“How is it possible, intact!”

Suddenly, someone shouted.

Everyone looked intently and saw that the brilliance of the stone pillar circle was dissipated, and the Rainbow Bead was still suspended in the air, completely motionless, with no cracks on it, solid and unimaginable.

“This stuff…”

Azure clothed old man frowned, although his cultivation base is suppressed here, but a single blow is enough to destroy a few hundred zhang High peaks, but there is no pearl at the moment.

“The old man doesn’t believe in evil anymore!”

He is coldly snorted, his robe flutters, and his whole body is snorted, bursting out a strong imposing manner.

Under the pressure of this imposing manner, many people stepped back, sweating profusely.

Everyone knows that the azure clothed old man has failed in one blow, and must use a powerful secret technique.

However, just as everyone was looking forward to it, the Rainbow Bead trembled invisible.

next moment, mutation protruding, the twenty-eight stone pillars collectively glow, releasing a large amount of colorful energy.

These energies are flying like raindrops, converging at an extremely fast speed, and in an instant the entire circle of stone pillars is covered with an energy shield of brilliant lights and vibrant colors.

“Damn, these stone pillars are not simple, they should be a big array!”

What the elder powerhouse in the life-threatening state has seen, the current complexion sank.

With a large array of defense, it is undoubtedly more difficult for them to destroy the Rainbow Bead, and it is hard to say whether they can even break the energy shield in front of them.


The azure clothed old man loudly shouted, pointed his right palm into a knife, and slashed it nine times in the air.

This is one of his unique disciplines, the name is called Cracking Heaven and Nine Slash.

Nine bursts in a row, nine horrified heavenly blade qi, with boundless divine force, showing off one’s ability, slashed continuously on that layer of energy defense cover.

“Boom”, “Boom”, “Boom”……

One after another, the loud noise, which is endless, makes the people present deaf in both ears and trembles all over,

“So powerful…” The crowd retreated again and again, and they didn’t know the azure clothed old man, but the azure clothed old man was suppressed by the cultivation base, and the horrible battle strength erupted, which is really shocking.

Above high above the sky, the azure clothed old man is independent, and his face is hard to hide his look of shock, because his Heavenly Cracking Nine Cuts actually failed to break through that layer of energy defense cover.

“What, this didn’t break the big formation!”

Seeing this scene, the crowd was in an uproar.

“This big formation is extraordinary, let’s attack together.” azure clothed old man frowns saying.

“Start!” The crowd came back to his senses, running Origin Force one after another, attacking.

For a time, the sword energy of sword energy, various brilliance, flying all over the sky, like a tide of ocean, blasted on that layer of energy defense cover.

bang bang bang!! !

Heaven-shaking, earth-shattering sounded continuously. Everyone’s attacks hit the energy defense cover. There were countless ripples on the entire energy defense cover, but they were never broken. Tenacious couldn’t Shake.

“The defensive power is too strong, can we break it!?” Someone changed color.

“Shut up, with so many of us, it is absolutely possible.” The azure clothed old man scolded angrily.

hearing this, overwhelming majority people no longer hide their clumsiness, each do their best to learn, moved towards the energy defense cover for a burst of indiscriminate bombardment, leaving the entire circle of stone pillars around ten zhang within a flying sand running stone, dust and smoke Billowing.

There are many people and great power, and this is true.

Under the continuous attack of everyone, within a few minutes, the energy shield could not bear it.

ka ka ka ……

one after another cracks emerged, clearly visible.

“haha, it’s breaking, everyone work harder!”

Someone laughed excitedly, and immediately everyone used their strength, and various martial skills were displayed and turned into a vast torrent of energy , Pēng pēng pēng blasted on the energy defense cover.

Soon, the entire energy defense cover exploded and a gust of wind blew away many people. Fortunately, the cultivation base of those present was not low, and no one was injured.

“Haha, no matter how strong it is, it can’t hold up our crowds. Now we only need to destroy the Rainbow Bead.”

“Yes, come on, everyone Don’t rest and attack together.”

Just when many people are cheering excitedly and ready to destroy the Rainbow Bead.

Rainbow Bead trembled again, and then twenty-eight stone pillars were seen glowing, and a layer of energy shield was resurrected.

“Damn, there is more to it!”

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