“bang! ”

sword glow all split up and in pieces, extinguished on the sky, as if it had never appeared before, no aftermath escaped, and was covered by an invisible storm Strangled in nothingness.

Everyone was stunned. Feng Qingyang is known as the Number One Person under the emperor, but few people have seen him make a move, and when I saw it today, the name is not in vain, a powerful person I was frightened, with a light chick, there was such a divine might.

Many elder martial artists can see that the sword glow is definitely from the hand of a master of heaven.

Rao is so, still being destroyed by Feng Qingyang, fragile like a piece of paper.

“Impossible, how can your strength be so much stronger!?” Someone exclaimed.


Feng Qingyang spit out thunder and waved casually.


In the distance, an invisible storm protrudes, and the void is distorted on a large scale. Accompanied by a scream of ah, a large shower of blood is scattered.

“Damn, he has reached the half-step emperor!”

“Work together, suppress and kill him.”

“Zhengzhengzheng… “

all directions, brilliant rays of light of various colors emerge, like a Divine Weapon, emitting a murderous aura, whiz whiz whiz shatter void, and culling towards Feng Qingyang.

Everyone was terrified. Everyone thought that there was only one enemy. Unexpectedly, there are so many powerful enemies in secret, and I don’t know whether Feng Qingyang can stop it.

“A group of rats, you think you can kill me?”

Feng Qingyang disdain, double-handed, one after another storm surges out, all the rays of light are on the spot Shattered, the rumbling was deafening, and he couldn’t get close to him at all.


At this moment, Feng Qingyang’s big hand grabbed to the southern sky, an invisible storm turned into a sky-covering big hand extended out, hiding one in the void The silhouette in it grabbed it, and then used force to make it fly away.

“One strike certain kill again!”

Several Supremes who broke through the barriers in Holy City were also shocked by it. The person who was killed is definitely a great world Yes, the strength cannot be estimated, but in front of Feng Qingyang, it is so impossible to withstand a single blow, being pinched to death in the air.


“Wind old fogey, you kill my big brother, I hatred as deep as the sea with you.”

Someone exclaimed At the same time, some people roared, and at the same time intense space fluctuations came from all directions. Apparently there were many people shuttling through the void.

“Since it’s here, don’t go.”

Feng Qingyang spoke, and the sound vibrated Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, Eight Desolations Six Directions, an invisible storm like a wave of water Spreading away, stirring the void like glass, cracks all over.

puff puff puff! ! !

Several blood light bursts appear in succession.

It is conceivable that several more people died and were wiped out in nothingness by the invisible storm, destroying both body and soul.

And Holy City, from the beginning to the end is intact and not affected at all.

But everyone understands that Feng Qingyang was killed by Feng Qingyang, which was almost crushed by Feng Qingyang.

At this moment, the entire Holy City and even the Fourth Courtyard are deadly quiet, and no one dares to speak.

Including the overbearing and black clothed old man, they were all shocked. The strength of the Heaven-sweeping Realm like an ant is already infinitely close to the emperor.

“Is this the half-step emperor, very powerful!”

Yang Xuan was dazzled, surging with passion, and was shocked by Feng Qingyang’s strength. He just thought of Feng Qingyang’s life soon. , He felt his chest was congested and couldn’t help saying: “Master, your life essence?”

“I have lived as a teacher for nearly 100,000 years, unless he can step into the emperor within ten years. After all, I will return my soul to nine days.”

Feng Qingyang unemotional, his voice was calm: “Today I left the customs, it was to elicit the enemy, and now the enemy is almost dead. From now on, in the Sacred Domain Great World Inside, few people dare to be against you anymore.”

“many thanks Master.”

“Don’t thank me, you are willing to worship me as a teacher, and I will protect you Thoughtful, okay, you go down to recover from your injury, and when your injury is well, the teacher will come to you.”

hearing this, many people are full of envy, although Feng Qingyang did not mention looking What Yang Xuan does, but no one is a fool. He understands that Feng Qingyang wants to teach Yang Xuan what he has learned throughout his life.

The inheritance of a generation and a half of the emperor, many young people think about it and feel excited, but who made them so talented that they were not favored by Feng Qingyang. Feng Qingyang has been famous for many years, but never Received the discipline.

Who knew that Yang Xuan was appreciated by Feng Qingyang as soon as he appeared.

“old lunatic, congratulations!”

“Yes, not only did you kill all the enemies, but you also received a good discipline, which is really gratifying.”

“Ai, you guy is so fast. I knew I should have started to be strong.”

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