“What, he is Yang Xuan!”

The crowd exclaimed, if you want to say who are the two most famous teenagers in Holy City today, it must be domineering and Yang Xuan No doubt.

Don’t mention the domineering, just a Blue Sky Tyrant Body shocked countless people.

Yang Xuan is about the same age as the domineering, so he doesn’t look like someone from the ordinary family background.

But this is such a handsome boy with red lips and white teeth, who has achieved a double ten in the examination of the Fourth Academy.

This means that Yang Xuan is not only powerful in fleshy body, but also extremely pure in Origin Force within the body.

Although there is only Celestial Realm 8 Heavenly Layer’s cultivation base now, the overall battle strength must far exceed the cultivation base.

As for how strong it is, no one knows.

However, there is no doubt that Yang Xuan is a genius, attracting all influence attention, but what is going on right now? Someone dares to act on Yang Xuan. Isn’t it afraid to offend the Fourth Court?

“Too supercilious, big brother Dong, I will kill him.”

Beside Dong Fang, a handsome man couldn’t help but start his hand when he heard Yang Xuan’s words.

“The cultivation base that’s all of Guiyi Realm 7 Heavenly Layer, one punch can destroy you.” Yang Xuan said contemptuously.

“Little bastard, will you die if you don’t speak big words?”

The handsome man has bloodshot eyes and can’t bear it. In an instant, Person and Blade Unite, the whole person becomes a condensed one. The knife mans.

This is a secret technique, enough for skipping grades to kill, Dao Manshao came across the sky, and cut his head towards Yang Xuan, very spicy.

“get lost!”

Yang Xuan punched straight, simple and violent, shaking hard with brute force, only to hear a bang, the sword head burst open, and immediately The handsome man screamed and flew out, bloody the sky.

“Quickly get away!”

In the distance, a group of people watching the excitement made birds and beasts scattered, all scattered and avoided, letting the handsome man fall to the ground, and passed out in pain.

Chapter 462 Beating the Dog Minions Violently

One blow, severely inflicted an expert on the 7 Heavenly Layer of One Realm!

The crowd was dumbfounded, and no one could believe it unless they had seen it with their own eyes.

Dong Fang and the others were also stunned.

For a while, Dong Fang came back to his senses and shouted: “Let’s go together and kill him.”


A group of The young man leaped up, waved his weapons together, and slew towards Yang Xuan.

“A group of clowns.”

Yang Xuan didn’t even turn on Martial Dao Heavenly Eye, one punch and one kick, one strength breaking myriad laws, one after another sword energy , The rays of light bursting out of various secret techniques were shattered by his fists and feet before he got close, making a strong mess.

“How is it possible!?”

“Rewind, this kid’s Fleshy body is too strong!”

A group of more than a dozen people changed their colors, all of them were Yang Xuan’s battle strength was shocked, and he wanted to pull back.

But, it’s too late.

Yang Xuan’s body flickered, like a dragon and a tiger leaping, punching one by one, and after a series of muffled sounds of pēng pēng pēng, everyone except Dong Fang not far away was knocked out by him.

Everyone is screaming and screaming on the ground, completely losing their battle strength.

Don’t talk about fighting, it’s hard to say whether you can save your life without timely treatment.

Looking at the wailing people, everyone watching the battle was terrified.

It was just a teenager from Celestial Realm 8 Heavenly Layer. He raised his hands and beat a group of experts in one realm to death, especially without using Origin Force.

What a shocking battle strength this is! ?

Everyone stared at Yang Xuan, 17-18 years old, white clothed like snow and black hair flying.

Although there is no such tyrannical imposing manner on his body, his eyes are as deep as a pool, giving people a kind of hard to describe oppression force, like a peerless sword hidden in a sheath.

Once out of the sheath, it is bound to pierce this world.

“Awesome, really amazing. With this battle, he deserves to be worthy of his double ten score!” Someone exclaimed.

Others did not speak, everyone was shocked by Yang Xuan’s strength.

“It’s your turn.”

At this moment, coldly snorted came, and Yang Xuan took a step, walking towards Dong Fang unhurriedly.

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