Perceiving the murderous intention in his eyes, Dong Fang stunned in secret, and there was some fear in his heart for some reason, as if the boy in front of him was a beast in a dormant state. Once he awoke, he would definitely Will slaughter people, brutal and violent.

“What’s the matter, I’m an expert of Peak in Guiyi Realm, I’m actually afraid of a Celestial Realm kid?”

Dong Fang gritted his teeth to get rid of the fear in his heart, coldly snorted said : “Boy, don’t think it’s so amazing if you show up in the fourth house assessment. To tell you the truth, I want to kill you, I only need one trick.”

“I have a trial token on me. , Do you dare to move me too?” Yang Xuan expression calmly leaned back on the seat, tilted Erlang’s legs, and lazily picked up a toothpick from the wine table and picked his teeth there.

Seeing this scene, many diners were speechless.

When is it all, this kid is still so calm, where he is picking his teeth slowly, but he took out the trial token, which is a killing move, just don’t know Dong Fang and Will the others be scrupulous and retreat angrily.

Thinking about this, everyone looked at Dong Fang and the others, and saw that they didn’t leave. A thin, tall man smiled gloomily, “Trial token What’s the matter, do you really treat it as a gold medal for immunity?”

Yang Xuan didn’t answer, each minding their own business poured a glass of wine and tasted it leisurely.

“Boy, don’t say you have a trial token, even if you are a student of the Fourth Academy, my Young Master can make you disappear from this world.”

Dong Fang’s forehead The upper veins violently jumped, swinging the sharp sword in his hand, the sword pointed to Yang Xuan, “I ask again, do you want to go?”

While speaking, his eyes narrowed into a slit, ready to go , As long as Yang Xuan says nothing, he will kill him immediately, and he will never be half-distracted and merciless.

“Let’s go, let’s go out.”

Yang Xuan got up and patted his ass, flicked the sword in Dong Fang’s hand with his hand, and moved towards Wanfu Building with his head up and his chest high.

“This kid, why is he so obedient?”

Dong Fang was slightly taken aback, instructed: “Let’s follow.”

After that, take it with you A group of more than a dozen people chased after them, but no matter how fast they were, Yang Xuan always walked in front of them.

For a while, they seemed to become Yang Xuan’s followers, and their faces were as ugly as they were, and they soon came out of Wanfu Tower one after another.

“What’s going on?”

“It’s a sign of weakness.”

“No way, in my opinion, Yang Xuan It’s definitely not someone who is willing to bow their heads easily.”

“Well, it’s useless to guess here, you’ll know if you go out and see.”

Diners in the lobby They got up one after another, and even forgot to pay for the food and drinks, and ran out in a hurry, but Zhang Wanfu didn’t care about the diners eating free meals, and hurried to the outside of Wanfu Building.

“Shopkeeper’s, wine money?” Some diners saw Zhang Wanfu coming out and thought he was here to ask for the bill.

“Today’s wine money is all counted on my fellow.”

“shopkeeper is so cool, next time we will bring more friends to take care of you.”

Many diners said with a smile, but looked towards the distance, and saw a white clothed youth walking to a clearing on the street, and then stopped there, motionless.

And within several meters of his body, Dong Fang and the others paused, holding swords in their hands, scattered in the four directions, surrounded him with swords drawn and bows bent, fire medicinal smell thick.

“His, it turned out not to show weakness!”

“Geniuses are all proud. If he bows his head today, Marital Dao Path will probably stop here.”

“be that as it may, but what he is facing is overbearing!”

A group of diners everyone talking at once, everyone was shocked.

Because Yang Xuan ignores the overbearing “invitation”, he is now preparing to use Celestial Realm 8 Heavenly Layer’s cultivation base to be an expert for Dong Fang and others.

As a servant of Blue Sky Tyrant Body, Dong Fang and the others’ talents and strength naturally need not be said. Everyone is estimated to be able to skip grades to kill, and battle strength should not be underestimated.

This is so, but Yang Xuan is not afraid.

“What happened over there?”

“There must be a conflict, let’s go over and see the excitement.”

After a tumult, Pedestrians on the street gathered one after another to see what happened.

In Holy City, the practice is weak are prey to the strong, strength is the respect, unless you are a student from the Fourth Academy, or a distinguished family with a strong background, otherwise there will be no one in the streets.

“Boy, I have to say that you are really crazy, but you think you can deal with us alone?”

Dong Fang is no one next to him, a pair of sharp eyes like a falcon Staring at Yang Xuan, a strong murderous intention burst into the depths of his pupils.

He has decided to kill Yang Xuan and get rid of this brave boy for his master.

“Are you done talking nonsense? Let’s fight when you are done.” Yang Xuan spit out a cold word.

hearing this, many onlookers were all in an uproar.

Someone among them recognized something and lost his voice: “It’s him, he is Yang Xuan!”

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