“No way.”

Li Anshan resolutely said, without any room for maneuver, the Chinese-clothed boy gritted his teeth and left lonely.

Many people see that he has a Grade 7 Origin Force and cannot pass the level, and his expression becomes serious. They understand that the difficulty of the fourth academy assessment is really not small, as long as any one does not reach Grade 5, it will fail. Exit.

Yang Xuan has good eyesight, and he clearly sees what happened to the Chinese clothing boy.

In this regard, he expressed indifferent and waited quietly for the test. At this time, there were thousands of people in front of him, and it would not be long before his turn.

“In the next Feihong, Duan Family Young Master, I don’t know how this friend is called?”

At this moment, a young man with a paper fan came to Yang Xuan. Next, he smiled and hugged Cup one fist in the other hand.

Yang Xuan turned his head to look, and saw a young man who claimed to be Duan Feihong about 20 years old, with a slender figure and blue clothes. He was also quite handsome, handsome like a jade tree, and Celestial Realm. Peak’s cultivation base.

“What’s the matter?”

Yang Xuan has already guessed the intention of the other party, so he did not report his name.

Chapter 458 is a sensation in the audience

“This is the way I have something to delay. Can my friend make room for it?”

Duan Feihong explained it with a smile, and took out a storage bag and handed it to Yang Xuan, “There are ten Spirit Stones in it. If Brother is willing to give up this position, you can get this storage bag.”

“Sorry, you go find someone else.”

Yang Xuan waved his hand. After the assessment of the fourth hospital began, people came one after another. There are now tens of thousands of people in line behind him.

During this period, there were many physical conflicts in order to compete for the position. Perhaps it was good luck. No one found him until Duan Feihong appeared.

It’s just that Duan Feihong is not bad.

“My friend, please make a price?” Duan Feihong thought Yang Xuan was too young, and said with squinting eyes.

“It’s not a price issue, but I have been in line for a long time and I am unwilling to give up my position.” Yang Xuan frowned.

“100 Spirit Stone, how would you give me this position?”

Duan Feihong gritted his teeth and increased his bargaining chip.

In his opinion, 100 Spirit Stones are quite a lot. Yang Xuan, an ordinary-dressed kid, should be aware of current affairs as long as he is not a fool.

Yang Xuan heard Duan Feihong’s words and shook the head again: “I don’t lack Spirit Stone.”

“To have no shame.”

Duan Feihong’s face turned gloomy. He didn’t expect to be patient with Yang Xuan. He even increased the Spirit Stone to 100. The kid in front of him is not too salty, and he said that I don’t lack Spirit Stone.

“Why, the soft one won’t work, are you ready to come the hard one?”

Yang Xuan dashing eyebrows tilted, staring at Duan Feihong with a faint smile.

He sees too many people who pretend to be personable, but in fact a hypocrite, and he doesn’t pay attention to them at all.

“I didn’t want to do it, but you brat is too crazy.”

Duan Feihong’s nose sent out coldly snorted, and he reached out to grab Yang Xuan’s arm.

Yang Xuan is not annoying, but if someone provokes him, he will not accept it. He grabs Duan Feihong’s big hand with his bare hands, kicks him on his lower abdomen, and kicks him out. .

Fighting is not forbidden in the assessment of the fourth house, provided that no human life is lost.

This can be considered a test in disguise. People who do not have a certain cultivation base and strength often get seriously injured before the test and leave the game in embarrassment.

“Really strong strength!”

Yang Xuan, the people who lined up before and after startled, who didn’t expect Yang Xuan trifling Celestial Realm 8 Heavenly Layer’s cultivation base, can easily Kicked out Celestial Realm Peak Duan Feihong.

“How dare you hit me!?”

Duan Feihong, covered in dirt, climbed up from the ground seven or eight meters away, blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, but he got a kick That’s all, he suffered a serious internal injury. While shocked in his heart, he wished to smash Yang Xuan’s body into pieces.

“if others didn’t offend me i will not offend others.” Yang Xuan coldly said.

“Do you know who I am or not?”

“Whoever you are, I provoke the Young Master, so I won’t be wrong.”

“Asshole Something, you are courting death.”

Duan Feihong was furious, and rushed towards him murderous-looking.

He didn’t dare to be careless this time, and his fist suddenly appeared with gorgeous fist gangs, the size of a millstone, and it looked like a baring fangs and brandishing claws dragon head.

Obviously, this is a powerful secret technique.

The dragon’s head is full of golden light, with its fangs and big mouth wide open, and the head moved towards Yang Xuan whizzes out, and the move is not unrelenting.

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