On the way, the silhouette is so good, almost everyone rushed to the depths of the giant island.

Yang Xuan is no exception, rushing away with the flow of people.

With the imperial gas beads, his cultivation base is Celestial Realm Peak in the eyes of outsiders. In addition, using countless changes to make a facelift, it is difficult for anyone to recognize him, so he can feel confident in the crowd. Take a stroll in the middle of nowhere without worrying about being seen through.

The island is very big, and it took a few minutes before he arrived at his destination.

This is a valley of Birds, Speech, Flowers, Fragrances, with a huge area.

Looking up, 2,000-3,000 people have already gathered in the open space ahead.

Among these people are Divine Demon Temple martial artists such as Jin Ming, and Yan Ruyue is also among them, but her face is not very good-looking, because of all directions, many people are quietly looking at it. She kept whispering.

This is also normal. After all, Yan Ruyue was kidnapped by Yang Xuan not long ago. Who knows if she was deprived.

This is also what Jin Ming worries about. For this reason, Yan Ruyue has been asked countless times before, but every time he asks, it is Yan Ruyue’s cold words.

The thing that made Jin Mingwo hot is that Yan Ruyue refused to disclose the location of Yang Xuan, but said that Yang Xuan was injured and escaped.

But don’t say that Jin Ming doesn’t believe it, other people won’t believe it. After all, Yang Xuan is a strong evildoer with a fleshy body. Besides, this space also suppresses the cultivation base. How could Yan Ruyue be his? opponent.

Yang Xuan swam around, looked away from Yan Ruyue and Jin Ming, and soon saw Yuan Shaozong in the crowd.

Because of the crowd, he did not take action against Yuan Shaozong. Moreover, his identity is sensitive and he dare not expose his identity here.

“The eldest grandson of Cloudy Ghost Sect is here!” Suddenly, someone cry out in surprise.

Yang Xuan turned his head and looked around, and saw a handsome man with a temperament out of the ordinary stepping into the sky, whether he was Chang Sun Yan or someone.

This guy is alone. Perhaps he heard something on the road. When he first came to the open space deep in the valley, he asked Jin Ming Yang Xuan if he was the cultivation base of Celestial Realm 3 Heavenly Layer.

When Jin Ming heard Yang Xuan mentioned by Yang Xuan, his face was coldly snorted and said: “Don’t ask, the kid outside the Supreme Profound Palace is Yang Xuan.”


“Are you sure!?”

Although Zhang Sunyan has guessed that the black robe boy is Yang Xuan, he got an affirmative answer from Jin Ming’s mouth, and his heart became more and more angry. Up.

He absolutely didn’t expect, killing them Cloudy Ghost Sect Inner Sect True Disciple Zhong Tian and Gui Qi, and the culprit who fisted him outside the Taixuan Shenfu is now Zhong Prefecture like Yang Xuan of the sun at high noon.

“Love Believing or Not.”

After Jin Ming said, no longer paid attention to Chang Sun Yan. Compared with Chang Sun Yan and Yuan Shaozong, he undoubtedly hates Yang Xuan the most, because Yang Xuan kidnapped his fiancee Yan Ruyue, and didn’t know what he did to Yan Ruyue. After Yan Ruyue came back, he was still a little absent-minded.

“Yang Xuan……” Long Sun Yan was full of murderous intention, and a pair of sharp eyes scanned the crowd.

“No need to look for it. There is no martial artist of Celestial Realm 3 Heavenly Layer. He must find a place to hide now.”

Yuan Shaozong opened the mouth and said, he had already I came, and searched the crowd for a long time, but never found any suspicious person.

“Lord is here, but unfortunately you can’t recognize it.”

Yang Xuan sneered secretly, found a place with few people to settle down, and looked towards the depths of the valley. I saw a stone pillar standing on the ground below a steep cliff.

There are a total of 28 stone pillars, no more, no less, each stone pillar is five meters high, half a meter thick, and the color is not the same. The inner three floors and the outer three floors form one Contains a circular array with a peculiar law.

In that circle, a Rainbow Bead with a big head is suspended in the void high in several meters, revealing a strange energy wave.

Unsurprisingly, Rainbow Bead should be the formation eye of Xingluo Great Array.

“People are almost here, let’s start together, click to destroy the formation eye early.”

At this moment, a majestic figure with a red light face and a cultivation base is enough The azure clothed old man of divine force 6 Heavenly Layer stands tall, standing at an altitude of more than ten meters, pointing his finger at the glorious Rainbow Bead in the circle of stone pillars, and said loudly: “You see, that one Rainbow Bead is the formation eye. We just need to destroy it and we can leave here.”

“so that’s how it is.”

“Damn it, I’m all I have been trapped here for several days, and now I can finally leave.”

“Don’t be too happy, the beads may be difficult to destroy.”

Ears, discuss spiritedly, some cheering excitedly, others look serious, knowing that the formation eye is not easy to destroy.

Chapter 400 The seabed needle of a woman’s heart

“Break for the old man.”

As the highest cultivation base in the audience, the azure clothed old man does my part. The first shot.

When the cultivation base has reached his level, there is no need to use any martial skills.

He flicked his sleeves, and a brilliant divine glow emerged from the sky, like an unrolled bolt of white silk that no stronghold one cannot overcome. The speed was incredible and it accurately hit the Rainbow Bead.

With a bang, the rays of light exploded, and the energy surged, completely submerging the Rainbow Bead, making naked eye hard to see.

“Have you succeeded!?”

The pupil light of the crowd is flickering, I don’t know if this overbearing azure clothed old man can destroy the Rainbow Bead.

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