“Junior Sister, you said, after you were captured by Yang Xuan, were you caught by him?”

Jin Ming’s eyes are sharp, as if he found something, he tilted his head to stare Yan Ruyue asked with an ironic expression on her face.

“I am innocent with him. If you don’t know, don’t talk nonsense. Also, don’t care about my affairs.”

Yan Ruyue’s face turned cold, no gold Ming had a good look.

“You…” Jin Ming pointed at Yan Ruyue, trembling with anger.

“Okay, Jin Ming, Ruyue has a marriage contract with you. After leaving the Supreme Profound Palace, Palace Lord will hold a grand wedding for you.”

Duan Canghai lightly shouted.

“Really!?” Jin Ming was surprised and happy, and almost jumped up.

“Well, in fact, the Palace Lord had already planned to let you get married early.” Duan Canghai nodded and said.

hearing this, Yan Ruyue complexion changed, and said anxiously: “Elder Duan, the discipline cultivation base is too low, don’t want to get married now?”

“Your cultivation base is not low anymore And if you marry Jin Ming, you can cultivate my dual cultivation technique of Divine Demon Temple. In this way, your cultivation base can be advanced by leaps and bounds in a short time.”

Duan Canghai looked at Yan Ruyue, then looked at Jin Ming, and sighed, “I am also thinking of you. After all, the Eternal Life Palace will be opened soon. If you can’t break through to the Fateful Fallen Realm as soon as possible, after entering the Eternal Life Palace It may be dangerous.”

“I’m not afraid, at worst, I will die in the Eternal Life Palace. In short, I don’t want to get married yet.”

Yan Ruyue shook her head with a firm attitude, not to say She had already burned the silhouette of Yang Xuan in her heart, and she would not marry Jin Ming even without her.


Duan Canghai was angry: “The marriage contract is the Palace Lord and he was appointed by the Senior. You must follow, and you must follow, unless you betray me Divine Demon Temple, otherwise you have no right to refuse.”

“Elder Duan, don’t force me, okay?” Yan Ruyue bit her lips tightly, tears rushing in her eyes.

Her parents died early. She was a no one to rely on orphan. When she was a few years old, she was found by Sect Elder Liu Qingying in Divine Demon Temple as Direct Disciple.

And when her Master Liu Qingyingxian passed away, she vowed to be loyal to Divine Demon Temple forever.

Even if Divine Demon Temple Palace Lord made her marriage contract with Jin Ming a few years ago, she didn’t say anything, but she didn’t expect However, Duan Canghai is now so anxious to marry her and Jin Ming.

“Why, you are not willing?”

Jin Ming’s face sank, a pair of eyes fixed on Yan Ruyue, and secretly vowed in his heart that once he married Yan Ruyue, he would To torture her day and night, to tune her to her own detention, forever can’t betray her.

Yan Ruyue heard Jin Ming’s words and was about to say something when a lazily voice came.

“Since she is not willing, you are one old and one young, don’t force her.”

Chapter 419 The true nature of a man

“Shut up.” Jin Ming found the person to vent, raised his head and glared at Yang Xuan above.

“What thing are you, just shut up if you ask me to shut up?” Yang Xuan said sarcastically.

“Yang Xuan, this matter has nothing to do with you. You fucking don’t take care of things.” Jin Ming was furious and directly exploded.

If you want to say who the person he hates most in his life, it must be Yang Xuan.

Because Yang Xuan not only kidnapped his fiancee Yan Ruyue, but also insulted him several times in front of the people of the world, and degraded him so much that he felt so angry and wanted to eat his meat. Its blood.

“I’m going to be nosy, what can you do to me?”

While speaking, Yang Xuan looked towards Yan Ruyue, giving her a relieved look.

“Yang Xuan, my Jin Ming is at odds with you in this life.” Jin Ming gnashing teeth authentically.

“Come to fight, don’t yell if you don’t dare.” Yang Xuan disdain, his words are sonorous and powerful.

“hehe, surnamed Yang, I know you covet the beauty of Yan Ruyue, but it is a pity that Yan Ruyue is destined to be my Jinming woman.”

Jin Ming suddenly Grievously laughed.

“Are you overjoyed with this waste?”

Yang Xuan dashing eyebrows flies up, looking directly at Jin Ming, with an indescribable smile on his face, “Young Master It’s here to abolish the bird eggs below you, making you a Court Eunuch on the spot, and you can’t play a woman forever. Do you think you can still marry Yan Ruyue?”

“So cruel!” Many young people The man felt a bit of cold, and he felt the crotch tight.


Jin Ming changed color, he finally remembered, but here is a sea of ​​anger, unable to move the slightest Origin Force, if Yang Xuan is really cruel to him Hand, then he has no power to fight back.

“Why, I’m scared, just like you, is it worthy of Fairy Yan?” Yang Xuan said contemptuously.

“Yang Xuan boy, you are too overbearing. The marriage between Yan Ruyue and Jin Ming was appointed by the Lord Divine Demon Temple Palace. I cannot tolerate you as an outsider.”

Duan Canghai couldn’t stand it anymore, and said with a grimace.

“I care who made this marriage. In short, I like Yan Ruyue. I must marry her as a wife in this life. If you dare to force her to marry Jin Ming, then I Yang Xuan is here to swear to the sky, one day I will raze you Divine Demon Temple to the ground.”

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