“We can’t make him a smooth Transcending Tribulation, we must not…”

Feng Buping’s face changed wildly . He knew that Yang Tian could not be allowed to continue, otherwise he would wait for Yang Tian to enter the Supreme Realm. Will suffer endlessly.

However, his murderous intention just started, and a coldly shouted sound.

“The surname is Feng, if you dare to climb, I will try my best to kill Yuan Shaozong. You’d better weigh it yourself.”

“You damn it!”

Yuan Shaozong’s hair stands up in anger, hatred to the sky, it is really bully intolerably, threatening him in front of the world’s heroes like this is obviously to treat him like an ant.

Dignified Unbounded Demon Sect Inner Sect True Disciple is regarded as an ant, which is a great shame.

Yuan Shaozong became more and more angry when he thought about it, his heart was raging, and he felt that his whole person was going crazy.

“You think you can kill me, do you deserve it?”

Yang Xuan sneered, glanced at Yuan Shaozong, disdainfully said: “On this peak, you treat me In other words, it’s like an insignificant little ant. I can pinch you to death with my bare hands, as easy as blowing off dust.”

When I heard this, the crowd was calm.

The reason is very simple. Yang Xuan is not at all talking big. Yuan Shaozong may be like the sun at high noon. He is like the sun at high noon. He is a young Heaven’s Chosen, but on this peak, he is stronger than Yang Xuan. It was too far away, and Yang Xuan was afraid that he could be killed with just a few seconds.

“Zhuzi, you dare to threaten me!?”

The whole body is killing intent like a tide, but Yuan Shaozong is extremely talented, and they are the three Inner Unbounded Demon Sect. One of Sect True Disciple, as the inner Sect Elder of Unbounded Demon Sect, he really couldn’t help watching Yuan Shaozong die in Yang Xuan’s hands.

“What about threatening you?”

Yang Xuan’s robe is flying, black hair is dancing all around, like a young Demon God, coldly said: “Don’t say it is Yuan Shaozong, I want It’s not difficult to kill you. If you don’t believe me, come up and fight with me and see how I cut your head.”

A powerful word, killing intent, even in the face of divine force The powerhouse was not flat, and he didn’t take it seriously.

Many people sighed that the bad luck was really bad luck to get home today, but he lost his cultivation base here. No matter how angry he is, he can only endure it without breaking it.

“Good, good, good.”

Feng Buping’s face was a burst of green and a burst of red, and he said hello three times, and the whole person suddenly became calm , There is no meaning of climbing.

Because their Unbounded Demon Sect must have been guarded outside the Supreme Profound Palace, even if Yang Tian steps into the divine force realm, he will be killed in Yellow Springs when he leaves the Supreme Profound Palace.

Yang Xuan didn’t know what Feng Buping was thinking, but seeing him calm down, he put most of his thoughts on his father Yang Tian.

“Look, the dark clouds are gone!”

Suddenly, someone cry out in surprise.

Everyone looked up, just as the black cloud disappeared, but at the moment when the black cloud dissipated, all the thunder seas gathered and condensed into a tribulation thunder that was as large as the True Dragon body and fell.

With a bang, the mountain tops billowed with smoke and dust, completely turned into a sea of ​​thunder and lightning, and the sound of crackling was endless.

The crowd was all moved, this last tribulation thunder was really extraordinary, and the huge mountain top was submerged in one blow.

I dare not imagine whether Yang Tian on the mountain can survive.

“By the way, how many tribulation thunders in total!?”

“No more, no less, just 81 lines!”

“What, this impossible! “

“What is impossible, Yang Xuan’s father must have Grade 8 inner core, so he will experience 81 tribulation thunder!”

“Dare to ask Senior, I don’t know Grade 9 inner core. How many tribulation thunders does the core have to go through?”

“Grade 9 inner core needs to go through 99 tribulation thunders, but just listen to it. According to reports, we only have Divine-Martial Continent since ancient times The King of War condensed the Grade 9 inner core, uh, that’s not right, maybe Taixuan Daoist also has the Grade 9 inner core!”

“No wonder King of War and Taixuan daoist are so powerful, it turns out to be Grade 9 inner core!”

There was a tumult on the mountainside, and many people were shocked to learn that Yang Tian owns the Grade 8 inner core.

This is the Grade 8 inner core. It is only one grade lower than the King of War and the Taixuan Daoist. Once you enter the Supreme Realm, Heaven knows how powerful its battle strength is.

“Grade 8 inner core, it’s amazing!”

Yan Ruyue’s heart is also extremely shocked, because she is very talented, and her cultivation technique is also very powerful, but She just condensed a Grade 7 inner core that’s all.

“Is this the so-called father if you have a son?”

Yan Ruyue turned her eyes and fell on Yang Xuan above, whispered in her heart: “I don’t know How many inner cores will this kid condense in the future!?”

Yang Xuan has the ability to push all the venerables to the top of the supreme list. Needless to say about his talent, the cultivation must also be the top cultivation technique. However, Yan Ruyue does not know how many inner cores can be condensed.

But she has a feeling that Yang Xuan can at least condense the Grade 8 inner core, and perhaps it may impact the legendary Supreme’s Grade 9 inner core.

Yang Xuan has a keen perception, and he has noticed something. The corner of his eye swept over Yan Ruyue below his eye, and the corner of his mouth was slightly tilted, with a faintly discernable smile.

Seeing him smile, Yan Ruyue couldn’t help but panicked, and hurriedly looked away.

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