
“hehe, who is joking, don’t get angry, madam.”

Yang Xuan grinned, but didn’t say anything frivolity With a wave of his big hand, Kihiro, a jade jade piano flew across the sky.

Yan Ruyue caught Yuqin, her face changed and she seemed to be trying to stimulate the sound killing technique, can she kill Yang Xuan.

“Go, in this space, you are impossible to be my opponent.” Yang Xuan said indifferently.

“Today’s shame, unforgettable, Yang Xuan, you will wait for me. Sooner or later, I will make you pay the price.”

Let’s make a ruthless sentence, Yan Ruyue Floating, disappearing into the distant sky in a flash.

“Oh kid, I don’t see it for a long time, you can hug the beautiful woman.” At this moment, the voice of the purgatory boy’s weird laugh suddenly came.

“Oh, do you think so too?” Yang Xuan dashing eyebrows raised, a little proud.

“Although I am an Artifact Spirit, I do not understand the love between you and man, but I can detect the woman’s mood fluctuations.”

“Mood fluctuations!?”

“Don’t you humans have a saying that love is born from your heart?”

“Uh, you mean she fell in love with me!?”

“I can’t talk about falling in love with you. In short, her hatred for you has weakened a lot. This is undoubtedly a good sign for you.”

“When I love and hate, it seems I In the future, I have to work harder. If these charming women do not get paid, wouldn’t they give other men in vain.”

“Women don’t tell me in advance, you brat’s identity is revealed, and then you have to Pay attention.”

“I’ll be careful.”

“It’s not enough to be careful. Practice this thing with blood sacrifice, it’s a gift from this boy.”

tone barely fell, Yang Xuan right hand sank.

He looked down and found an extra bead in his hand.

The bead is as big as a longan, and the whole body is bright white, shining with splendid brilliance. At first glance, you can tell that it is not a common thing, but Yang Xuan does not know what it does.

“This is!?”

“This is a rare treasure that my former master got when he was young, and his name is called Imperial Qi Pearl.”

” What’s the use of this bead?”

“It is very useful. After you refine this bead, you can do as one pleases to change the Origin Qi fluctuation of your body, unless it is Supreme Realm powerhouse , Otherwise no one can see your true cultivation base.”


“Why do you lie to you? Of course, the imperial gas pearl is not a panacea. Today’s cultivation base can raise the fluctuation of Origin Qi to Celestial Realm Peak at best.”

“It’s enough. I was worried that my cultivation base is too low and my identity is easy to be seen through. This Time to sit back and relax.”

Yang Xuan was so excited, he hurriedly gave the imperial Qi beads to the sacrifice.

The process went very smoothly. Once sacrificial refining succeeded, Yu Qizhu automatically submerged into his sea of ​​Qi.

Next, under the guidance of the purgatory boy, Yang Xuan quickly understood how to use the imperial Qi beads.

The method is very simple. You only need to inject a small amount of Origin Force into the imperial qi bead, and you can change the Origin Qi fluctuation emitted from your body at will, whether it is enhanced or weakened.

“Good baby!”

Yang Xuan’s eyes were bright, and his body was shaken, and the Origin Qi fluctuation exuding from his body suddenly became much stronger. He will be regarded as a martial artist of Celestial Realm Peak.

“Boy, many thanks.” Yang Xuan sincerely thanked the purgatory boy.

“Thank you, you don’t have to. This imperial qi bead is the relic of my former master, you must remember to keep it.” The purgatory boy warned repeatedly.

“Don’t worry, I have already recognized the Master with the Qizhu. Unless I die, I will never lose this thing.”

While speaking, Yang Xuan changed his appearance. He changed his clothes, and then rose into the sky, rushing to the giant island.

The small island is not far from the giant island, only two 300 li away.

About the tea time, Yang Xuan flew down and landed firmly on the giant island.

There are many people on the island, and it is not strange to see Yang Xuan here alone.

Yang Xuan ignored the others, and was about to ask the purgatory boy how to find the formation eye, when he heard a surprise voice from afar.

“Quickly, find the formation eye. As long as we destroy the formation eye, we can leave here.”

“Has anyone found the formation eye? This saves me Little things.”

Yang Xuan touched the tip of his nose lightly, and flew at full speed toward the place where the sound came from.

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