“Damn it, the 36 tribulation thunder has fallen, but Leihai hasn’t disappeared yet!”

“Could there be a tribulation thunder!?”

“Of course , A powerhouse in the destiny state who wants to break through to the divine force state, needs to experience at least fifty-five tribulation thunders!”

“Senior, why go through fifty-five tribulation thunders?”

” When a martial artist enters the Fate and Fall, he needs to experience a tribulation thunder, and when he enters the Fate and Fall 2 Heavenly Layer, he needs to experience two tribulation thunders, and then, 3 Heavenly Layer three tribulations. thunder, 4 Heavenly Layer four tribulation thunder, and so on, as long as it can resist 55 tribulation thunders, the inner core of the martial artist can be tempered, remove the dross and save the essence, Yin-Yang Harmony, and finally turn into the best divine force.”

“so that’s how it is, thank Senior.”

“You brat has a good talent. In the future, work hard to cultivation and strive to condense a grade. 4 inner core, so it’s much safer during Transcending Tribulation.”

There was a lot of discussion in the audience, and some older martial artists were even telling young martial artists about Thunder Tribulation.

“I wonder how many inner cores did my father condense?”

Yang Xuan’s eyes flickered, and he whispered.

When a martial artist condenses the inner core from the breakthrough to the return, he will be accompanied by colorful auspicious air.

This is the qi of good fortune bestowed by heaven and earth. According to the number of qi of good fortune, you can distinguish the grade of inner core.

Yang Xuan was not there when Yang Tian stepped into the Guiyi Realm. Naturally, he didn’t know his inner core grade.

“Your father got a source of power from Taixuan Daoist, the inner core quality is bound to be greatly improved, and its level is at least Grade 7 or even Grade 8.”

Purgatory boy sound transmission said.

“Such a high grade, so to speak, you have to go through a lot of tribulation thunder!”

Yang Xuan’s eyes are dazzling. He has been a man for two lives, and he will die of Thunder Tribulation. It’s not too clear. If you understand the inner core higher the grade of a martial artist, the more tribulation thunders will be experienced. It is said that a martial artist who condenses the inner core of Grade 9 needs to experience 99 tribulation thunders.

ka-cha! ka-cha! ! !

Suddenly, the huge sea of ​​thunder waved violently, and the lightning snake thundered and thundered, and strands of thunder and lightning gathered together and turned into one after another huge tribulation thunder and crashed down.

“One, two, three…”

Yang Xuan guards against uneven seals and the others. At the same time, he does not forget to count carefully…

Chapter 418 Tiger father will not beget a dog son

Yang Xuan looked intently and found that after half a minute, a total of nineteen tribulation thunders had been dropped, plus the previous 36, exactly fifty-five.

This is the minimum number of tribulation thunders required for a martial artist to break through to the divine force state.

Let’s put it this way, for a martial artist below Grade 3 inner core, the number of tribulation thunders that needs to be experienced is not too much, just fifty-five.

Grade 3 to Grade 6, you need to go through more tribulation thunder.

For Grade 7 to Grade 9, I have experienced more tribulation thunder.

The most terrifying thing is that the inner core higher the grade of the martial artist, the stronger the formidable power of the tribulation thunder.

It can be said that crises and opportunities coexist. If you survive, you will soar into the sky, and your future will be limitless. If you fail, you will die on the spot, consigned to eternal damnation.

Therefore, the martial artist of the overwhelming majority will be fully prepared during the Transcending Tribulation, and will be too careful not to be careful, for fear that it will attract a tribulation thunder that exceeds its own capacity.

“Fifty-five tribulation thunders, this is considered a successful Transcending Tribulation, right?”

Some people are surprised and unsure.

“This is only the lowest number, look at it, there will definitely be a tribulation thunder next!”

The voice is still there, one after another tribulation thunder falls from the thunder sea, It is as if a piece of the Milky Way falls down, countless arcs shoot all around, making this world dazzling.

Under the shining of this gorgeous rays of light, Feng’s face suddenly became extremely ugly.

He has already seen that Yang Tian’s inner core is of extremely high grade, and once the Transcending Tribulation is successful, his suit is strong and pure enough to skip grades to kill.

Throughout the world, a divine force martial artist with Grade 5 inner core can skip grades to challenge even if he is a newcomer to the divine force environment. A condensed grade 4 inner core, divine force environment 3 The martial artist of Heavenly Layer.

This is still on the premise that there is no calculation of the secrets, if it is cultivated a certain kind of strong secret, it can still skip grades to challenge divine force 4 Heavenly Layer, and even divine force 5 Heavenly Layer powerhouse.

To put it bluntly, the inner core grade determines the strength of the battle strength of the martial artist in the divine force environment.

“terrifying, already seventy two tribulation thunder!”

“At least Grade 7 inner core!”

“tiger father will not beget a dog Son, Yang Xuan’s talent is so high, and his father’s talent is also shocking!”

As the tribulation thunder continues to strike down, many martial artists of the elder martial artist can no longer remain calm. Because according to the number of tribulation thunder, Yang Tian on the mountain has at least Grade 7 inner core.

Grade 7 inner core, but a very high grade. Looking at the entire Zhong Prefecture, it is also as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns. Many of them are now the supreme aloof and remote.

In other words, Yang Tian has the potential to become the supreme. As long as he enters the Supreme Realm in the future, he must be the dominant powerhouse.

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