“Are these really two teenagers!?”

People marveled, Yang Xuan and Hegemony are too powerful, rare in the world, and such a battle is so young. Strength, once you reach the supremacy, or set foot on top of the sky, you must not overpower many cultivated elders for countless years.


With a loud noise, the two people just separated and rushed towards each other to launch a fierce attack.

crackle! ! !

On the streets, the hard floor was cracked, and the cracks spread like spider webs. A large amount of sand and stones were rolled up and turned into dust, and the sky was soot.

The two are like two untiring wild ancient beasts, fighting from the ground to the sky, and from the sky to the ground.

The trees on both sides of the street exploded one after another, the sawdust flew across, and the buildings shook violently, the rubble flew down, and the walls cracked.

Some old and disrepaired buildings collapsed soon afterwards. Fortunately, the people in this area ran out a long time ago, otherwise it would be strange that they would not be affected.

bang bang bang!! !

The overbearing and innocent murderous heart, the more and more fierce the battle, the two fists continuously attack, like two vicious blood dragons, vowing to break through Yang Xuan’s defense and kill him.

This young man of unknown origin is really too terrifying. Not only is his fleshy body impossibly powerful, he also possesses a legendary Sovereign level battle puppet, and even close combat methods are extremely sharp.

If it is allowed to grow, it will become a great enemy sooner or later, and he must be removed while his wings are not full.

“Must die, this child must die, All Heavens Myriad Realms, any existence that can threaten me, all have to disappear.”

The bossy heart screamed wildly, gradually increasing With great power, I seemed to forget to suppress the power, and Yang Xuan was defeated steadily, battered and exhausted, and the rays of light with the golden armor on his body became flickering and dimming, showing signs of collapse.

“This guy!”

Yang Xuan hair stands up in anger, he thought hegemony was a personal thing.

Who knows that in order to kill him, he is overbearing and unbelieving, constantly increasing his strength.

“Ai, his overbearing heart is shaken!”

“Yes, he has obviously increased his strength. If this continues, Yang Xuan’s defeat will be sooner or later, but relying on this A disgraceful way to kill Yang Xuan, Heart Demon will also be born in his heart. In the future, cultivation will be difficult. One carelessness will lead to a mental disorder, consigned to eternal damnation.”

“No way, Yang Xuan talent It’s too high. Even if there is no Supreme body, it will definitely cultivated Xeon Physique. Sooner or later, it will reach the level of domination.”

Several divine force martial artist sound transmission exchanges, they He has excellent eyesight, and he can see that the overbearing power has been raised silently, and he must suppress and kill Yang Xuan with absolute power.

“Boy, go quickly, the war puppet can’t resist it anymore.”

The purgatory boy was anxious, but soon his voice became cold again: “Or else Use heavenly demon Martial Spirit, so it should be able to contend with the overlord, or let me urge the divine might to destroy him.”

“Don’t to act blindly without thinking, overlord Dao is damn it, but absolutely can’t let people find out that I did it. Also, have you forgotten the warlord’s warning? This Star Domain has an imperial powerhouse. Once you detect the existence of Purgatory Sword, you and I have to Death.”

Yang Xuan turned his anger into anger, but he did not lose his mind, nor did he resort to heavenly demon Martial Spirit.

This is the killing move of his trump card. It will never be used until the critical moment.

“Aren’t you mad? Why are you hiding now? Come and fight with me head-on.”

Laughed heartily, the whole body is bloody like ocean, one The punch was close to the strength of 10 Dragons, and the fast as rushing thunder blasted towards Yang Xuan.

Yang Xuan is moving horizontally, but he is still half a step slower.

The Domineering increased his strength, and his speed naturally became faster. He tried his best to avoid this blow, and he was hit by the Domineering punch on his right chest, vomiting blood and flying wildly. Get out.

hong long!

A building was smashed to pieces by him, and a large amount of rubble and broken wood flooded him into ruins.

“Get out, I know you are not dead yet.” Domineering shouted.

Many people’s eyes are dull. They are as powerful as Sovereign level war puppets, and they can’t resist the divine force.

If this continues, Yang Xuan is not far from death.

Because of their poor eyesight, these people didn’t notice that the domineering increased their strength, and Yang Xuan was exhausted.


A silhouette rushed out from under the ruins, it was Yang Xuan.

At this moment, he has no war puppet on his body for a long time, a white clothed, blood-stained, tattered, and messy black hair.

At his right chest, the flesh and skin were tumbling, and I don’t know how many bones were broken, wisps of red blood poured out, dyeing half of his body red, horrible to see.


Countless people gasped and were shocked by the way Yang Xuan looked now.

However, what was even more shocking to them was that the young man in their eyes had not bowed his head, his body stood upright, and his eyes were still burning with rage.

On him, the fighting intent is being released, sweeping Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

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