As for whether there are any other abilities, I need to slowly experience and explore in the future.

But with these three abilities, fighting with people can play a role beyond imagination.

It is no exaggeration to say that he can anticipate the enemy prophet, and that the enemy’s every move is in his grasp. If the enemy moves too fast to predict, he can slow down and respond to it. The law.

“Very well, from now on, my son will have no weak spot!” Yang Tian said with a big smile.

Yang Xuan fleshy body is strong, Divine Soul is stable, and now there is Martial Dao Heavenly Eye, which is unassailable.

“Many thanks, father is perfect.”

Yang Xuan plopped to his knees. Yang Tian found the lunar sacred water. Yang Tian should have washed his eyes. Who Knowing Yang Tian gave the Taiyin Shenshui to his son.

“Get up, Dad can turn on Martial Dao Heavenly Eye even if he doesn’t have Taiyin Divine Water.”

Yang Tian stretched out his hand and pulled Yang Xuan up, with a proud expression on his face.

“Really!?” Yang Xuan was pleasantly surprised.

“If you are a father, will you lie to you?”

Yang Tian shook his head without amusement, and said: “The inheritance of Taixuan Daoist has an introduction to Martial Dao Heavenly Eye. , For the father, as long as you study it carefully, you can turn on Martial Dao Heavenly Eye sooner or later.”

“That’s fine.”

“Come on, let’s learn from father and son.”

After that, Yang Tian moved, and his punch was almost a sneak attack, and lightning struck Yang Xuan.

This fist didn’t use any divine force, but Yang Tian is a divine force powerhouse after all, and the fleshy body is also extremely powerful, with a punch of tens of thousands of kilograms, not much inferior to Yang Xuan.

“haha, dad, you have to be careful.”

Yang Xuan did not dodge, but shook his fist with a hard punch.


The two punches collided and a loud noise erupted, and Yang Tian flew out without accident.

“It’s so powerful, I don’t know how you brat cultivation!”

Yang Tian steadied his body, shook his aching right arm, and stepped on both feet He rose from the ground, rushed over quickly, punched and kicked, and swiftly attacked Yang Xuan. Except for not using divine force, each move was a close combat technique, without leaving a hand.

Yang Xuan’s fleshy body is too strong, and his father doesn’t need to keep his hands, and he also wants to try Martial Dao Heavenly Eye’s formidable power.

Martial Dao Heavenly Eye is stronger than the legendary spirit Martial Spirit. It can be said that a person with Martial Dao Heavenly Eye is enough to sweep the same level. No matter what great absolute technique the opponent cultivated, he can detect it in advance. .

Chapter 438 is picturesque

bang peng~ peng~!!!

In the jungle, the dust is flying and the fallen leaves are flying.

Yang Tian pranced horizontally and horizontally, fast as lightning, whole body muscle and bones mingled together, within the body blood and blood surging like ocean, punched and kicked, the sound of wind and thunder was endless, pressing Yang Xuan made a fierce attack.

Yang Xuan has a slightly sinking waist and hips, Motionless As Mountains, twin pupils silver light shooting, D-shaped rune intermittent, continuous strikes with both hands, fists against Yang Tian, ​​one move and one action stretches quickly, do as one pleases.

No matter how sharp and fast Yang Tian’s attack is, he can predict and crack it in advance, always invincible.


Suddenly, Yang Tian jumped up high, rushing up to more than a dozen meters high, and then swooping down like an eagle, punching towards Yang Xuan.

This is a kind of battle skill, the formidable power should not be underestimated. It fell down with one punch, like a mountain, blasting in the void, suppressing everything.

“Xuan’er, this is a battle skill, you have to catch it.”

Yang Tian did not forget to remind him, almost while speaking, his fist has fallen in lightning. Down.

Yang Xuan stared at each other, fearless and dauntless, with a punch to the sky.

hong long!

The two fists collided and a loud noise erupted. Yang Xuan retreated half a step, but Yang Tian shook his body and flew back seven or eight meters away.

“As expected of the legendary Martial Dao Heavenly Eye, it’s amazing!”

Yang Tian stabilized his body and praised him, he could feel Yang Xuan controlled his power at the same level as him degree.

However, if so, he still couldn’t break through Yang Xuan’s defense. He was intercepted by Yang Xuan’s fists and feet almost as soon as he attacked, all thanks to Martial Dao Heavenly Eye.

“Father, I know you are concealed, come on, take out all the ability.” Yang Xuan said loudly.

“Okay!” Yang Tian didn’t talk nonsense, and his figure flew over, all kinds of battle skills came out, the moves became more and more fierce, and they attacked Yang Xuan’s vitals.

However, Yang Xuan still couldn’t get close to his body, and his fists, one after another, dissolved into the invisible.


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