There was no suspense in this battle. As Yang Xuan became passive and active and launched a strong counterattack, Yang Tian was quickly completely suppressed.

After about three hundred moves, the battle is over.

“Dad is defeated!”

“The child in this battle relies on Martial Dao Heavenly Eye. Without Martial Dao Heavenly Eye, the outcome is difficult to say.”

“Dad is a divine force powerhouse, don’t you see that you still have spare energy, not to mention Martial Dao Heavenly Eye and fleshy body strength, just in terms of close combat skills, dad is not as good as you, and you don’t know you brat Where did I learn these Slaughter Techniques?”

“Hehe, that, I am worried that I might hurt my father, and it did suppress my strength.”

Yang Xuan smiled sullily, without hiding anything. : “The reason why the child’s fleshy body is so powerful, in addition to various fortuitous encounters, is mainly the Eight Sects taught by the cultivated Master.”

“Life and Death Eight Sects!?” Yang Tian unheard-of .

“This is the Supreme Divine Ability handed down from the last Chaos Cycle. Once you reach the Great Accomplishment, the fleshy body becomes sanctified, Inextinguishable Immortal…”

Yang Xuan will live and die Eight Sects said briefly, saying: “The child originally wanted to teach the life and death of Eight Sects to his father, but this is the inheritance of the Master Warlord. Without his permission, I…”

Yang Tian said Interrupted him: “The body refinement father also has the secret technique. Although it is not as powerful as your life and death Eight Sects, it is not much worse.”

“Father, although I can’t teach you Life and death Eight Sects, but there is still a magical power that can teach you.”

What did Yang Xuan think of, he explained the cultivation method of Divine Refining Technique in detail. This is also passed down from the previous Chaos Cycle Yuan. The Supreme Divine Ability is mainly used for refining the soul, with powerful effects.

Not only can it enhance Divine Soul, it also has Divine Soul secret skills, formidable power heaven-shaking, earth-shattering.

Just want to cultivate Divine Soul secret skills, first of all you have to practice Divine Refining Technique to Small Accomplishment.

For a long time, Yang Xuan asked: “Did you remember all of them?”

“Remember, but this magical power is extremely dangerous, so you have to consigned to eternal damnation if you move. “

Yang Heavenly God looked serious and warned: “When cultivating this magical power, you must not rush to achieve it, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous.”

Don’t blame him for such a thousand years. Exhort, it’s really Divine Refining Technique too terrifying, how about dividing Divine Soul into ten thousand strands, how terrifying is this, if one is not good, the soul flew away and scattered.

“Don’t worry, I will not cultivation indiscriminately.”

“Well, let’s fight again, so that you can also master the skills of Martial Dao Heavenly Eye as soon as possible.”

“Okay, this time Dad will use divine force, I will try to use Martial Dao Heavenly Eye to defuse the powerhouse attack in the divine force environment.”

“Then you should pay attention. .”

“It’s okay, dad, let’s do it.”

While speaking, Yang Tian’s figure drifted back, using divine force to perform secret skills, a piece of divine protruding out of the air, a divine The force turned into a palm as big as a small mountain peak, and moved towards Yang Xuan with the momentum of Mount Tai pressing down.


Yang Xuan’s pupils turned to open Martial Dao Heavenly Eye.

His strength is very strong, but facing Yang Tian, ​​he cannot be distracted.

After all, Yang Tian urged the divine force, and a single blow contained great power, which brought him incomparable pressure.

As Martial Dao Heavenly Eye opened, the speed of Palm Jin in his eyes suddenly doubled.

Not only that, but he could also see the weakness of Palm Jin, and hit a certain point of Palm Jin with a punch supplemented by Origin Force.



The palm cracked and then burst into pieces.

In an instant, the power of Heavenly God surged, Yang Xuan was lifted out, corner of the mouth flow blood.

“Are you okay?”

Yang Tian was startled, crossed the void, came to Yang Xuan and asked with concern.

He had deliberately suppressed the divine force just now, didn’t expect still hurt Yang Xuan, and he felt self-blame in his heart.

“Don’t worry, dad, a little injury that’s all, with the child’s fleshy body resilience, it will be intact after a while.”

Yang Xuan shook his head, be eager to have a try authentically: “Father, we are fighting.”


Time flies, Yang Tian comes out from time to time.

Yang Xuan uses Martial Dao Heavenly Eye to resolve. Although he has a lot of color on his body, his use of Martial Dao Heavenly Eye has become more and more handy, brought to the point of perfection.

“Okay, no more battle. If this goes on, your father’s divine force will have to be consumed by you.”

Yang Tian quickly stopped the attack, not him His divine force is really going to be exhausted, but he finds that Yang Xuan is a fighting freak. If he continues to fight, Heaven knows how many wounds he will put on his son.

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