“Starry sky ancient formation?”

Yang Xuan only felt that his mouth was a little dry, scratching his head and said, “That, Master, didn’t you want me to go through this starry sky ancient formation? The unknown Foreign Domain world, right?”

“What unknown Foreign Domain world, it鈥檚 called Sacred Domain Great World.”

“Sacred Domain Great World?”

“Sacred Domain Great World is located on the other side of the starry sky, in a distant Star Domain. What you are going to visit is the main world Sacred Domain continent of Sacred Domain Great World.”

“Sacred Domain continent , What kind of place is there?”

“I used to travel there when I was young. Now I will tell you what needs attention.”

“Master, please Speak.”

Yang Xuan straightened his body and looked serious. This is a matter of life, and he must remember the instructions of the King of War in his heart.

“First, there is definitely an imperial powerhouse in the Sacred Domain continent. When you go there, remember not to move the Demon Sword arbitrarily, otherwise it will lead to catastrophe.” Zhan Wang said.

“Demon Sword?”

Yang Xuan took out Purgatory Sword, “Master is talking about this sword?”

“Well, this sword is at least contaminated After passing through the blood of millions and millions of creatures, the appearance may seem nothing, but not to mention the magical nature. It is still a half-step Spirit Transformation device. Once it is taken out, the Emperor Realm powerhouse can immediately detect it. At that time, not only This sword has changed hands, and you have to destroy both body and soul.”

hearing this, Yang Xuan shuddered.

The King of War continued: “As a teacher, I wanted to seal this sword so as not to leak my breath. However, this sword Sword Spirit is extraordinary, so I don’t need to do it again as a teacher.”

“cough cough, I have seen the King of War.”

The purgatory boy flew out of Purgatory Sword and bowed to the King of War.

“Your former master was a realm master, right?” The King of War asked casually, and the realm master was the powerhouse of the Emperor Realm.

This class of powerhouse, possesses great magical power, is enough to manage a Great World, like a divine residence of aloof and remote, overlooking the world.

“Yes, my master’s cultivation base is equivalent to that of the King of War.” The purgatory boy is nodded.

In front of the King of War, this brat has also become regular. Although the King of War in front of him is just a ray of Remnant Soul, he dare not be disrespectful.

“It turns out that your former master was a generation of emperors!” Yang Xuan astonished.

“What about the emperor, after all, he is annihilated.”

The purgatory boy seemed to be a little sentimental. He accused the warlord of a crime, and got into Purgatory Sword with a whistle.

Yang Xuan slightly startled, and immediately put the Purgatory Sword away, and at the same time looked up towards the King of War.

The King of War did not talk nonsense: “This sword is the first and the second. The Sacred Domain mainland Martial Dao is prosperous, each Great Influence stand in great numbers, but the one with the longest inheritance and the strongest strength The Fourth Great Saint Academy, as the Eternal Life Palace is about to open, the Fourth Great Saint Academy will definitely recruit a large number of students recently. If you go to the mainland of Sacred Domain, you can choose to enter the Vermilion Bird Academy cultivation.”

“Vermilion Bird Academy ?” Yang Xuan was confused.

“On the Sacred Domain continent, the four Great Saint Academy are Azure Dragon, White Tiger, Vermilion Bird, and Black Tortoise. Among them, Vermilion Bird belongs to fire, and there are various Fire Attribute cultivation techniques. There are countless treasures of Fire Element cultivation. It鈥檚 great to join the Vermilion Bird Academy with your own cultivation Fire Attribute cultivation technique.”

“Disciple understands.”

“Third. , Don鈥檛 rely too much on making fossils in the future.”

“Why is this?”

“Mingmei Thunder Tribulation, do you know?”

“Disciple natural I know.”

“Then do you know why the martial artist experienced Thunder Tribulation?”

“This, I hope Master will tell you.”

“Actually It鈥檚 nothing. Thunder Tribulation is a kind of Heavenly Dao killing. Martial artist walks the heavens-defying road and will be obliterated by Heavenly Dao. In addition to pure psychic energy, the fossils also contain Heavenly Dao Law. You are now using a large number of fossils to increase cultivation base. When the time comes for Thunder Tribulation, Heavenly Dao’s logging will become more terrifying. If you are not careful, you will have scattered ashes and dispersed smoke.”

“Many thanks Master to remind.”

Yang Xuan was startled in a cold sweat. He originally wanted to find more fossils, increasing cultivation base.

But after hearing the words of the King of War, he realized that he was speculative. The initial cultivation progress may be rapid, but when the Thunder Tribulation died, he would have to encounter great dangers.

Thinking about this, Yang Xuan respectfully said: “Master, is there anything else that needs attention?”

“There is one more, and the most important.”

“I also hope that the Master will inform you.”

“There is a Emperor Pagoda in the Sacred Domain continent. Inside it is a self-made world with many heavenly materials and earthly treasures. After you join the Vermilion Bird Academy, you will have a chance I must go there and try to get something.”


“Reincarnation Martial Spirit!”

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