But Sovereign level battle puppets are definitely real. It is said that these battle puppets are not only hard to imagine, but also allow martial artist’s fleshy body to defend, power, speed, etc. Doubled, the effect can be said to be against the sky.

If a martial artist can get a Sovereign level battle puppet, the battle strength will at least double.

I remember that 100,000 years ago there was a king-level battle puppet in the Sacred Domain Great World. At that time, it attracted countless competitions and set off a foul wind and bloody rain, which swept over half of the Sacred Domain Great. In World, countless Martial Dao forces have been destroyed. I don’t know how many people died. The blood casts a scarlet on Boundless Starry Sky.

If the king-level battle puppet is like this, there is no need to say the Sovereign level battle puppet, this is the Supreme Treasure.

Once it appears, it will cause a sensation in the world.

“Sovereign level battle puppet?”

Yang Xuan’s eyes flickered. He only knew that his battle puppet was very powerful, but he never knew that the battle puppets were also divided. Rank.

“The ancient war puppets are divided into five levels: Ordinary Level, Spirit Level, King Level, Sovereign Level, and Divine Grade.”

The purgatory boy sound transmission said: “Yours The war puppet is indeed a Sovereign level war puppet, but this war puppet has suffered heavy losses. You’d better use it sparingly in the future, otherwise it will be scrapped that day.”

“What about you Don’t tell me earlier?”

“You didn’t ask, why did I tell you this?”

Hearing this, Yang Xuan couldn’t help but smile, but it’s not distracted right now time.

He looked up towards Tyrant, and said every word: “Your bloodline Martial Spirit is very strong, but it doesn’t seem to be able to defeat my battle puppet.”

A strange light flashed across Dao’s eyes, said with a sneer: “A Sovereign level war puppet that is intact, I really can’t damage it, but you are not very lucky. The Sovereign level war puppet on you is obvious. It’s damaged.”

The crowd watching the battle was shocked again. The Sovereign level battle puppet on Yang Xuan’s body was actually broken!

“This is impossible, it doesn’t seem to be a problem, is it really bad?” Someone asked in surprise.

Indeed, on the surface, the golden armor on Yang Xuan’s body is not at all damaged.

“The ancient battle puppets, especially the Sovereign level battle puppets, are the most important and the core thing in the ancient formation text. This Sovereign level battle puppet should have a problem with the internal formation and it is almost impossible Repair.” An older martial artist said.

“It’s a pity, it’s actually damaged, otherwise it will inevitably cause a big earthquake!”

“After all, it is the Supreme treasure from the ancient inheritance, which is hard to find in the world today. , Even if it is broken, it has extremely high research value.”

“Yes, but Yang Xuan’s entry into the Fourth Academy is a solid matter. Who in the world dares to attack him, presumably his This Sovereign level war puppet will eventually be taken by the Fourth House for research. Maybe dozens or hundreds of years later, our Sacred Domain Great World will usher in a great prosperity.”

The crowd discuss spiritedly, although The Sovereign level battle puppet on Yang Xuan’s body is damaged, but the value has not diminished much.

After all, the most important reason why the Primordial Battle Puppet is so powerful is the internal ancient formation text. As long as you can understand the mystery of these formations, it will be a matter of time before you refine the battle puppet.

In this way, this world will change drastically. Some martial artists have a low cultivation base, but as long as they can get a battle puppet, their battle strength will also increase.

The same is true, Human Race will only kill each other in the last years of Taikoo, and eventually become weak.

There were so many noises that Yang Xuan hadn’t heard of him, and the moment he heard the words of domineering, he was stunned in his heart, as if he didn’t expect to be so domineering, and he actually saw that he was fighting. The puppet is damaged.

“Is it right? I want to see how many blows your battle puppet can withstand me?”

The murderous intention in the eyes of Tyrant Wudao exploded, fast Charged over, and moved towards Yang Xuan continuously attacked, the offensive was extremely fierce, as if to destroy Yang Xuan’s battle puppet with brute force.

Yang Xuan is inevitable, he can only concentrate one’s mind and fight with all his strength.

Chapter 467 The blood of unyielding

Bang peng~ peng~!!!

One after another sound, like thunder and drums, runs through the world.

Two of them, one wearing a golden armor, as if possessed by a war emperor, divine might be dignified, and a blood energy surging like Asura Slaughtering God, bloodthirsty and violent.

For a moment, each of them didn’t know how many shots they took. The momentum was shocking and irreconcilable.

“haha, what kind of Sovereign level war puppet, just this.”

“Don’t be overwhelmed, I don’t believe that your bloodline Martial Spirit can last forever.”

While the two are fighting fiercely, they don’t forget to attack the heart with words and try to stimulate each other to find each other’s weak spot.

Unfortunately, although the two are young, their hearts are like a rock, and their ambitions are higher than the sky. Only with trifling words can not break the other’s mind.

No one in the audience did not change color, especially the many older martial artists.

They have been obsessed with Martial Dao for many years and have rich experience in close combat. However, looking at the two young men in the court who are fateful, their hearts are extremely shocked.

I can’t imagine that if the two of them have gone up with their cultivation progress, they can walk through ten moves in their hands.

“Among the same generation, I am Number One Person, so I don’t believe that I can’t take care of you.”

attack for a long time without any success, yelled out The punching style is supplemented by Bloodline Strength, which is extremely powerful and moves towards the vital point of Yang Xuan.

Yang Xuan expression cold and severe, without saying anything, showing off one’s ability all over his body, swinging his fists, and fighting against the domineering.

Every time the two fight against each other, the world is trembling, and many people with a low cultivation base are faintly unstable and have to run Origin Force.

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