiane Realm, and you are an expert of aloof and remote. Even, you were planning to capture me and take me into a slave.”

“I only blame me for not knowing people. Qing, if I had known you deeply hidden, I would do my best to subdue you in one fell swoop, plant a brand on your Divine Soul, and control life and death.” Yan Ruyue gritted his teeth.

“Yes, if you did your best at that time, I might not be able to escape.” Yang Xuan stared at Yan Ruyue’s beautiful eyes, wondering how he could fulfill his long-cherished wish again and taste this noble and charming flower The peerless enchantress.

“Will you let me go?” Yan Ruyue was staring at him like this, and there was a burst of tension and anxiety in her heart for no reason.

“Let you go, but can you forgive me?”

“Forgive you, do you think this is possible?”

“Just try to fight for , Everything is possible, even if you are a Fairy who is not interested in mundane affairs, I still have a way to make you fall into the mundane world.”

The word is sonorous and full of strong confidence, as if he wanted it. There is nothing you can’t get.

“Yang Xuan, I won’t forgive you, so you will die of this heart.” Yan Ruyue’s voice contained a trace of determination.

“Then if I let you go, will you come to kill me in the future?”

“Yes, but you can rest assured that I will kill you by myself and I will never use External force.”

“Well, with your words, I will let you go. Besides, you are welcome to kill me at any time, but before you kill me, you have to weigh your own strength. There is no absolute certainty, don’t try to try me…”

Speaking of which, Yang Xuan paused, saying every word: “Next time, if you miss your hand and get caught, I won’t be like this. I usually let you off easily.”

“You really want to let me go!?” Yan Ruyue’s pupil light flickered.

“Although I am a villain, Yang Xuan, the villain also speaks of integrity. Since I said I will let you go, I will not break my promise.”

Yang Xuan said , His tone suddenly became domineering: “Remember, you are my Yang Xuan woman. I want not only to get your people, but also to get your heart. If you dare to be moved by other men, I will kill whoever.”

Hearing this, Yan Ruyue’s heart was shocked. She could hear Yang Xuan’s words from the bottom of her heart, and her heart could not help but ripple a little.

To be honest, she has never been tempted by any man since her cultivation.

Even if the marriage with Jin Ming was decided by Sect’s senior management, she herself did not have any feelings for Jin Ming and did not approve of this marriage. She didn’t expect to marry Jin Ming.

Even, no man in the world can enter the eyes of her law.

But this young man in front of him, this self-styled, overbearing little man, has already gained her body.

For a time, Yan Ruyue’s mood was complicated, secretly thought this kid is really the magic star of his fate! ?

“Damn, what am I thinking about.”

Yan Ruyue shook her head, put aside the distracting thoughts in her mind, and yelled: “Hurry up and let me go.”

Yang Xuan didn’t answer, she just looked at Yan Ruyue with affection in his eyes, and under his scorching gaze, Yan Ruyue’s gaze couldn’t help but dodge a little, and his whole body became weaker and sweaty.

Yang Xuan saw that she didn’t dare to look at her, an impulse suddenly rose in her heart.

Without much thought, he suddenly leaned over and lowered his head, sealing her lips.

Chapter 399 Imperial Qi Bead

A kiss, a taste, and a touch.

Yan Ruyue came back to his senses, she couldn’t stop shaking for a while, there were tears in a pair of beautiful eyes, and I felt pity.

When Yang Xuan saw this, his heart softened and said softly: “Fairy, I’m sorry, this is my mistake, can I pay you for the crime?”

After that, both hands A loose, let go of Yan Ruyue.

Yan Ruyue regained her freedom, took a few steps back, her face was full of shame and anger, gritted her teeth and said: “Shameless, quickly put my clothes and Yuqin together Give me back.”

“No problem.”

Yang Xuan haha ​​smiled, flipped it over, and an exquisite white dress appeared in his hand.

This is Yan Ruyue’s clothes, which he bought into the storage ring before.

“Shut up, I’m not your wife.” Yan Ruyue exclaimed angrily, leaning out her hand, sucking out of thin air, sucking her dress into her hand, and putting it on in a hurry.

Yang Xuan keeps his eyes on, just watching the beauty dress like this, smiling and saying: “Good lady, you wear it slowly, don’t worry, I’ve seen everything that I can see before, so you can see everything.”


hearing this, Yan Ruyue is extremely embarrassed, pretty face, neck, and even the roots of her ears have a fascinating blush. It’s gorgeous, and the monks in the temple will be overwhelmed when they see it. .

“Well, hurry up and put on your clothes, otherwise I can’t guarantee that I can stand it.” Yang Xuan lightly said with a smile.

Yan Ruyue didn’t say a word, she dressed up for a few times, and said coldly: “There is also Yuqin.”

“Let me kiss again and I will return Yuqin. You.”

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