Along the way, his robe is bulging, and his imposing manner is climbing.

Every step out of each step gives people an illusion. It seems that it is not a human being, but is a mad god of Only I Am Supreme.

“This child’s imposing manner is so similar to bullying!” Someone was surprised.

Indeed, Yang Xuan’s imposing manner today is not much different from overbearing.


Dong Fang’s pupils shrank suddenly, and he finally understood why Tyrant Wudao values ​​Yang Xuan so much, because this kid is also a regardless of the law and of natural morality.

“Look at you, don’t worry, Young Master frightened you.”

Yang Xuan noticed the fear in Dong Fang’s eyes, and stopped, and drove the flies. Generally, he waved his hand, “Trash, go back and tell you the master, saying that Yang Xuan is not troublesome, but not afraid of trouble.”

“little bastard, you are crazy, when I can’t clean you up? “

When Yang Xuan scolded him as rubbish in the public, Dong Fang’s face flushed, and his whole body went up in an imposing manner.

Behind him, a Martial Spirit natural phenomenon suddenly appeared.

“Humanoid Martial Spirit natural phenomenon!”

Looking at him Martial Spirit natural phenomenon, the crowd started, because it was a humanoid Martial Spirit natural phenomenon.

In Sacred Domain Great World, the humanoid Martial Spirit natural phenomenon is still a legendary thing.

But right now, Dong Fang actually awakened the humanoid Martial Spirit.


Yang Xuan raised his eyebrows and stared at the Martial Spirit natural phenomenon behind Dong Fang, and found that it was a gray humanoid phantom, which is not clear. Face, but height and body shape are exactly similar to Dong Fang.

“Boy, if you can force me to use Twin Martial Spirit, I will die without regret.”

Dong Fang said frantically, Twin Martial Spirit is his trump card trick.

This is a holy Martial Spirit, formidable power heaven-shaking, earth-shattering.

“You think you can kill me, Martial Spirit alone won’t work.” Yang Xuan’s mouth evokes a cold arc.

“A fanatic, I will let you try the formidable power of Twin Martial Spirit.”

Dong Fang roared, and everyone saw the humanoid phantom behind him becoming more and more solid. , In a blink of an eye he became a man with a nose and eyes.

This person has the same body shape and appearance as Dong Fang, and also has the cultivation base of Guiyijing Peak.

“Two people, this kind of Twin Martial Spirit is very powerful!”

The people who watched the battle were amazed and couldn’t imagine that there is such a magical and powerful Martial Spirit in the world.

“so that’s how it is, this kind of Twin Martial Spirit actually allows you to copy an Avatar.”

Yang Xuan squinted his eyes, his face didn’t change at all, come to him To say that Twin Martial Spirit is strong is just a copy of a person that’s all.

If this person is domineering, it is a bit tricky, but this person is Dong Fang, there is nothing to terrifying.

“Hehe, what you said is correct. Twin Martial Spirit is a copy of an Avatar. The most important thing is that this Avatar has the same strength as my deity. In this way, with two enemies and one, killing you like a slaughter Pig and dog.”

Dong Fang’s gloomy said with a smile.

“Are you happy too early? Remember, waste is waste after all, even if the two of you add up, it is at best clay chickens and pottery dogs that are so much better than waste, It’s hard to shake me.”

“little bastard, you are too arrogant, I will not swear you will not be a man!”

Dong Fang was completely angered, my deity It broke out in vain with the Avatar killing intent, one left and one right, volleyed and killed, one waved his fist, the other waved a sharp sword, and jointly attacked and killed Yang Xuan. The speed was fast to the extreme.

“It’s a good come, it depends on how I broke your Twin Martial Spirit.”

Yang Xuan fearless and dauntless, as soon as he moves, his body turns into a ghostly shadow, avoiding Open Dong Fang’s deity, and at the same time wave his palm vigorously to meet Dong Fang’s Avatar.

Boom, like heaven falls and earth rends.

Dong Fang’s Avatar was invincible, turned upside down and flew out. It exploded in the void before it hit the ground, turning into a rush of weather, disappearing without a trace.


Dong Fang’s body trembled, spurt a mouthful of blood, and his face is as pale as paper, without half blood.

His Twin Martial Spirit is strong, but the Avatar has suffered heavy losses, and the deity will not be well. It can be said that everything is damaged.

Not to mention that his Avatar was destroyed by a single blow by Yang Xuan, which to him is no different from Divine Soul being hit by a thunderbolt, almost the soul flew away and scattered, and died suddenly on the spot .

“Is there any killing move, let’s make it together.”

Yang Xuan white clothed like snow, untainted by even a speck of dust, valiant and formidable looking, one Stars shine on the eyes.

While speaking, he strode forward to Dong Fang, launching a fierce attack, punching and kicking, with no fixed moves, but he has absorbed the fighting skills of the previous life, and every blow has great power.

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