Only hearing a huff , the whole crampons burst out of the air, covering the sky all the way, and grabbing to Yang Xuan faster than lightning.

This is a kill!

As the crampons approached Yang Xuan, a cruel smile appeared on the wrinkled old face of the blue clothed old man, hideous like a ghost.

“This blow should kill him!?”

“Not good said, this child fleshy body is amazing, and the trifling cold Ice Martial Spirit may not hurt him.”

The eyes of the crowd flicker, and they dare not assert that Yang Xuan will die.

After all, Yang Xuan is very human, and it may seem harmless to humans and animals, but the fleshy body is abnormal, and it is basically a monster in a personal shape.

“break for me!”

Yang Xuan pupil light captures people, with a punch up and down, facing the crampons.

This is a nine-pole collapse that I haven’t made for a long time.

punched out, hidden the strength of the 9th layer, one by one is stronger than one, like a big wave, splitting the heavens and earth.

The formidable power of this blow is strong enough to destroy a small mountain peak.

With a bang, I saw the huge crampons exploded into smash, turning into countless ice chips and flying around, like a hail.


Ice chips fell from the sky, and Yang Xuan was showered all over, cold and bitter, but he ignored it and stepped down.

One step!

Two steps!

Three steps!


Every step is stepped on, the earth shook and the mountain quivered.

The baleful qi on his body is also rich, like an Ancient Ominous Beast resurrecting, trying to kill the world.

deng deng deng! ! !

blue clothed old man expression Frightened, shuddering, staggering backwards.

Under the attack of that monstrous baleful qi, he was already shuddered, and he no longer had the courage to fight Yang Xuan. The anger and killing intent in his heart were more like ice and snow melted, and the faded thoroughly, only infinity remained. Endless fear.

“How do you want to die?” Yang Xuan kept walking, pressing hard, treating the blue clothed old man as prey.

The blue clothed old man’s face is gloomy, and his body retreats.

Yang Xuan is not fast or slow, continue down, he is like a murderous god possessed, his scalp is numb, his liver and gallbladder are cracked, and a heart is mentioned in his throat. eye.

“quickly retreat!”

I don’t know who among the crowd made a noise. Then, including Zhao Mingyu, everyone, including Zhao Mingyu, retreats for fear of avoiding it and goes crazy. , Regard Yang Xuan as a scourge.

“Young people, if one can let people off, then spare them, today even if the old man accepts the plant and leaves the storage ring to you, what do you think?”

blue clothed The old man retreated and said.

When he said this, he blushed and was ashamed and unable to show one’s face.

But in order to survive, he couldn’t care about his face anymore.

“I don’t want to kill people, but if you hit me repeatedly, how can I go around you? As for your storage ring, if I kill you, it will naturally be my trophy.”

The words were still there, Yang Xuan rose in the air, like a tiger, and instantly came to the blue clothed old man, punching the thunder.


The blue clothed old man’s face was pale, shocked roar, and quickly moved the cold Ice Martial Spirit. Using limited spirit strength, he condensed a several in front of him meters big ice shield to resist Yang Xuan’s fist.

Helplessly, the ice shield was too brittle, and couldn’t stop Yang Xuan’s violent punches. He was blown out by a punch, and the debris was flying.


The blue clothed old man softened his legs and fell to his knees with a thump, only to kowtow to Yang Xuan for mercy.

Below the stone steps, a group of people stayed like wooden chickens.

Who would have thought that an old powerhouse who called the wind and summon the rain outside would be forced to such a situation and kneel down and beg for mercy for a young boy in his early 20s .

Chapter 407 singlehanded

“Is this… an illusion!?” Someone stretched out his hand and rubbed his eyes, and found that the blue clothed old man really knelt down.

Kneeling in front of the young man Yang Xuan, his shiver coldly rickety body shows how scared he is deep in one’s heart at this moment.

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