hong long!

A loud and high-pitched sound, like heaven falls and earth rends.

The fist strength of several meters is the first to be smashed into slag, and then the two fists meet force with force, fiercely hitting each other.

This is a pure power competition. There is nothing fancy. Whoever has the most power can gain the upper hand. Otherwise, it will fall behind.


Almost the moment when the two fists collided, the two of them were shocked, and Qi Qifei withdrew.

Chapter 410 Talented people come out from generation to generation

“Equally divided!”

“Unbelievable, this child’s fleshy body can be comparable to the divine force powerhouse !”

“How did he cultivation, relying on Body Refining Technique alone, it is absolutely impossible to cultivate such a powerful fleshy body!”

“Is there any fortuitous encounter, Zeng Have eaten some kind of body tempering Spirit Fruit!?”

“The general body tempering Spirit Fruit can only practice the fleshy body. In my opinion, this child has not eaten any body tempering divine Fruit is a natural treasure!”

On the stone steps below, there were endless exclamations. Even Chang Sun Yan and other Cloudy Ghost Sect martial artists were stared wide-eyed.

Originally, they thought that with Chen Hanlin’s strength, Yang Xuan could be hit hard, and even beheaded. Who knew that Yang Xuan’s fleshy body was unexpectedly strong, and they fought against Chen Hanlin. One note, there was no wind at all.

“Shall we go together!?” There are many Cloudy Ghost Sect martial artists looked towards Long Sun Yan.

“No hurry, let’s take a look first.”

Long Sun Yan shook his head, so many people watched. If they swarmed, let alone Chen Hanlin’s loss of face, they Cloudy Ghost Sect’s reputation also plummeted and was ridiculed by the world.

Above, Chen Hanlin steadied his body, and blood surged within the body.

As a warring party, he knew better than anyone the power of Yang Xuan’s punch, and he was shocked.

“Old Guy, didn’t you just clamor to kill me with a single blow? It’s a pity, it’s a pity, Young Master is still alive and well, but it’s your old arm and leg. You got a punch. Is your body uncomfortable?”

With a chuckle, but a few meters away, Yang Xuan freezes his body, standing still, with a very bearing.

“You…” Chen Hanlin vomited blood.

“What do you do, compete with Fleshy body, ten you are not my opponent.”

“Could it be that the punch just now is not your full strength!?”


Chen Hanlin eyes shrank, his face showed incredible color.

“You old dog is not too stupid, yes, the punch just now is just a small test.”

Yang Xuan’s mouth is filled with a sharp curve. Each minding their own business authentically: “Now that the warm-up is over, I have probably figured out your depth, and now I will kill you here in front of the people of the world.”

“The warm-up is over That’s it!”

The crowd opened their mouths, almost wondering if they had heard it wrong, but seeing that Yang Xuan’s face was not flushed or panting, he was comfortable, I’m afraid he really didn’t use all his strength.

“Little beast, you are too mad, and you are not afraid of the wind blowing your tongue.” Chen Hanlin hates madness, regardless of whether Yang Xuan’s words are true or false, he is always beating his old face or acting Fighting in the face of the world’s heroes made his whole person crazy.

“The damn is you.”

Yang Xuan stepped on the ground and jumped out, agile like a cheetah, and his Ominous Fiend Qi is breathtaking.

However, when the rabbits and the birds fell, he came to the sky above Chen Hanlin’s head, raised his fist with the momentum of Mount Tai, and hit it with all his strength. The imposing manner was extremely fierce, as if it were not a fist of flesh and blood. , But a mountain, suppress and kill everything.

“Fight Dragon Boxing!”

Chen Hanlin changed color, hurriedly used the battle skill, flicked his right arm, punched to the sky, and banged against Yang Xuan’s fist Together.


One blow shook the sky, and the sound shook countless people standing unsteadily, and there was a buzzing in their heads.

Under the shocking gaze of the crowd, Chen Hanlin staggered backwards, his face a burst of green and a burst of red.

“This child really hides its strength!”

The crowd was shocked on the spot. They heard Yang Xuan say that the warm-up was over. They originally thought it was to humiliate Chen Hanlin, but it was true. The punch of Chen Hanlin repelled them, and they realized that Yang Xuan did not humiliate Chen Hanlin, but was really clumsy.

“This impossible, are you a natural treasure!?”

Chen Hanlin lost his voice, but he is the powerhouse of Divine Force 5 Heavenly Layer. The fleshy body is so powerful that it was actually He retreated with a punch. The horror of Yang Xuan’s fleshy body, not to mention rare among peers, is also rare among divine force powerhouses.

This kind of fleshy body, if you say it is not a natural treasure, you don’t believe Chen Hanlin will be killed.

“Could it be the supreme warrior!?”

The martial artist of the elders of the life and death realm whispered.

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