About half a minute later, the two came to the outside world from the darkness and void. At this moment, the morning sun has already emerged, but this world is very dim and Yin Qi is very dark.

Looking up, a huge valley with no bottomless depth and nowhere to lead came into view.

The gorge within the valley is pitch black, and you can’t see your five fingers, like a hell demon with its big mouth open, trying to swallow any creatures who dare to approach this place, letting people have one’s hair stand on end, shudder.

“Master, is this!?” Yang Xuan asked. He always felt that this gorge was a bit familiar, as if he had been here in a previous life.

“This is Broken Soul Abyss!” The King of War rolled up Yang Xuan with his big hands and rushed to the depths of the canyon.

huhuhu ……

roar roar roar ……

The gorge within the valley, the wind and wind roar, all kinds of wail like ghosts and like demons and ghosts The howl like wolves sounded endlessly, as if to tear this world apart, but no creature dared to approach.

Yang Xuan knows that this is because there is a warlord. If he stepped into the Soulbreaker Abyss, one of the five Great Forbidden Lands in Zhong Prefecture, I am afraid he would not know how he died.


Suddenly, there was an extremely sharp roar in front of you, with several meters high on one head, like a person and not a human, like a beast and not a beast, full of darkness. The unknown creature rushed over at an extremely fast speed.

This creature doesn’t know what it is. The black energy of the whole body cannot be dissipated. It seems to corrode human fleshy body and soul, terrifying incomparably.

“This is the Evil Spirit condensed by thousands of ghosts and spirits. The strength is extremely powerful. When you return from experience, remember to avoid it.”

, A splendid brilliance jumped out from his fingertips, sharper than any Divine Weapon, energy fluctuations made the heart palpitating, and a single blow penetrated the body of the Evil Spirit.


Evil Spirit exploded, turned into countless black smoke, and passed away with the wind.

“So amazing!”

Yang Xuan secretly smacks his tongue, you know that the King of War is now only a ray of Remnant Soul that’s all, a ray of Remnant Soul can severely damage Unbounded Demon Sect Venerable Tai Shang Gong is invincible, and now he instantly kills a powerful Evil Spirit. The battle strength is evident.

The King of War did not speak, and continued on with Yang Xuan.

In Broken Soul Abyss, there is a horrible aura permeating all the year round, making people unable to shuttling through the void, which is as strong as the King of War.


The speed of the king of war is extremely fast, several hundred li in a flash, and many powerful creatures retreat along the way, and the time for a cup of tea has penetrated into the hundred thousand li , But what shocked Yang Xuan was that he hadn’t finished yet.

In addition, during this period of time, more and more Evil Spirits have been encountered. Fortunately, the King of War is so powerful that he will suppress and kill all Evil Spirits one after another.

“In front of it!?”

At this moment, Yang Xuan saw an incredible picture, it was a majestic and magnificent ancient city, although the city wall had already collapsed, But he can still see how brilliant and prosperous this ancient city was several years ago.

“This is the Lost City, built in the Primordial Age.” said the war king.

“The ancient times!”

Yang Xuan sucked in a cold breath, what a long time this is, it is less than a thousand years or more now.

“In the ancient times, the wild ancient beasts were rampant, the Human Race was weak, and they were separate camps, but then a number of Great Divine Ability powerhouses came forward to summon the Human Race of various tribes and migrated to the Lost Abyss. He also established a male city, which is the dilapidated city right now.”

“Master, the Abyss of Soul Breaker used to be called the Abyss of Lost?”

“Yes, The reason why it is now called Broken Soul Abyss is because the ancient beast and Human Race fought a battle in this area at the end of the ancient times. At that time, I didn’t know how many Human Race powerhouses died on the battlefield, and many people fought the wild ancient beast. It has not completely dissipated. After countless years of transformation, some spiritual wisdom was gradually born. This is the Evil Spirit. Only killing, there is no Seven Emotions and Six Desires.”

“so that’s how it is.”

Yang Xuan was suddenly puzzled, “Dare to ask Master, where are we going?”

“There is an ancient in the Lost City formation, can lead to a Foreign Domain world.”

Just before the King of War spoke, Yang Xuan found that the two had penetrated into the Lost City.

This ancient city of Human Race is no longer as magnificent as it used to be. It is no exaggeration to say that it is a vast expanse of ruins.

But it was in this ruin that Yang Xuan saw a lot of human bones that were not decayed, shining with the glory of jade.

“These bones are the Human Race powerhouse of the ancient years, and the person with the highest cultivation base can even be comparable to being a teacher.”

The King of War sighed slightly and brought Yang Xuan with him. Kong passed by, all the way to the end of the Lost City.

There are broken walls and rugged rocks. Many humans and ancient beast bones pile up into mountains, and the scene is horrible to see.

It is not difficult to imagine that there was a world-beating battle here, blood flowing into a river……

“We are here.”

, An invisible storm roared out, and Yang Xuan saw the gravel bones scattered in the distance, and an intact ancient formation appeared, with a radius of a hundred zhang and five-colored brilliance. Built with materials, it has a long history and is full of ancient meaning.

“This is a Super Long Range Transmission Array!” Yang Xuan lost his voice.

“Well, this is a super Long Range Transmission Array, called the starry sky ancient formation.” said the warlord.

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