Just, will Yang Xuan let him go! ?

No one can say this.

“Don’t kill me, I don’t want to die…” The blue clothed old man expression was frightened, and repeatedly told forgiveness, just begging Yang Xuan to let him go.

“It’s too late, now, I’ll take you for the operation.” Yang Xuan made a small voice, but cold as a knife. He stretched out his hand and grabbed the blue clothed old man’s skull.

“Ah!” The blue clothed old man screamed, his skull ka-cha cracked, and blood splashed. The picture was really bloody, making Zhao Mingyu and the others hairy and look pale.

What this child wants to do, squeeze the head of the blue clothed old man! ?

This is not a stone, but a living head!

Thinking about it, everyone feels that there is one’s hair stand on end, and the soles of the feet are cold.

“Forgive me, no, don’t kill me, I, I tell you a treasure…”

blue clothed old man face covered in blood, howling in his mouth, only I feel that my skull is about to break, and I feel painful.

“Look at your courage. Forget it, Young Master will show compassion and give you joy.”

There are treasures in Yang Xuan, not rare treasures, but He didn’t make a cruel hand anymore, and lifted up his other hand, poofing a palm, and a head suddenly flew out.

So far, the blue clothed old man was beheaded and blood splashed on the spot.

“Dead, I cut off the head of a powerhouse from the deadly stage alive!”

The crowd’s hearts trembled violently, their mouths were shaking, and they did not dare to look directly at Yang Xuan, This kid was so cruel, it made them tremble from the bottom of their hearts.

“Hey, the people above said something, what happened?”

“Strange, one by one doesn’t move, is it possible that has been hit by the fixation curse? “

“Damn it, the spiritual medicine at the foot of the mountain has been dug out, and there is nothing valuable left. Let’s go up and take a look.”

At the foot of the mountain , It’s noisy.

Many newly arrived martial artists hurried up the stone steps and rushed to the crowded area above, wanting to see clearly, after all, a large group of people stayed there stupidly and motionless. This situation is quite clear. It’s weird.

Yang Xuan has keen ears and can hear the voices from below. He understands that a large number of martial artists are coming up, but he does not hear about it, and each minding their own business pulls out the storage ring of the blue clothed old man. Come down, and then glance at Zhao Mingyu and the others below: “Will you wait to roll down by yourself, or do you want me to do it myself?”

“Boy, let’s wait and see.” Put down a harsh word, Zhao Mingyu Turn around and go, running fast all the way, afraid that Yang Xuan will chase him down.

“Trash, it’s rare for Young Master to take care of you.” Yang Xuan smiled contemptuously and glanced at the others: “Aren’t your ears working well, don’t you get out of here.”

“Ah, let’s go!”

The crowd turned around and ran away desperately, one by one, like stray dogs, crawling back and forth.

“Hey, isn’t that Zhao Mingyu from Blood Fiend Sect? How did he run down?”

“Look, not only Zhao Mingyu is down, but all the people above are down!”

“What the hell is happening, is there any danger up there!?”

Below the stone steps, many people saw Zhao Mingyu and the crowd of martial artists retreating in panic. All of them were surprised and uncertain. I don’t know what Zhao Mingyu and the others encountered. They looked like they were running for their lives.

“Brother Zhao, why is this so?”

A tall, dashing eyebrows man in Chinese clothes blinked, stopped Zhao Mingyu and asked why.

“It turned out to be Brother Wang!”

Zhao Mingyu has a good relationship with the man in Huafu, his body is stable, and his gnashing teeth said authentically: “There is a kid on top, the fleshy body is extremely terrifying, Don’t let us climb the mountain.”

“Here, Brother Zhao is sure that he is not kidding, a kid can stop you!?”

Wang Xiaokun startedled, he and Zhao Mingyu are friends, and they don’t have a friendship. Shallow, I know exactly how powerful Zhao Mingyu is. Even if he is imprisoned here, his fleshy body can suppress and kill any martial artist below the same level.

But at the moment, Zhao Mingyu was shocked by a kid and didn’t dare to climb the mountain.

“Brother Zhao, what kind of cultivation base is that kid?” Wang Xiaokun asked again.

“The sea of ​​anger is confined here, and I can’t see his depth, but the boy is 20 years old in his early years, and the cultivation base is not much higher.”

“Brother Zhao played against him!?”

Hearing this, Zhao Mingyu was silent, his face gloomy and uncertain.

How does this teach him to answer?

Is it possible that he was slapped by Yang Xuan not long ago?

Can’t imagine, if this matter is publicized, where should he put his face?

As the thoughts turned, Zhao Mingyu thought of something, and turned his head to give a sharp look to the person who then retreated in embarrassment.

A group of people are not idiots, first they are unfathomable mystery, and then they understand something, and then no matter how unfamiliar people below ask, they don’t mention a word, just say that there is a evil star on the The elder powerhouse of Fate Meteor Realm was killed.

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