” Um , Old Li, why didn’t you see the bone age test?” Someone wondered.

“The crystal pillar of these tests has a built-in age measurement array. Anyone over 25 years old cannot activate the scales in the crystal pillar. The old man ugly is at the forefront. Those who are over the age should automatically quit now. If you wait I will test the crystal pillar and there is no movement. My fourth hospital will never be merciless.”

“Ai, let’s go.”

“Damn it, I remember that there was no requirement to exceed 25 years old. Can’t enroll!”

“This must be a new rule, it should be our bad luck.”

Under the noise, about a thousand people left dejectedly, obviously they all exceeded After the time limit, I ran for nothing.

“There are a lot of tests on the crystal pillar, you line up and test one by one.”

After Li Anshan finished speaking, a group of thirty people walked out of the examination hall ahead.

These people are male and female, and they are all older. Everyone wears a dark azure robe. The lowest cultivation base also has the Peak. The highest even reaches the Peak of Fate. It is Azure. Supervised by Dragon Academy.

Four Great Saint Academy, the four deans are closed all year round and do not care about world affairs. Each academy is managed by two deputy deans, with a distinct hierarchy, from high to low, there is an inspection hall, Law Enforcement Palace, Supervising hall, and the three halls are divided into Palace Lord, Elder, and messenger from high to low.

The Azure Dragon Academy supervisor here refers to the Azure Dragon Academy supervisor emissary. The overwhelming majority used to be a student in the inner courtyard of Azure Dragon Academy when she was young.

They come here, one is to supervise, and the other is to issue trial tokens to those who pass the assessment.

“Go, go, go, line up!”

“I got this position first, why are you squeezing?”

“Damn , Even if you first entered the cultivation base of Guiyi Realm, you dare to stand in front of me?”

“Damn it, do you dare to push me?”

“Push you, I still Hit you, go away and cool off.”

The crowd was surging in the square, and everyone began to line up. There were thirty teams in total, like thirty dragon-like long test from the front. The crystal pillar extended all the way to the back of the square. During this period, verbal and even physical conflicts occurred in many places in order to compete for position.

However, Li Anshan ignored this, and each minding their own business sit cross-legged on the high platform to close their eyes and sleep.

Yang Xuan didn’t try to grab a spot, and stepped to the end of a team to stand still.

hong long!

At this moment, the explosion of Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering cry came, making the audience completely quiet, and I saw the overbearing first Start the test and blow the test crystal pillar in front of you with one punch.


Beside the test crystal pillar, an Azure Dragon Academy supervisor was dumbfounded.

One punch destroyed the test crystal pillar, which has not appeared in the previous assessments of the fourth academy, tens of thousands of years, and he can’t imagine how big the overbearing this fist is. Strength.

The people in front of each team were also stupid, staring blankly at the pile of tattered rubble in front of Tyrant Wudao, and everyone’s heart was stirred up.

Li Anshan was stunned, and suddenly stood up from the high platform, and said with his palm: “As expected of the Blue Sky Tyrant Body, you do not need to test, how about entering my Azure Dragon Academy?”


“Azure Dragon Academy is known as the strongest in the four academies. I naturally want to go, but I have hands and feet. Everything must be done according to the rules.” He said indifferently.

Li Anshan didn’t say much when he heard the overbearing words, so he threw him a palm-sized golden token, “I’ll take this order and take it away. Come here on time in half a month to participate in the Fourth Court. Trial.”

Without answering, he grabbed the token with his bare hands and went away.

“Abnormal, I have broken the test of crystal pillar, but what grade is this?”

“If you exceed ten grades, naturally it is top grade. This is also used Ask?”

“top grade, the word is very appropriate!”

Many people whispered, discuss spiritedly, and the people in the front row began to test one after another, this is them The purpose of coming here, although Domineering gave them a strong shock, but they did not have Blue Sky Tyrant Body, and they were not prepared to compare with Domineering.


The time passed by every minute and every second. Two hours later, 50,000 to 60,000 people completed the test. Some of them were happy and some were worried.

Yang Xuan took a closer look and found that almost 90% of these five to six million people failed to pass and were eliminated.

Some people are also sad, obviously fleshly body strength has reached Grade 5, but within the body Origin Force is mixed and impure, and finally they can only leave the stage with regret.

There was another guy who was clearly over the age limit, but tried to get through it. Needless to say, he was taken by an Azure Dragon Academy supervisor and arrested for mining veins under the jurisdiction of Azure Dragon Academy.

“Grade 5 power, Grade 6 Origin Force fine purity, qualified!”

“Grade 4 power, Grade 7 Origin Force fine purity, unqualified!”

“My Messenger, can’t you be accommodating? My Origin Force has reached Grade 7 at any rate!”

One after another voices one after another, people keep coming forward to test, a Chinese clothing teenager has a Grade 7 Origin Force is pure, but there is only Grade 4 strength. I thought it would be able to pass, but Li Anshan let him sit on the ground as if was struck by lightning with a word.

“You could have passed the test, but it is a pity that you are addicted to alcohol and cause your body to lose money. Go back and take care of your body, and strive to pass the next assessment.”

“Old Li, no Make an exception?”

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