“This battle is absolutely wonderful, enough to be recorded in history, but I don’t know who wins and who loses!?”

“This is really hard to say.”

“Yeah, Yang Xuan is so confident, then there must be a belief in victory.”

The crowd whispered and rushed to the mountainside. This is a duel between a divine force powerhouse and a young evildoer. , Since they met, how could they miss it? For a while, everyone even forgot the Taiyin Shenshui.

In just a dozen breaths, people at the foot of the mountain went to the sky.

Occasionally someone came from here and saw crowds of mountain climbing. They also rushed up the stone steps. When they met an insider on the way, they asked, they learned that Yang Xuan was going to fight Chen Hanlin, but he didn’t get out. The accident caused a sensation, and there were endless exclamations.


On the mountainside, the forest is luxuriant and the fallen leaves are flying.

The fallen leaves fell, and a thick carpet was laid on the stone steps.

Whiz whiz whiz The sound broke through the air, and a large number of martial artists galloped in, rolling up the fallen leaves all over the ground. After a while, the crowd came to the mountainside one after another. With a large number of corpses of martial artist, no one was completely dead, and their deaths were miserable.

“It’s so cruel!” Many people trembled. Although they hadn’t been to the scene of the battle, everyone could tell that there had been a massacre.

“It’s about to go to war, let’s go up!”

Someone shouted, and then the crowd continued to go up 100 meters and saw a few ten zhang high stone steps , The silhouette of the two roads face off at a distance of seven or eight meters.

Two people, one old and one young.

Old man, a black robe, with a cold breath, is Sect Elder Chen Hanlin in Cloudy Ghost Sect.

The younger, 17-18 years old, with blood-stained white clothed, black hair like a waterfall, eyes bright and brilliant, it is Yang Xuan who has lifted countless changes.

“So young and so handsome, is he Yang Xuan!?”

“Who else could he be?”

” Sure enough, this child has changed!”

“hmph, this guy is so cunning. If he knows his true identity, those people may not have dared to attack him before, and he won’t lose his life in vain.”


Human** heads to ears and recognizes Yang Xuan at a glance.

This is not surprising. As a well-known evildoer in Zhong Prefecture, his portrait has been spread all over the country and deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

If he shows his true tolerance, it is difficult for Zhong Prefecture to find a few people who do not know him.

Under the focal point of ten thousands, Yang Xuan expression remains the same, and he talks and laughs freely: “Tsk tsk, there are so many people!”

As soon as this statement came out, all kinds of noises disappeared. The field was completely quiet, and the needle fell.

Everyone looked at him in a daze, and there was no peace in their hearts. When this is the time, this kid can still laugh.

However, it is worthy of a generation of young evildoers!

The unchanging calmness of Mount Tai alone is enough to make people admire. Many young geniuses here hear his laughter. After admiring them, they feel that they are ashamed of being. inferior.

The gap is so big, they can’t compare.

“Little beast, you have a good courage, but remember, even invincible in the whole world, there will be times when you are killed.”

Chen Hanlin eye shows the ominous light, the sound is cold and contemplative. Many people have heard the rich murderous intention from its voice, and they understand that the next battle will definitely be born and die, but whether it is Chen Hanlin’s defeat or the fall of Yang Xuan, before the war begins No one can make a jump to assert.

“What are you, Young Master still needs your help. If you want to do it, hurry up.”

Yang Xuan’s voice is cold, arrogant, but he agrees in his heart. Chen Hanlin’s words, after all, are as strong as the king of war, Yi Wuya, and only a strand of Remnant Soul is left. In less than a year, he will be disappeared and annihilated in this world.

“If you want to court death, the old man will do you.”

The voice is still there, Chen Hanlin moved, his body turned into a afterimage, an endless murderous aura Instantly enveloped this world.

This is the powerhouse of the divine force environment. It has cultivated killing people like scything flax for countless years, condensing the terrifying murderous aura.

If you are an ordinary person, don’t talk about resisting, you’ve already been scared by this murderous aura to the soul flew away and scattered.

However, Yang Xuan’s face doesn’t change, indifferently said: “Good speed, but unfortunately it’s useless to me.”

“Kill you with one blow.”

With a stern shout, Chen Hanlin came close to Yang Xuan and blasted him with a punch.

hong long!

As soon as the expert makes a move, he will know if there is any.

With a punch, it stirred the air into a fist strength of several meters. A discerning person would know the terrifying lethality of this fist strength.


Yang Xuan pupil light condenses, and he sees how powerful this fist is, without the slightest negligence, one arm screams, blood energy surges, and it is used With a force of at least 30,000 jin, he fought with a powerful punch, and shook Chen Hanlin’s fierce punch.

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